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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                       Diamars 20 Juli 2021

                                                               Size of Oregon wildfire underscores vastness of

                                                                                                 the US West

                                                                                                                             By the time the Bootleg Fire is
                                                                                                                             extinguished months from now,
                                                                                                                             it will likely be as big or bigger
                                                                                                                             than  those  fires,  but  research
                   “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di                                                                  shows  that  Oregon  once  expe-
                   Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi                                                                     rienced  megafires  much  larger
                                 sosega.                                                                                     than these fairly often, Johnston
                        E ta hibami na awa trankil,                                                                          said.
                         Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
                               Salmo: 23                                                                                     “I think it’s important for us to
                                                                                                                             take  the  long  view  of  wildfire.
                       Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                                                                        In the context of the last couple
                                                                                                                             hundreds years, the Bootleg Fire
                                                                                                                             is  not  large,”  he  said.  “One  of
                                                                                                                             the things my lab group does is
                                                                                                                             reconstruct  historical  fires,  and
                                                                                                                             fires  that  were  burning  in  that
                                                                                                                             area in the 1600s and 1700s were
                                                                                                                             just as big as the Bootleg Fire or

                                                                                                                             That’s little reassurance for fire
                                                               (AP) — The monstrous wild-                                    crews battling the current blaze,
                                                               fire  burning  in  Oregon  has  Pushed  by  strong  winds  from   which is 25% contained.
                                                               grown to a third the size of  the southwest, the fire is spread-
                                                               Rhode  Island  and  spreads  ing rapidly to the north and east,   On  Monday,  flames  forced  the
                                                               miles  each  day,  but  evacu-  advancing toward an area that’s   evacuation of a wildlife research
                       Barbara Francequita Vrolijk-            ations  and  property  losses  increasingly remote.           station as firefighters had to re-
                               Christiaans                                                                                   treat  from  the  flames  for  the
                        Mihor conoci como: “Baïta”             have  been  minimal  com-                                     ninth  consecutive  day  due  to
                        *03-12-1927 - †17-07-2021              pared  with  much  smaller  Evacuation  orders  on  the  fire’s   erratic  and  dangerous  fire  be-
                                                               blazes  in  densely  populated  southern  edge,  closer  to  more   havior. Sycan Marsh hosts thou-
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.    areas of California.           populous  areas  like  Klamath
                                                                                              Falls  and  Bly,  have  been  lifted   sands  of  migrating  and  nesting
                                                               The  fire’s  jaw-dropping  size  or relaxed as crews gain control.   birds and is a key research sta-
                                                               contrasted  with  its  relatively  Now it’s small, unincorporated   tion  on  wetland  restoration  in
                                                               small impact on people under-  communities  like  Paisley  and   the upper reaches of the Klam-
                                                               scores the vastness of the Amer-  Long Creek — both with fewer   ath Basin.
                                                               ican West and offers a reminder  than  250  people  —  and  scat-
                                                               that  Oregon,  which  is  larger  tered homesteads that are in the   Fire pushed by winds and fueled
                                                               than Britain, is still a largely ru-  crosshairs.             by bone-dry conditions jumped
                                                               ral  state,  despite  being  known                            fire-retardant containment lines
                                                               mostly for its largest city, Port-  “The Bootleg Fire is threatening   and  pushed  up  to  4  miles  into
                                                               land.                          ranch  houses that are in pretty   new territory, authorities said.
                                                                                              far-flung  areas,”  Johnston  said.
                                                               The           476-square-mile  “There  are  no  suburbs  in  that   Fire crews were also rushing to
                   “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada                                                             corral  multiple  “slop  fires”  —
                     Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi     (1,210-square-kilometer)  Boot-  area.”                       patches  of  flames  that  escaped
                                 sosega.                       leg  Fire  is  burning  300  miles
                         E ta hibami na awa trankil,           (483  kilometers)  southeast  of  But as big as the Bootleg Fire is,   fire  lines  meant  to  contain  the
                          Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.             Portland in and around the Fre-  it’s not the biggest Oregon has   blaze  —  before  they  grew  in
                                Salmo: 23                      mont-Winema National Forest,  seen. The fire’s current size puts   size. One of those smaller fires
                                                               a  vast  expanse  of  old-growth  it fourth on the list of the state’s   was  already  nearly  4  square
                   Cu inmenso tristesa na nos curason, nos ta   forest, lakes and wildlife refuges.  largest blazes in modern times,   miles (10 square kilometers) in
                     anuncia fayecimento di nos tata, welo,                                                                  size.  Thunderstorms  with  dry
                        bisawelo, ruman y omo stima:                                          including  rangeland  fires,  and   lightning were possible Monday
                                                               If the fire were in densely pop-  second  on  the  list  of  infernos
                                                               ulated  parts  of  California,  “it  specifically burning in forest.  as well, heightening the dangers.
                                                               would have destroyed thousands
                                                               of  homes  by  now,”  said  James  These  megafires  usually  burn   “We  are  running  firefighting
                                                               Johnston, a researcher with Or-  until  the  late  fall  or  even  early   operations through the day and
                                                               egon State University’s College  winter,  when  rain  finally  puts   all through the night,” said Joe
                                                               of Forestry who studies histori-  them out.                   Hessel,  incident  commander.
                                                               cal wildfires. “But it is burning                             “This fire is a real challenge, and
                                                               in one of the more remote areas  The largest forest fire in mod-  we are looking at sustained bat-
                                                               of  the  lower  48  states.  It’s  not  ern  history  was  the  Biscuit   tle for the foreseeable future.”
                                                               the Bay Area out there.”       Fire, which torched nearly 780
                                                                                              square  miles  (2,000  square  ki-
                                                               At least 2,000 homes have been  lometers) in 2002 in the Rogue
                                                               evacuated  at  some  point  dur-  River–Siskiyou National Forest
                                                               ing  the  fire  and  another  5,000  in southern Oregon and north-
                                                               threatened.  At  least  70  homes  ern  California.  The  largest  fire
                           Joaquin Maduro                      and more than 100 outbuildings  of any type was the Long Draw
                   Mihor conoci como Tatai, Jopi, Watanai,     have  gone  up  in  flames.  Thick  Fire in 2012, which incinerated
                         *07-03-1930 - †18-07-2021             smoke  chokes  the  area  where  872 square miles (2,260 square
                    Ex empleado di Haven en loods Dienst       residents  and  wildlife  alike  kilometers) of mostly sagebrush
                                                               have already been dealing with  and rangeland in the endless ex-
                  Acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues.   months of drought and extreme  panses of southeastern Oregon,
                                                               heat. No one has died.         where almost no one lives.
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