Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220808
P. 26
A26 u.s. news
Dialuna 8 augustus 2022
Janice Longone, chronicler of US culinary history, dies
Longone died Wednesday, 1800s and early 1900s called
according to Nie Family Fu- “charity cookbooks” that The collection included early
neral Home in Ann Arbor. were sold as fundraisers and U.S. cookbooks, such as one
The cause and location of immigrant cookbooks. printed in 1796, one pub-
death weren’t announced. lished by an African Ameri-
“Our hope is we have gath- can woman in 1866 and a
Longone’s collection formed ered materials that offer re- Jewish cookbook published
the Janice Bluestein Longone searchers access into a new in America in 1871, accord-
Culinary Archive at the Uni- way of looking at Ameri- ing to the university.
versity of Michigan in Ann can history,” she said in a
Arbor, where her husband, 2010 University of Michi- Longone’s activities as a culi-
Daniel T. Longone, was a gan article. “That could be nary historian included being
chemistry professor. the rethinking of the role of a founding member of the
women, who were publish- American Institute of Wine
Longone said that she be- ing more than 150 years ago and Food, an author of en-
lieved the collection showed charity cookbooks, which tries for “The Oxford Com-
(AP) — Janice Bluestein United States, including how American agriculture often reflected the pressing panion to Food,” and hosting
Longone, who is credited cookbooks, menus, adver- and culinary practices de- issues of the day, or simply, the National Public Radio
with collecting thousands tisements and diaries, has fined regional customs and the impact of refrigeration show “Adventures in Gas-
of items chronicling the died at age 89. traditions. Her collection in- on American tastes and life- tronomy” in the 1970s.
culinary history of the cluded cookbooks from the styles.”
US employers add 528,000 jobs in July
(AP) — U.S. employ- Inflation is raging at its high- the economy and tamp down interview this week. “You of employees and supplies,
ers added an astonishing est level in more than 40 inflation. look at the news and see all delayed shipments and high
528,000 jobs last month years, and the economy has these bad reports ... but the inflation. In June, consumer
despite flashing warn- contracted for two quarters “The strength of the labor job market is amazing right prices were up 9.1% from a
ing signs of an economic in a row, which is the com- market in the face of ... rate- now.’’ year earlier, the biggest in-
downturn, easing fears of mon — but informal — defi- tightening from the Fed al- crease since 1981.
a recession and handing nition of a recession and does ready this year clearly shows A single mother, she is weigh-
President Joe Biden some not take into account a host that the Fed has more work ing several offers, looking for The Fed has raised its bench-
good news heading into of other factors economists to do,” said Charlie Ripley, one that is close to home and mark short-term interest rate
the midterm elections. consider, such as the job pic- senior investment strategist pays enough to let her take four times this year in a bid
ture. at Allianz Investment Man- care of her two children. to tame inflation, with more
Unemployment dropped agement. “Overall, today’s increases ahead.
another notch, from 3.6% At the White House, Biden report should put the notion Two years ago, the pandemic
to 3.5%, matching the more credited the job growth to his of a near-term recession on brought economic life to a Labor Secretary Marty Walsh
than 50-year low reached just policies, even as he acknowl- the back burner for now.″ near standstill as companies conceded that businesses and
before the pandemic took edged the pain being inflicted shut down and millions of consumers are worried about
hold. by inflation. He emphasized The Labor Department also people stayed home or were inflation but added: “Com-
the addition of 642,000 man- reported that hourly earnings thrown out of work. The panies are still growing, and
The economy has now re- ufacturing jobs on his watch. posted a healthy 0.5% gain U.S. plunged into a deep, they’re looking for employ-
covered all 22 million jobs last month and are up 5.2% two-month recession. ees. And that’s a good sign.”
lost in March and April 2020 “Instead of workers begging over the past year. But that is
when COVID-19 slammed employers for work, we’re not enough to keep up with But massive government aid In a report filled with mostly
the U.S. seeing employers have to inflation, and many Ameri- — and the Fed’s decision to good news, the Labor De-
compete for American work- cans are having to scrimp to slash interest rates and pour partment did note that 3.9
The red-hot numbers report- ers,” the president said. pay for groceries, gasoline, money into financial mar- million people were working
ed Friday by the Labor De- even school supplies. kets — fueled a surprisingly part time for economic rea-
partment are certain to inten- quick recovery. Caught off sons in July, up by 303,000
sify the debate over whether Biden has boosted job growth Job growth was especially guard by the strength of the from June. Department
the U.S. is in a recession. through his $1.9 trillion coro- strong last month in the rebound, factories, shops, economists said that reflected
navirus relief package and $1 health care industry and at ports and freight yards were an increase in the number of
“Recession — what reces- trillion bipartisan infrastruc- hotels and restaurants. overwhelmed with orders people whose hours were cut
sion?” wrote Brian Coulton, ture law last year. Republican and scrambled to bring back because of slack business.
chief economist at Fitch Rat- lawmakers and some leading The number of Americans the workers they furloughed
ings. “The U.S. economy is economists, however, say the saying they had jobs rose when COVID-19 hit. Some employers are also re-
creating new jobs at an annu- administration’s spending by 179,000, while the num- porting signs of slack in the
al rate of 6 million — that’s has contributed to high infla- ber saying they were unem- The result has been shortages job market.
three times faster than what tion. ployed fell by 242,000. But
we normally see historically 61,000 Americans dropped
in a good year.” The president has received out of the labor force in July,
some other encouraging trimming the share of those
Economists had expected economic news in recent working or looking for work
only 250,000 new jobs last weeks, as gasoline prices have to 62.1% from 62.2% in June.
month, in a drop-off from steadily fallen after averaging
June’s revised 398,000. In- slightly more than $5 a gallon New Yorker Karen Smalls,
stead, July proved to be the in June. 46, started looking for work
best month since February. three weeks ago as a member
On Wall Street, stocks closed of the support staff for social
The strong figures are wel- mostly lower Friday. The workers.
come news for the Biden ad- good news about job creation
ministration and the Demo- was mostly offset by wor-
crats at a time when many ries that the Federal Reserve “I didn’t realize how good the
voters are worried about the will have to keep aggressively job market is right now,” she
economy. raising interest rates to cool said after finishing her fifth