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                       Diamars 20 Juli 2021
                             Breivik survivors keep fighting for their vision of Norway

            (AP)  —  On  the  10th  an-                                                            our  summer  camp  that  was  mosque attacks in 2019 killed
            niversary  of  Norway’s                                                                attacked.  The  hatred  was  51 people, and a copycat at-
            worst  peacetime  slaugh-                                                              against us because of our val-  tempt by Norwegian shooter
            ter,  survivors  of  Anders                                                            ues  of  openness  and  inclu-  Philip Manshaus just outside
            Behring  Breivik’s  assault                                                            siveness,” said Sindre Lysoe,  Oslo later that year in which
            worry  that  the  racism                                                               a  survivor  from  Utoya  who  the  killer’s  sister  died,  Nor-
            which  nurtured  the  anti-                                                            is  now  the  general  secretary  way’s security police changed
            Islamic  mass  murderer  is                                                            of  the  Labor  Party’s  Youth  its  annual  assessments.  It
            re-emerging  in  a  nation                                                             Wing.                        now ranks the two forms of
            known  for  its  progressive                                                                                        extremism  at  the  same  dan-
            politics.                                                                              “After Utoya, it was too hard  ger level.
                                                                                                   for many people to go back to
            Most of Breivik’s 77 victims                                                           politics. For me and for soci-  “As we progressed into 2013
            on  July  22,  2011,  were  teen                                                       ety, it was very important to  and  2014,  European  migra-
            members of the Labor Party                                                             raise up again and fight back  tion and IS became the prisms
            —  idealists  enjoying  their   lets  flying  through  the  for-  determination is waning.  through  more  of  the  good  that  we  saw  terror  through.
                                         est then lay hidden for three
            annual  camping  trip  on  the                                                         work  we  knew  we  could  Norway went back to a nar-
            tranquil,  wooded  island  of   terrifying hours while he saw  “What  was  very  positive  af-  do,” he said. “Before 22 July,  rative  of  extremism  being
                                         friends  murdered  nearby.  A  ter the terror attacks was that
            Utoya, in a lake northwest of                                                          politics was important, after-  largely  foreign,”  said  Bjoern
            Oslo, the capital. Today many   vocal  proponent  of  properly  people  saw  this  as  an  attack   wards  it  became  about  life  Ihler, who escaped the bullets
                                         reckoning  with  the  racism  on  the  whole  of  Norway.  It
            survivors are battling to keep                                                         and death.”                  by swimming in frigid waters
            their vision for their country   and  xenophobia  in  Norway,  was a way of showing solidar-                        around the island to safety.
                                         Aukrust  has  been  the  target  ity,”  said  Aukrust.  “But  that
            alive.                                                                                 After hearing about the Oslo
                                         of online abuse, including re-  has disappeared. It was an at-  bombing  on  the  “darkest  “There  is  a  failure  in  self-
            “I  thought  that  Norway    ceiving the message that “we  tack on a multicultural soci-  day  of  all  of  our  lives,”  he  reflection. We are missing the
            would positively change for-  wish  Breivik  had  done  his  ety. And though it was the act   remembers  his  friends  tell-  fact that Anders Breivik and
                                                                      of one person, we know that
            ever  after  the  attacks.  Ten                                                        ing  each  other  they  were  Manshaus  were  Norwegian,
                                                                      his views are shared by more
            years  later,  that  hasn’t  hap-  The  victims  of  the  Utoya  people today than they were   in  the  safest  place  on  earth.  but also so were a lot of the
            pened.  And  in  many  ways,                                                           Within  minutes,  the  gunfire  extremists  throughout  the
            the  hate  we  see  online  and   massacre  came  from  towns  10 years ago.”          and screaming began on the  last  decade  that  should  have
                                         and villages throughout Nor-
            the  threats  against  people  in                                                      island. Today Lysoe spends a  been caught by our social sys-
            the  Labor  movement  have   way, turning a personal trag-  Breivik  struck  at  Labor  Par-  lot of his time warning young  tem,” he said.
                                         edy  into  a  collective  trauma  ty  institutions  he  believed
            increased,”  said  Aasmund                                                             people  about  the  dangers  of
            Aukrust,  then-deputy  leader   for many of the country’s 5.3  were  aiding  what  he  called   right-wing extremism.  Since  the  July  22  attacks,
                                                                      the  “Islamization”  of  Nor-
                                         million  inhabitants.  Survi-
            of the Labor Youth Wing who                                                                                         Ihler  has  become  an  expert
            helped organize the camp.    vors were joined by a shaken  way. Dressed as a policeman,   In the years following the at-  in  countering  radicalization,
                                         population  who  were  deter-  he  landed  on  Utoya,  shoot-  tack,  Norway’s  security  po-  founding  the  Khalifa-Ihler
                                         mined to show that Norway  ing dead 69 members of the
            Today  he’s  a  national  law-  would  become  more  —  not  youth  wing  and  injuring   lice,  the  PST,  continued  to  Institute  for  Peace  Building
            maker  campaigning  for  a                                                             rank Islamists as more likely  and Counter Extremism, ad-
            nationwide  inquiry  into  the   less — tolerant and reject the  scores  more.  He  had  earlier   to carry out domestic terror-  vising  European  Union  and
                                         worldview that motivated the  murdered  eight  people  in  a
            right-wing  ideology  that  in-                                                        ism than right-wing extrem-  chairing a panel at the Global
            spired the killer.           killer.                      bomb  attack  at  government   ists.                      Internet  Forum  to  Counter
                                                                      buildings in Oslo.                                        Terrorism.
                                         A  decade  later,  some  survi-
            Aukrust  ran  from  the  bul-                                                          But  after  the  New  Zealand
                                         vors  believe  that  collective  “It wasn’t random that it was
                             Iraqi officials: Roadside bomb kills 30 in Baghdad market

            (AP) — A roadside bomb  blast  occurred  as  they  sal-
            attack  targeted  a  Bagh-   vaged what items they could.
            dad  suburb  Monday,  kill-
            ing at least 30 people and  There  was  no  immediate
            wounding  dozens  of  oth-   claim  of  responsibility  for
            ers  at  a  crowded  market,  the bombing but the Islamic
            Iraqi  medical  officials  State group has claimed simi-
            said.                        lar attacks in the area before.

            The attack took place in the  Prime  Minister  Mustafa  al-
            Wahailat  market  in  Sadr  Kadhimi  placed  the  com-
            City, Iraq’s military said in a  mander of the federal police
            statement.  Two  medical  of-  regiment responsible for the
            ficials said at least 30 people  area of the market place un-
            were killed and dozens more  der arrest, the military state-
            wounded in the powerful ex-  ment said. It also said an in-
            plosion. They spoke on con-  vestigation was launched.
            dition  of  anonymity  in  line
            with regulations.            It was the third time this year
                                         that a bomb hit a market in
            The blast happened a day be-  the densely populated neigh-
            fore the Eid al-Adha holiday  borhood in eastern Baghdad.
            when  the  market  was  busy
            with  shoppers  looking  for  In  June,  15  people  were   That blast was caused by an  Large bomb attacks, once an  January, over 30 people were
            gifts and groceries.         wounded  when  a  bomb       explosive device attached to a  almost  daily  occurrence  in  killed in a twin suicide bomb-
                                         placed  under  a  kiosk  in  an-  parked car at the market.  Baghdad, have slowed in re-  ing in a busy commercial area
            Piles  of  merchandise  lay  on  other Sadr City market deto-                          cent  years  since  IS  was  de-  in central Baghdad. It was the
            the  ground  after  the  explo-  nated.  In  April,  at  least  four   Monday’s  attack  comes  two  feated  on  the  battlefield  in  deadliest  bombing  in  three
            sion. Shopkeepers recounted  people  were  killed  in  a  car   months ahead of federal elec-  2017.                years to strike Iraq’s capital.
            to  security  forces  how  the  bomb  attack  in  Sadr  City.   tions slated for Oct. 10.  Attacks  persist,  however.  In
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