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A30    world news
                 Diamars 14 December 2021

                         After UAE law change, out-of-wedlock babies still in shadows

                                                                      think I’d have the strength to  Some women even yearn for  law  demands  that  parents
                                                                      get through.”                the  previous  punishment,  marry or acquire travel docu-
                                                                                                   typically  one-year  detention  ments  and  other  paperwork
                                                                      Star gave only her first name  and  deportation.  While  ter-  to  prove  their  children’s
                                                                      for fear of reprisals. She and  rifying, it at least guaranteed  identities,  without  detailing
                                                                      six other unmarried women,  a  flight  home  and  identity  how.
                                                                      most  of  them  Filipinas,  de-  documents for their children.
                                                                      scribed  their  legal  battles  to                        That has stoked panic among
                                                                      The Associated Press.        “It  has  only  gotten  harder  unmarried mothers who fear
                                                                                                   since the law changed,” said  further punishment.
                                                                      Before last year’s law change,  25-year-old  mother  Sitte
            (AP) — Over a dozen un-      At  the  same  time,  the  law  several  had  given  birth  at  Honey. “They won’t take you  Last  year,  as  lawyers  scram-
            married  women  huddled  criminalizes  women  lacking  hospitals,  where  health  au-  to  jail  and  they  don’t  want  bled  to  understand  the
            in a jail cell south of Dubai  such documents.            thorities  denied  them  birth  you to give birth,” she added,  opaque  legal  code,  women
            last  year,  locked  up  for                              certificates  and  called  the  noting  abortion  is  also  for-  like  Star  walked  out  of  jail
            the crime of giving birth,  Although unwed mothers no  police.  Others  withdrew  bidden. “We’re stuck.”            across  the  country.  Condi-
            when a guard entered and  longer face jail after the UAE  to  their  shared  apartments,                            tions  at  the  facilities  varied
            declared them free.          legalized  premarital  sex  in  scared  and  alone,  to  have  Dirar  Belhoul  Al  Falasi,  a  and  in  some,  mothers  were
                                         November  2020,  they  now  their babies.                 member  of  the  UAE’s  advi-  separated  from  their  chil-
            The    incident,   described  face a maze of red tape.                                 sory Federal National Coun-  dren.
            by  one  of  the  women,  was                             In  the  UAE,  hospitals  is-  cil, argued last year’s decrim-
            among  the  first  concrete  Obtaining  birth  certificates  sue  birth  certificates  only  to  inalization had an impact.  Star  said  her  daughter  was
            signs  that  the  United  Arab  for  their  babies  is  a  costly  married parents. Without the                     taken  from  her  during  de-
            Emirates had decriminalized  process  that  the  country’s  certificates,  children  are  un-  “Prior  to  this,  there  was  tention.  She said 15 women
            premarital sex in an overhaul  poorest  residents  —  foreign  able to receive medical care,  nothing in my hand to legal-  shared  a  single  bathroom,
            of its Islamic penal code.   workers  who  clean  offices,  attend school or travel. Their  ize what they have,” he told  subsisted  on  only  rice  and
                                         serve  food  and  care  for  the  mothers, who lost work and  the AP. “But now, there is a  bread  and  were  let  out  30
            But  a  year  later,  these  un-  children  of  other  mothers  residency during prosecution  law … that we can help them  minutes  each  day  for  fresh
            wed mothers remain trapped  — cannot afford. Expats out-  under  the  old  law,  become  with.”                     air.  Other  women  described
            in  limbo,  fighting  to  obtain  number locals by nearly nine  stranded. The number of un-                         police  interrogations  about
            birth  certificates  for  babies  to one in the Emirates.  documented  children  in  the  Under a new law that comes  their sexual history as deeply
            born in the shadows.                                      UAE is not known.            into force on Jan. 2, parents  humiliating.
                                         “We  were  so  full  of  hope,”                           who  fail  to  document  their
            A  new  law  that  comes  into  said  Star,  one  of  those  re-  Lawyers  say  the  obstacles  children face a minimum of  But after these women were
            effect in two weeks still does  leased  from  Sharjah  Central  stem from an enduring con-  two years in prison. It makes  freed,  they  still  couldn’t  get
            not  offer unmarried  women  Jail  in  December  2020  with  servative mindset and lack of  no  reference  to  health  au-  the  one  thing  they  wanted
            a clear path to acquiring birth  her  3-month-old  daughter.  government coordination.  thorities issuing birth certifi-  most: identity documents.
            certificates  for  their  babies.  “Then came trouble I didn’t                         cates to single mothers. The

                           Extortionists target families of crash victims in Guatemala

            (AP) — Guatemalan fami-                                   resources,  many  of  whom  home  to  their  families.  The  From  January  through  No-
            lies awaiting word on the  The  extortion  is  especially  do  not  speak  Spanish,  but  more than $11 billion Guate-  vember,  nearly  15,000  Gua-
            fate  of  relatives  involved  cruel because the families are  families say they’ve been told  malans  send  home  annually  temalans were deported from
            in a deadly migrant smug-    distraught, poor and in most  nothing official.           accounts for more than 14%  the United States by air. Dur-
            gling accident in southern  cases in debt for thousands of                             of Guatemala’s gross domes-  ing the same period, another
            Mexico are now also living  dollars  for  the  failed  smug-  Guatemala  sent  a  high-level  tic product.          58,000  were  deported  from
            with  the  terror  of  extor-  gling attempt.             delegation  including  For-                               Mexico by land and air.
            tionists telling them their                               eign Minister Pedro Brolo to
            loved ones have been kid-    “We’re  scared,”  said  the  Mexico on Friday. They met
            napped.                      brother of one migrant, who  with  the  injured  in  Chiapas
                                         though  living  in  the  United  and then went on to Mexico
            In the vacuum of official in-  States  requested  anonym-  City  to  meet  with  Mexico
            formation  following  Thurs-  ity out of fear. “It says there  Foreign  Affairs  Secretary
            day’s deadly crash that left 55  are  40  kidnapped.  We  don’t  Marcelo Ebrard.
            migrants  dead,  opportunists  know if my brother could be
            are  demanding  money  from  there.”                      Guatemala’s    government
            their  families  for  informa-                            announced  three  days  of
            tion.                        On  Thursday  afternoon,  a  mourning  for  victims  Mon-
                                         semi-trailer packed with mi-  day.
            In its desperation, one Gua-  grants  flipped  in  the  south-
            temalan family had published  ern Mexico state of Chiapas.  Thousands  of  Guatemalans
            its  phone  number  on  social  It was believed to have been  continue  to  migrate  north,
            media  hoping  for  informa-  speeding,  lost  control  on  a  hoping  to  reach  the  Unit-
            tion about their missing rela-  curve  and  smashed  into  a  ed  States.  Experts  estimate
            tive. On Monday, they shared  steel pedestrian bridge, spill-  300  to  500  leave  daily  and
            with an AP reporter a screen  ing bodies across the road.  pay  smuggling  on  average
            capture  showing  a  Mexican                              $10,000.  To  come  up  with
            phone  number  demanding  Authorities have struggled to  that  money  they  often  sell
            $3,000 if they wanted to see  make  identifications  and  in  their  belongings,  hand  over
            him again.                   that lack of official informa-  the deeds to their homes and
                                         tion,  criminals  have  entered  take loans from relatives.
            The caller even sent what ap-  looking for profit.
            peared to be an altered photo                             Those  who  successfully  ar-
            that  superimposed  the  rela-  The  Guatemalan  govern-  rive in the U.S. provide a crit-
            tive’s face on the body of an-  ment  made  phone  lines  ical income source to Guate-
            other migrant.               available  for  families  of  few  mala in the money they send
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