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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 14 December 2021

                        WH aims to restore faith in government by improving services

            (AP)  —  President  Joe  Biden  signed  “The problem is not in the hope but  ernment  or  change  names  with  the  increased calls to the IRS and other
            an executive order Monday aimed at  in  the  bureaucratic  morass,”  Light  Social Security Administration.  agencies. It also showed how the gov-
            rebuilding the public’s trust in gov-  said. “The fight to improve govern-                                  ernment  could  adjust  and  innovate
            ernment  by  making  it  easier  to  do  ment services requires a broad retool-  Anne  Zimmerman,  an  accountant  despite  closed  offices  and  remote
            things like renew passports, apply for  ing  of  the  bureaucratic  wiring  and  based in the Cincinnati area and co-  workers.
            Social  Security  benefits  and  get  aid  flattening of the hierarchy. The fed-  chair  of  the  advocacy  group  Small
            after natural disasters.            eral government may be willing, but  Business  for  America’s  Future,  said  Even if government services improve,
                                                its technology is ancient, its person-  the changes in the order are necessary  it remains unclear if that will pay off
            The idea is to put the public and cus-  nel system sluggish, the bureaucratic  because companies are frequently on  politically for Biden, whose efforts to
            tomer  service  at  the  center  of  fed-  layering unrelenting.”       their  own  when  navigating  the  fed-  steer  the  economy  to  the  strongest
            eral  operations,  saving  time,  energy,                               eral bureaucracy.                   growth  since  1984  have  been  over-
            frustration  and  potentially  money  For retirees and the nearly 4 million                                 shadowed by inflation.
            by offering better and more efficient  Americans  who  turn  65  each  year,  “It’s needed because things have re-
            services  for  the  millions  of  routine  the order requires that they be able to  ally gotten worse,” Zimmerman said.  Roughly a third of Americans called
            interactions  people  have  with  the  claim Social Security benefits online  “There’s too big a labyrinth to weed  the economy “good” under the presi-
            government.                         more  easily.  Medicare  recipients  are  your way through when you’re trying  dent’s watch, down from 47% in June,
                                                to be able to access personalized on-  to deal with the government.”    according to a survey this month by
            “The  bottom  line  is  we’re  going  to  line tools for saving money on drugs                              AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs
            make the government work more ef-   and managing their health care. Tax-  Why hasn’t all of this happened ear-  Research.  The  poll  found  that  48%
            fectively,”  Biden  said  before  signing  payers will be able to schedule call-  lier?                     approve of Biden, while 51% disap-
            the  order  in  the  Oval  Office.  “This  backs with the IRS instead of waiting  Officials  said  the  pandemic  caused  prove.
            will go a long way to restoring faith in  on hold or having to manage issues
            the government.”                    through letters and faxes.
                                                Efforts  such  as  these  should  bring
            The measure is aimed at reducing the  government  services  into  the  digi-
            current bureaucratic runaround, un-  tal era, said Bill Sweeney, senior vice
            der which people often have to visit  president  of  government  affairs  for
            offices,  endure  long  phone  calls  or  AARP, an association for older Amer-
            struggle with the delays of mail and  icans.
            fax machines when trying to contact
            federal agencies.                   “We do our banking online,” Swee-
                                                ney said. “We do our work online. We
            That’s  a  tall  order,  considering  that  can order food online. We can order
            the  federal  government  has  persist-  groceries  from  our  phone.  I  think
            ed in its lumbering ways despite re-  people  are  accustomed  to  that  now
            peated  attempts  over  generations  to  and they’re demanding that govern-
            make it more nimble. President Bill  ment keep up as well.”
            Clinton famously pledged in 1993 to
            “reinvent government” with an inter-  For travelers, Americans will be able
            agency task force.                  to  renew  their  passports  online  in-
                                                stead of having to print forms and pay
            The signing comes at a critical junc-  with a paper check or money order.
            ture  for  Biden  to  show  that  he  can  New security machines and comput-
            deliver results. The country has seen  ers with advanced screening features
            a strong economic rebound as coro-  are to streamline the process of going
            navirus  relief  programs  sent  money  through security lines for the roughly
            directly  to  Americans.  But  support  2 million people who fly daily.
            for the president has slumped as the
            United States faces inflation at a near-  The 45 million people with student
            ly four-decade high and the corona-  debt  will  be  able  to  manage  their
            virus pandemic lingers. The admin-  federal loans through a single portal,
            istration  has  responded  by  trying  to  instead of several websites with dif-
            amplify its message that government  ferent  passwords.  Paperwork  is  also
            can make people’s lives easier.     to be reduced for people seeking loan
            “This  executive  order  is  really  fo-
            cused  on  how  the  federal  govern-  Natural disasters strike about 25 mil-
            ment  delivers  services  to  the  public  lion U.S. households and small busi-
            and  ensuring  that  we  deliver  high-  nesses each year. The survivors seek-
            quality  product  to  the  public,”  said  ing  federal  aid  should  no  longer  be
            Neera Tanden, a senior adviser to the  required to complete multiple forms
            president.                          across  several  agencies,  while  being
                                                able  to  use  virtual  inspections  and
            The  goal  is  to  implement  most  of  smart phone pictures of the damage
            the order’s changes across 17 federal  to support claims.
            agencies  within  the  next  year.  Offi-
            cials  said  that  existing  funds  should  Military  veterans  are  to  be  able  to
            be  enough  for  agencies  to  pay  for  access  their  benefits  with  a  single
            improvements and that better service  login. Poorer families should find it
            and efficiency would ultimately save  easier  to  certify  their  incomes  and
            the government money.               enroll in eligible social safety net pro-
                                                grams  without  the  extra  paperwork.
            Paul Light, a public policy professor  Loan  programs  for  small  businesses
            at  New  York  University  and  an  ex-  and farmers are to become more re-
            pert on the federal bureaucracy, said  sponsive. Families receiving food aid
            the initiative could be a big deal, al-  should be able to buy groceries on-
            though the Biden administration will  line. It should become easier to up-
            face obstacles.                     date mailing addresses with the gov-
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