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A32    LOCAL
                       Diamars 20 Juli 2021

                         Female surfers overcome sexism’s toll to earn Olympic berth

            (AP)  —  Johanne  Defay                                   trolling  female  bodies,”  said  was  clearly  a  preference  for  industry  also  began  offer-
            of  France  was  devastated                               Walker,  also  a  BYU-Hawaii  the men’s game.             ing equal prize money for all
            when  the  mega  sponsor                                  history professor.                                        its  events,  making  it  one  of
            Roxy  dropped  her  right                                                              Surfing  schedules  are  deter-  the  few  professional  sports
            before  she  became  a  pro                               Even  for  Moore,  the  child  mined in the morning based  leagues to achieve pay equity.
            surfer  in  2014,  shatter-                               prodigy  who  could  beat  the  on what the ocean waves are
            ing  her  confidence  and                                 boys  before  growing  up  to  like, and it was no secret that  “It  was  an  important  state-
            threatening her career al-                                be — at 18 years old — the  the boys’ and men’s competi-  ment  to  make  around  the
            together.                                                 youngest World Surf League  tions would be given the best  value  of  our  athletes.  More
                                                                      champion  in  history,  said  surf  conditions,  usually  in  than  anything,  it  speaks  to
            “They  were  just  like  ’Oh,                             she’s also struggled with her  the morning. Female surfers  the  emphasis  on  women’s
            you don’t look this way, you                              body image. Moore is 28 now  took the scraps, if they were  surfing. We believe men and
            know, for, like, pictures,” De-                           and has spoken openly about  invited at all.              women are valued the same,”
            fay said. “And I just felt like                           starving herself as a teenager,                           Miley-Dyer  said.  “It’s  the
            I was never doing enough or  female  surfers  back  in  the  only  to  binge  eat  later,  and  ADVERTISEMENT       right thing to do.”
            I wasn’t fitting in, in the way  male-dominated sport.    once even trying to force her-
            that  they  wanted  for  their  The mental, financial and lo-  self to throw up.       “There’d be the event direc-  The   announcement    was
            brand.”                      gistical roadblocks for wom-                              tors and they would kind of  emotional  for  many,  includ-
                                         en in surfing date back cen-  “Everyone  had  this  idea  of  schedule things the way they  ing Miley-Dyer. Back in 2006
            Now, Defay is headed to the  turies.                      what a surfer girl should look  wanted to schedule and there  when  she  won  a  pro  event,
            Tokyo Olympics for surfing’s  Hawaiians who invented the  like. And there were a lot of  would be bias from the out-  she earned just $10,000 — a
            debut at the Summer Games,  sport  treated  it  as  an  egali-  ‘hot lists’ or the ‘cutest surf-  dated patriarchy. It’s changed  third  of  what  the  top  male
            buoyed  by  an  upset  win  tarian  national  pastime  that  er  girl  list,’”  Moore  said.  “I  immensely,”  Cruse  said.  “It  surfer took home.
            against reigning world cham-  all  genders,  ages  and  social  never  made  them,  but  then  took a while for the women
            pion  Carissa  Moore  at  the  classes enjoyed, according to  you  see  who  actually  made  to complain about it.”  “I cried because it means so
            high-intensity  Surf  Ranch  Isaiah  Helekunihi  Walker,  a  them and you feel like: ‘Oh,                           much,”  Miley-Dyer  said.  “I
            competition last month.      Hawaii surfing historian. But  I  guess,  like,  that’s  what  I  A  turning  point  came  in  had also retired, so it wasn’t
                                         Christian  missionaries  who  should look like.’”         2013,  when  new  ownership  something  for  me,  but  it
            Though there’s much excite-  arrived  on  the  island  tried                           took  over  the  professional  felt something to me and so
            ment  and  renewed  enthusi-  to  ban  surfing  in  large  part  Modern  day  professional  league  and  the  rebranded  many people like me.”
            asm  for  the  women’s  game,  because of nudity — surfing  surfing  in  a  previous  itera-  WSL began to prioritize stan-
            years  of  objectification,  pay  naked  was  common  at  the  tion  had  a  decentralized  ap-  dardizing  the  competitions  Next  year  will  be  the  first
            disparities  and  an  oppor-  sports’  inception.  Though  proach that left brand spon-  and  rebuilding  the  women’s  time the WSL will include its
            tunity  gap  have  taken  their  locals largely defied the col-  sors in charge of many of the  events, said Jessi Miley-Dyer,  women surfers at the famous
            toll.  Industry  leaders  from  onizers,  female  surfers  saw  competition  logistics,  which  a retired pro surfer who now  Pipe  Masters  competition,
            the  professional  World  Surf  their ranks shrink dispropor-  would vary widely from one  runs  the  WSL’s  competition  allowing them the chance to
            League and the developmen-   tionately.                   event  to  another,  said  Greg  as senior vice president.  ride  the  Banzai  Pipeline  in
            tal  USA  Surfing  say  they’re                           Cruse,  USA  Surfing  CEO.                                Oahu, Hawaii, considered by
            committed  to  righting  the  “When  it  comes  to  control-  And though it wasn’t an of-  In 2019, the WSL as the lead-  many  the  best  waves  in  the
            wrongs  that  have  long  held  ling  nudity,  it’s  about  con-  ficial  rule  or  standard,  there  ers of the $10 billion surfing  world.

                       Road success helps Brewers take commanding NL Central lead

            (AP)  —  The  Milwaukee  than at home, where they’re  ing the rotation — Brandon  ting closer to a return. Jackie
            Brewers  are  returning  27-21.                           Woodruff,  Corbin  Burnes  Bradley  Jr.  is  hitting  .173.
            home with the biggest di-                                 and  Freddy  Peralta  —  have  Kolten  Wong  has  gone  on
            vision lead of any National  “There’s  not  an  explana-  helped  the  Brewers  top  the  the  injured  list  three  times.
            League team, but it’s their  tion for that,” manager Craig  majors  in  strikeouts  (968)  Yelich,  the  2018  NL  MVP,
            success  away  from  Mil-    Counsell said. “You just play a  and rank third in ERA (3.40).  isn’t hitting for much power
            waukee  that  has  helped  good baseball game and that’s  Opponents  are  hitting  .212  — his slugging percentage is
            them  build  a  seven-game  what  happens.  We  get  into  against Milwaukee.          .398.
            cushion.                     that all the time — day-game
                                         records, road records. It’s just  All-Star  closer  Josh  Hader  Yelich showed signs of prog-
            Milwaukee’s weekend sweep  playing good baseball.”        struggled in the week leading  ress  by  hitting  a  go-ahead   kee,  where  the  Bucks  are
            at  NL  Central  rival  Cincin-                           up to the All-Star break but  RBI  double  in  the  11th  in-  bidding  for  their  first  NBA
            nati  improved  the  Brewers’  The Brewers have been play-  has  otherwise  been  excep-  ning Saturday and homering   title  since  1971.  The  Bucks’
            road record to 29-18, the best  ing great baseball for the last  tional. All-Star catcher Omar  Sunday.             run  also  has  caught  the  at-
            in  the  majors.  The  Brewers  two months as they’ve with-  Narváez has batted .293 with                           tention of the Brewers, who
            begin a five-game homestand  stood a multitude of injuries.  a .387 on-base percentage, up  Although  the  Brewers  have   moved Tuesday’s game to an
            Tuesday  against  the  Kansas  Their  35-16  record  since  dramatically from his .176 av-  reached  the  postseason  each   afternoon start so it wouldn’t
            City Royals.                 May 22 is the best in baseball  erage and .294 OBP in 2020.   of the last three years, this big   conflict with Game 6 of the
                                         during that stretch.         Avisaíl  García’s  17  homers  lead puts them in an unfamil-  NBA Finals.
            Outfielder  Christian  Yelich                             are three off his career high.  iar position.
            credits  the  Brewers’  road  May  22  was  the  day  short-  Luis Urías, who didn’t hom-                           “We’re  all  excited,”  said
            success to their togetherness.  stop  Willy  Adames  made  er at all last season, has gone  Last  year,  they  capitalized   Counsell,  who  attended  the
                                         his  Brewers  debut,  and  his  deep 13 times this year. Role  on  MLB’s  expanded  playoff   Bucks’  Game  4  victory.  “We
            “Everybody  really  likes  each  acquisition   from   Tampa  players such as Jace Peterson  format  to  reach  the  post-  really are. I mean, the club-
            other,  picks  each  other  up,”  Bay has  played  a big  role in  and Tyrone Taylor have pro-  season  without  ever  being   house  is  excited  for  them,  I
            Yelich  said. “Just  the  tough-  Milwaukee’s   emergence.  vided a boost.             above .500. They reached the   know  that.  We’ve  been  talk-
            ness. Everybody just wants to  Adames who was hitting .197                             playoffs in 2018 and 2019 by   ing  about  it  a  lot  and  we’re
            win, and we’re willing to do  with the Rays, has batted .314  That has enabled the Brewers  making huge stretch runs.  thrilled and happy for the city
            whatever  it  takes  to  get  that  with a .398 on-base percent-  to  thrive  even  without  get-                   and happy for all the fans. It’s
            done.”                       age, 11 homers and 37 RBIs  ting  the  expected  contribu-  “It’s  a  bad  week  away  from   a really, really cool thing.”
                                         in 51 games with Milwaukee.  tions  from  notable  position  being  a  really  tight  race,”
            For  whatever  reason,  those                             players.                     Yelich  said.  “It’s  far,  far,  far   The  Brewers  would  love  to
            traits  have  stood  out  more  But there are plenty of other                          from over.”                  keep  the  excitement  going
            when they’re away from Mil-  reasons why Milwaukee leads  Lorenzo  Cain  hasn’t  played                             around Milwaukee well into
            waukee.  The  Brewers  have  the NL Central.              since May 31 due to a ham-   The  surging  Brewers  aren’t   October
            been even better on the road  The  trio  of  All-Stars  head-  string injury, though he’s get-  the biggest story in Milwau-
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