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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 14 December 2021

                              On road to 5th Olympics, White finds the risk is worth it

            (AP)  —  One  of  Shaun  Olympic pursuits. White was
            White’s  greatest  fears  is  famously helicoptered off the
            finding  himself  upside  halfpipe in New Zealand after
            down  above  a  halfpipe  a grizzly wreck in the run-up
            with  no  idea  where  he’s  to the 2018 Olympics. When
            going to land.               he overcame the 62-stitch in-
                                         jury to his face and won the
            Time and again over two de-  gold medal in Pyeongchang,
            cades, he has decided the risk  it marked a stunning crescen-
            is worth it.                 do  to  a  comeback  that  even
                                         he wasn’t sure was possible.
            As  he  embarked  this  month
            on the quest to make his fifth  White believes the key to an
            Olympics,  the  world’s  most  athlete putting him or herself
            famous  halfpipe  rider  says  at risk over and over again is
            living a life full of calculated  knowing  you’re  doing  it  for
            risks is still part of his DNA  the  right  reasons  —  a  key
            — a mindset that, these days,  component  missing  from
            is less taken for granted in all-  Biles’  mindset  when  she
            or-nothing sports such as his  stepped away.
            than it was a mere 12 months
            ago.                         “It’s  scary  to  be  out  there
                                         alone,”  White  said.  “And
            “I’ve been lost in the air be-  when you go out and do that,
            fore,  and  it’s  terrifying,”  you want it to be your choice.
            White  said  in  an  interview  You  don’t  want  to  feel  like
            with  The  Associated  Press.  you  have  to  do  this  because
            “You’re  flying  around  and  of  some  reason  other  than,
            you  don’t  know  where  you  ‘Hey, I want to do this.’”
            are and you’re hoping for the                             ting his head and neck on the  style contest in 2014 — part  that was not accepted in the
            best.  The  sky  color  matches  The stakes will be every bit as  lip of the halfpipe. Earlier in  of  a  Russian  adventure  that  mainstream. He coupled that
            the  color  of  the  snow.  We  high, if not higher, this year.  the  week,  freeskier  Connor  turned out nothing like he’d  with a desire to show that not
            never  really  had  a  name  for  A  triple  cork  jump  —  in-  Ladd  was  taken  to  a  hospi-  hoped.            only was he in a legit sport,
            that. I was intrigued when I  volving 1620 degrees of spin  tal in Denver after suffering                           but that he was the best at it,
            heard they call it the ‘twisties’  above  the  halfpipe  —  could  a  traumatic  head  injury.  His  “It was hard and it was harsh,”  and that, yes, you could be-
            in gymnastics.”              very well be the trick needed  family  said  Ladd  has  made  White said. “I got a bunch of  come rich and famous doing
                                         to  win  the  Olympics.  It  in-  progress but has a long jour-  backlash  from  other  com-  it.
            Simone  Biles’  decision  to  volves  another  half  revolu-  ney ahead.               petitors  saying  I  chickened
            pull out of the women’s team  tion of spin than the back-to-                           out. But I had to be confident  “After a while, drawing from
            final at the Tokyo Games ear-  back 1440s that White used to  Another freeskier, Gus Ken-  with  myself  and  say,  ‘You  that same fuel of motivation
            lier  this  year  resonated  with  win in Korea. White used to  worthy,  pulled  out  of  the  know, look, this is the com-  isn’t sustainable,” he said. “So
            athletes throughout the elite  practice  the  triple  cork  into  contest. He said it’s not un-  fort level, and it’s not there.’”  then, you go, ’OK, cool, what
            world, including White, and  an air bag, but nobody has yet  common  for  action-sports                             else is there? And then I look
            also  advanced  the  conversa-  pulled it off in a high-stakes  athletes to get lost in the air.  White also finished fourth in  and  see  things  that  are  im-
            tion about many of the men-  contest.                                                  the  halfpipe  that  year.  The  portant to me: Being a good
            tal-health  challenges  Olym-                             “I  didn’t  have  a  sense  of  setbacks  forced  him  to  step  friend.  Being  someone  who
            pians face.                  Meanwhile,  at  the  season’s  where the sky and the ground  back and rethink what made  others can count on. I had to
                                         first   Olympic   qualifying  and everything was, and that’s  him love snowboarding, and  take this hard look at what I
            Just  as  twisting  and  somer-  event this week, everyone saw  why I pulled out,” said Ken-  all the risk that comes with it,  was doing, and now, this un-
            saulting  over  a  vault  can  be  the  risks  involved.  In  Satur-  worthy,  who  won  the  silver  in the first place.  derstanding  of  who  I  am  in
            a  life-threatening  endeavor,  day’s final of the U.S. Grand  medal in slopestyle in 2014.                         the greater picture has really
            doing  the  same  over  an  icy,  Prix,  Japanese  rider  Raibu                        Part of the mission between  helped  me  with  everything.
            rock-hard halfpipe is among  Katayama had to be taken by  White withdrew from snow-    2014-18  was  to  get  back  to  With feeling content.”
            the  most  dangerous  of  sled off the course after hit-  boarding’s  Olympic  slope-  the top, and do it without so
                                                                                                   much noise from the outside  Don’t  get  him  wrong.  He’d
                                                                                                   —  sponsors,  business  proj-  still  like  to  win  on  Feb.  11,
                                                                                                   ects and the like.           the  day  the  gold  medal  is
                                                                                                                                awarded  on  the  mountains
                                                                                                   It’s  like  that  again  this  time  outside of Beijing.
                                                                                                   around,  but  with  an  even
                                                                                                   tighter-knit feel.           If he does, it will add to an al-
                                                                                                                                ready legendary trophy case.
                                                                                                   He’s working with his broth-  If he doesn’t — well, it won’t
                                                                                                   er, Jesse, again, and is in a re-  be the first time he’s come up
                                                                                                   lationship  with  actress  Nina  short.
                                                                                                   Dobrev, who he met at a mo-
                                                                                                   tivational  seminar,  Now  35  Perhaps the biggest triumph,
                                                                                                   and with the end of his career  he says, has already been se-
                                                                                                   much closer than the begin-  cured. He’s still doing this at
                                                                                                   ning,  White  says  he’s  enter-  age 35, and he’s ready to give
                                                                                                   ing  this  Olympic  journey  everything  in  a  quest  for  a
                                                                                                   with a refined perspective on  fifth  Olympics  because  he’s
                                                                                                   what’s really important.     doing it for the right reasons.

                                                                                                   In his teens and 20s, he bat-  “I’m  feeling  motivated  and
                                                                                                   tled against cynics who won-  I’m feeling like I can,” White
                                                                                                   dered  why  he  was  devoting  said.  “It’s  a  different  feeling
                                                                                                   his life — putting his life on  but the drive and the motiva-
                                                                                                   the line, in fact — for a sport  tion is there.”
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