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                                                                                                           LOCAL Diamars 20 Juli 2021

                         Collin Morikawa a double major winner and looking for more

            (AP) - In a year of firsts in  made a 20-foot birdie on the                                                         moments and I love it, and I
            the  majors,  Collin  Mori-  14th when Spieth had closed                                                            want to teach myself to em-
            kawa  might  have  topped  to within one. He saved par                                                              brace it a little more.”
            them all.                    with  a  10-foot  putt  on  the
                                         next hole for breathing room.                                                          The major season began with
            His  performance  over  four                                                                                        Hideki  Matsuyama  becom-
            days at the British Open was  “When you make history —                                                              ing the first Japanese player to
            unlike anything seen at Royal  and  I’m  24  years  old  —  it’s                                                    win the Masters. Phil Mick-
            St.  George’s,  even  in  such  hard  to  grasp,”  Morikawa                                                         elson became the first player
            ideal weather for the English  said.                                                                                at  age  50  to  win  a  major  at
            coast.                       The  silver  claret  jug  in  his                                                      the PGA Championship. No
                                         possession  as  he  stood  on                                                          one had ever birdied the last
            In  his  first  real  test  of  links  the  18th  green,  Morikawa                                                  two  holes  at  the  U.S.  Open
            golf, Morikawa didn’t make a  first paid tribute to Matthias                                                        to win by one shot until Jon
            bogey over his final 31 holes,  Schmid  of  Germany,  who                                                           Rahm at Torrey Pines.
            blowing  past  mistake-prone  won the silver medal as low
            Louis Oosthuizen and never  amateur.                                                                                Morikawa played 20 tourna-
            flinching  as  Jordan  Spieth                                                                                       ments  worldwide  with  no
            made  one  last  charge  late  “It  feels  like  literally  two   barely  dry  on  his  diploma  Jones nearly a century ago.  spectators,  and  then  only
            Sunday afternoon.            years ago I was an amateur,”   from  Cal.  In  the  eight  ma-                         limited   spectators   since
                                         Morikawa told him.           jors  Morikawa  has  played  “It’s so hard to look back at   March.  The  British  Open
            Morikawa     made     three                               since  then,  he  has  won  two  the  two  short  years  that  I   had  the  largest  gallery  since
            straight  birdies  at  the  turn  That is entirely literal.  of  them.  The  last  player  to  have been a pro and see what   the  return  of  golf  from  the
            to build a four-shot lead. He  Two  years  ago,  the  ink  was   win two professional majors  I’ve  done  because  I  want   COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                      in so few attempts was Bobby  more,” he said. “I enjoy these
                         Japan girds for a surreal Olympics, and questions are plenty

                                                                      down  stadiums,  vaccinated  Japanese people warm to the  Japanese TV, and rights hold-
                                                                      super-athletes,  and  the  le-  visitors  or  become  increas-  ers  like  NBC  will  likely  be
                                                                      gions of reporters, IOC offi-  ingly infuriated as they watch  unified in their message: Just
                                                                      cials, volunteers and handlers  fully vaccinated guests enjoy  getting through will be cast as
                                                                      that make the Games go, will  freedoms  they  haven’t  ex-  a triumph.
                                                                      do  their  best  to  concentrate  perienced  since  early  2020?
                                                                      on sports served up to a rapt  Will the Olympians and oth-  Not  many  visiting  journal-
                                                                      and  remote  audience  of  bil-  ers play by the rules meant to  ists,  however,  will  linger  in
                                                                      lions.                       protect  the  country  they’re  ICUs  or  chase  down  inter-
                                                                                                   visiting?  Will  they  bring  views  with  angry  residents
                                                                      Since the pandemic canceled  in  variants  that  will  spread  who  feel  these  Games  were
                                                                      the originally scheduled ver-  through  Japan?  Will  the  ef-  hoisted  onto  the  nation  so
                                                                      sion  in  2020,  the  Japanese  fort to vanquish the corona-  that the IOC could collect its
                                                                      media  have  been  obsessed  virus be impeded?            billions in TV money.
                                                                      with the Games. Will they re-
                                                                      ally happen? If so, what will  One  thing  seems  certain:  More  likely,  there  will  be
                                                                      they look like? And the end-  These games will have far less  plenty  of  made-for-TV  im-
                                                                      lessly  fascinating  —  shock-  of what the world has come  ages of a tour-book version of
                                                                      ing,  really,  to  many  here  —  to expect from the Olympics,  Japan, one that mixes shots of
                                                                      prospect of staging an Olym-  with its attractive mixture of  ancient history, tradition and
            (AP)  —  After  a  yearlong  current through it all: the in-  pics  during  what  can  seem  human  competition  at  the  natural  beauty  with  a  high-
            delay and months of hand-    escapable  knowledge  of  the   like  a  slow-motion  national  highest  level  amid  celebra-  tech,  futuristic  sensibility:
            wringing    that   rippled  suffering  and  sense  of  dis-  disaster  has  permeated  the  tions and cultural exchanges  Think of a sleek, silver bullet
            across  a  pandemic-in-      placement  that  COVID-19    society  nearly  as  thoroughly  on the sidelines by fans, ath-  train,  for  instance,  streaking
            flected  world,  a  Summer  has ushered in, both here and   as the virus.              letes and local people.      past  a  snow-capped  Mount
            Games unlike any other is  around the world.                                                                        Fuji. A reality, in other words,
            at hand. It’s an Olympics,                                “The mindset that the Olym-  Usually,  the  Olympics  are  a  riddled  with  easy-to-digest
            sure,  but  also,  in  a  very  All  signs  point  to  an  utterly   pics  can  be  pushed  through  vibrant  time  —  a  two-week  cliches and predictable estab-
            real way, something quite  surreal and atomized Games,    by  force  and  that  everyone  party for a host city eager to  lishing shots.
            different.                   one that will divide Japan into   should  obey  the  order  has  show  the  world  its  charms.
                                         two worlds during the month   invited this mess,” the Asahi  They teem with tourists and  As  Tokyo  grapples  in  com-
            No  foreign  fans.  No  local  of Olympics and Paralympics   newspaper  said  in  a  recent  all the fun that an exotic lo-  ing  weeks  with  the  intrinsic
            attendance  in  Tokyo-area  competition.                  editorial.  IOC  and  Japanese  cale  and  interesting  visitors  oddness  of  these  pandemic
            venues.  A  reluctant  popu-                              officials  “should  learn  that  can  bring.  This  go-round.  Olympics,  the  disconnect
            lace navigating a surge of vi-  On one side, most of Japan’s   their absurdity has deepened  though,  will  be  strictly  cho-  between sports and sickness,
            rus cases amid a still-limited  largely  unvaccinated,  in-  the  public  distrust  in  the  reographed for TV, with the  rhetoric  and  reality,  visitor
            vaccination  campaign.  Ath-  creasingly resentful populace   Olympics.”               skeptical  people  of  Japan  and local will be hard to miss
            letes  and  their  entourages  will  continue  soldiering  on                          largely isolated as yet anoth-  for many here.
            confined  to  a  quasi-bubble,  through the worst pandemic   Of  course,  it’s  too  early  to  er  state  of  emergency  places
            under  threat  of  deportation.  to hit the globe in a century,   predict  what,  exactly,  will  more  constraints  on  their  Just  how  a  reluctant  Japan
            Government  minders  and  almost  entirely  separated     happen  when  these  cross-  daily lives.                 will  weather  a  high-risk  ex-
            monitoring  apps  trying  —  from the spectacle of the To-  currents converge during the                            periment  that  might  come
            in theory, at least — to track  kyo Games aside from what   Games, as about 15,000 ath-  The story that foreign visitors  to  define  the  coronavirus
            visitors’ every move. Alcohol  they  see  on  TV.  Illness  and   letes and, by some estimates,  focus on for these Games will  pandemic  in  future  years,
            curtailed  or  banned.  Cul-  recovery, work and play, both   nearly 70,000 officials, media  also  be  very  different  from  however, must wait until the
            tural exchanges, the kind that  curtailed  by  strict  virus  re-  and  other  participants  insert  the  reality  on  the  nation’s  visitors pack up and go home.
            power  the  on-the-ground  strictions: Life, such as it is,   themselves  into  the  flow  of  streets.             Only then will the true price
            energy of most Games, com-   will go on here.             Tokyo life in sequestered and                             that  the  host  nation  must
            pletely absent.                                           limited, yet ubiquitous, ways.  Barring catastrophe, the IOC,  pay for these Surreal Games
                                         Meanwhile,  in  massive  (and                             local  newspapers  (many  of  come into focus.
            And running like an electric  massively expensive) locked-  Will the normally hospitable  which  are  also  sponsors),
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