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A28    US NEWS
                       Diamars 20 Juli 2021
                          California launches largest free school lunch program in US

            (AP) — When classrooms                                                                                              go  through  a  bureaucratic
            in  California  reopen  for                                                                                         hassle to get a kid fed, when
            the  fall  term,  all  6.2  mil-                                                                                    we could just have universal
            lion  public  school  stu-                                                                                          meals?”
            dents will have the option
            to  eat  school  meals  for                                                                                         Senate  Education  Commit-
            free,  regardless  of  their                                                                                        tee  Republicans  supported
            family’s income.                                                                                                    the plan as a way to help fam-
                                                                                                                                ilies struggling with Califor-
            The undertaking, made pos-                                                                                          nia’s high cost of living. Sen.
            sible by an unexpected bud-                                                                                         Brian  Dahle,  a  Republican
            get surplus, will be the largest                                                                                    from  a  largely  rural  area  of
            free  student  lunch  program                                                                                       Northern California, said he
            in  the  country.  School  offi-                                                                                    had watched kids at his chil-
            cials, lawmakers, anti-hunger                                                                                       dren’s  school  steal  leftover
            organizations and parents are                                                                                       food when cafeteria workers
            applauding it as a pioneering                                                                                       weren’t looking.
            way to prevent the stigma of
            accepting  free  lunches  and                                                                                       “For  a  lot  of  them  that  was
            feed more hungry children.                                                                                          their  dinner  and  they  were
                                                                                                                                sneaking  it  or  taking  it  off
            “This  is  so  historic.  It’s  be-                                                                                 someone’s  plate  when  they
            yond  life-changing,”  said                                                                                         didn’t finish it,” said Dahle.
            Erin Primer, director of food
            services  for  the  San  Luis                                                                                       Schools  rarely  turn  hungry
            Coastal Unified School Dis-                                                                                         kids  away.  But  for  children
            trict  on  California’s  central                                                                                    who didn’t qualify and need-
            coast.                                                                                                              ed lunch, their parents were
                                                                                                                                billed  and  many  racked  up
            Several  U.S.  cities  includ-                                                                                      huge  debts.  In  recent  years
            ing  New  York,  Boston  and                                                                                        some  schools  threatened  to
            Chicago  already  offer  free                                                                                       not  let  students  graduate
            school meals for all. But until                                                                                     middle  or  high  school  un-
            recently,  statewide  universal                                                                                     til lunch debts were paid, or
            meal programs were consid-                                                                                          stamped  the  hands  of  stu-
            ered  too  costly  and  unreal-                                                                                     dents who owed money, said
            istic.  California  became  the                                                                                     Jessica  Bartholow,  chief  of
            first state to adopt a universal                                                                                    staff for Skinner who previ-
            program late last month, and                                                                                        ously was an anti-hunger ad-
            Maine followed shortly after                                                                                        vocate.
            with a similar plan.
                                                                                                                                Some  schools  would  hire
            “We’ve    completely   lev-                                                                                         debt collectors to hound par-
            eled  the  playing  field  when   much  higher  in  a  state  with  not wanting friends to know  out  30,000  meals  a  week  at   ents, but at the end of the year
            it  comes  to  school  food,”   vast income inequality. Com-  they need free food, so they  the  height  of  the  pandemic,   schools  have  to  use  general
            Primer said. The extra fund-  munities of color are dispro-  skip eating.              nearly triple the number be-  fund dollars to pay off lunch
            ing will also allow her to of-  portionately affected and im-                          fore.  The  district  includes   program debts, she said.
            fer tastier, better quality food   migrant communities in par-  When  the  pandemic  hit,  it  the wealthy city of San Luis
            such as fresh bread, produce   ticular are fearful of applying  changed  everything  —  in-  Obispo  and  lower-income   For  Tina  Self,  a  mother  of
            and  cheese  from  local  pro-  because  of  detailed  forms  cluding  how  school  meals  areas.                   three, avoiding the cost of $3
            ducers, she said.            that  ask  intrusive  questions  were served — and provided                            school lunches every day will
                                         such as their family income,  an impetus for the universal  “I  thought  it  was  a  pipe   be an enormous relief.
            Under  federal  rules,  a  fam-  Social  Security  number  and  program,  which  had  bipar-  dream for a long time,” said
            ily  of  four  must  make  less   children’s  immigration  sta-  tisan,  unanimous  support.  Sen. Nancy Skinner, a long-  “It might seem like a little bit,
            than $34,000 a year to qualify   tus.                     Lawmakers  previously  had  time  advocate  for  universal   but it helps a lot,” said Self,
            for  free  meals  and  $48,000                            only  pursued  targeted  bills  free meals.               who lives in San Luis Obispo
            to  qualify  for  reduced-price   Schools reported a declining  such  as  easing  school  lunch                     where a gallon of gas can cost
            meals.  The  caps  shift  annu-  percentage of families apply-  debt.                  Backed  by  over  200  organi-  just  shy  of  $5  a  gallon  and
            ally but are based on federal   ing for free and reduced-price  After schools shut in March  zations  in  a  coalition  called   rent is “crazy.”
            poverty  measures  that  don’t   meals during the Trump ad-  2020,  many  transformed  “School Meals for All,” Skin-
            take  into  account  the  high   ministration, which attempt-  their parking lots into pickup  ner  and  other  lawmakers   “Lucky for us we both have
            cost  of  living  and  taxes  in   ed  to  tighten  immigration  sites, and federal funding al-  pushed  for  funding  in  the   a job and we have two run-
            California.                  policies and public benefits.  lowed schools to offer meals  state budget, seizing the mo-  ning cars,” she said of herself
                                                                      to anyone. There were no ap-  mentum at a time when Cali-  and her husband. “But we’re
            “So it’s just for the most poor   Like  school  officials  state-  plications,  qualifications  and  fornia is flush with cash. The   barely making it as it is.”
            families, and not even all of   wide,  Primer  has  countless  no questions asked.     $262 billion budget provides
            them  because  some  people   tales  of  children  who  strug-                         $54  million  for  the  coming   Tony   Wold,   an   associ-
            failed to sign up or were fear-  gled to pay for school meals  The massive turnout showed  school  year,  supplementing   ate  superintendent  of  the
            ful to sign up,” said Kat Tay-  or  were  too  ashamed  to  eat  how  much  families  rely  on  funding from the Biden ad-  West  Contra  Costa  Unified
            lor, a philanthropist and ma-  for free. There was the child  the meals.               ministration  through  June   School,  says  it’s  about  time
            jor funder of the Center for   whose mother called Primer,                             2022.  After  that,  California   lunches were free.
            Ecoliteracy  and  the  TomKat   distraught because she made  The  Los  Angeles  Unified  will  spend  $650  million  an-
            Ranch  that  backed  Califor-  a  few  hundred  dollars  too  School  District,  the  state’s  nually.              “Just  like  you  need  to  give
            nia’s plan.                  much  to  qualify;  the  father  largest  with  600,000  stu-                          students  textbooks  and  a
                                         who is in the country illegally  dents,  handed  out  upward  “If  you’re  a  hungry  child,   computer,  there  are  certain
            About  60%  of  California   and feared that filling out the  of  400,000  meals  a  day,  said  you’re  not  going  to  learn   things  you  need  to  do.  And
            students  qualify,  but  experts   free  meal  application  could  spokeswoman   Shannon  well,” said Skinner, a Demo-  this  is  one  of  them,”  Wold
            say  the  number  of  children   get  him  deported;  and  con-  Haber.  San  Luis  Coastal,  crat  representing  Berkeley.   said.
            who  need  food  assistance  is   stant cases of high schoolers  with  7,500  students,  gave  “Why  should  we  have  to
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