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P. 30
A30 world news
Dialuna 8 augustus 2022
Cease-fire between Palestinians, Israel takes effect in Gaza
The Egyptian-brokered remained on the sidelines, Mansour, the Islamic Jihad
cease-fire took effect at 11:30 possibly because it fears Is- commander for southern
p.m. (2030 GMT; 4:30 p.m. raeli reprisals and undoing Gaza, was in the apartment of
EDT). Israeli strikes and economic understandings a member of the group when
militant rockets continued in with Israel, including Israeli the missile struck, flatten-
the minutes leading up to the work permits for thousands ing the three-story building
beginning of the truce, and of Gaza residents, that bolster and badly damaging nearby
Israel said it would “respond its control. houses.
strongly” if the cease-fire was
violated. Israel launched its operation “Suddenly, without warn-
with a strike Friday on a lead- ing, the house next to us was
Israeli aircraft have pum- er of the Islamic Jihad, and bombed and everything be-
meled targets in Gaza since followed up on Saturday with came black and dusty with
Friday, while the Iran-backed another targeted strike on a smoke in the blink of an eye,”
Palestinian Jihad militant second prominent leader. said Wissam Jouda, who lives
group has fired hundreds of next to the targeted building.
(AP) — A cease-fire be- rockets at Israel in response. The second Islamic Jihad
tween Israel and Palestin- The flare-up was the worst The risk of the cross-border commander, Khaled Man- Ahmed al-Qaissi, another
ian militants took effect fighting between Israel and fighting turning into a full- sour, was killed in an airstrike neighbor, said his wife and
late Sunday in a bid to end Gaza militant groups since fledged war remained as long on an apartment building in son were among the wound-
nearly three days of vio- Israel and Hamas fought an as no truce was reached. Isra- the Rafah refugee camp in ed, suffering shrapnel inju-
lence that killed dozens of 11-day war last year, and adds el says some of the dead were southern Gaza late Saturday, ries. To make way for rescue
Palestinians and disrupt- to the destruction and misery killed by misfired rockets. which also killed two other workers, al-Qaissi agreed to
ed the lives of hundreds of that have plagued blockaded militants and five civilians. have part of his house demol-
thousands of Israelis. Gaza for years. Gaza’s ruling Hamas group ished.
Role of race contested in killing of Nigerian man in Italy
(AP) — Two marches Saturday berta Bizzarri. activist who organized the march “It is just someone who is wicked,”
in a well-to-do Italian Adriatic with the victim’s family, said he does Oriakhi told The Associated Press.
beach town both sought justice According to police, Ferlazzo first not believe the attack was racially
in the brutal daylight killing of a struck Ogorchukwu with a crutch motivated. Still, the role of race in She said both she and her husband
Nigerian man at the hands of an the vendor used after pursuing the the case is so charged that he kept had always felt welcome in Italy and
Italian stranger but were divided Nigerian 200 meters (yards) down a the word “racism” off banners in that he never recounted negative in-
by one word: Racism. shopping street lined with high-end the march that attracted 200 people, teractions when he was out selling.
boutiques. Some accounts said Ogor- mostly Nigerians. In fact, she said, he often came home
One march by Nigerians living in Ita- chukwu had complimented Ferlaz- with gifts from Italians for the cou-
ly’s Macerata province was led by vic- zo’s companion while trying to make “We don’t have to mix it with racism. ple’s 8-year-old son.
tim Alika Ogorchukwu’s tearful wid- a sale or ask for spare change. Others What happened is that someone who
ow and joined by two of his brothers. said he had touched the companion’s is not normal killed our fellow Ni- The pair met in the Tuscan town of
Organizers of that march said they arm. gerian,″ Kunoun said. “We want this Prato about a decade ago, shortly af-
did not want the search for justice to boy to pay for what he has done, to be ter Ogorchukwu’s arrival in Italy, and
be clouded by accusations of racism Townspeople have accepted the offi- in prison for life. That is our justice.” later resettled in the Marche region in
that they feel cannot be proven. cial version of events, attributing the an apartment above a marble work-
Nigerian man’s death to an insistent But a manifesto for the second march, shop in the small hillside town of San
The second march, along same route street-seller unfortunately clashing billed as Italy’s first-ever organized Severino.
an hour later, was led by Black Italians with a man who has a court-docu- by Black Italians, lists the recognition
from all over Italy who demanded mented history of mental illness. of the role of race in Ogorchukwu’s The Nigerian government has con-
that Italian authorities reverse them- killing as chief among 11 demands. demned Ogorchukwu’s death and
selves and recognize the role that race “This is not a racist city,” newsstand Some 30 organizations said they its foreign ministry has urged Italian
played in the July 29 killing. owner Domenico Giordano said. would seek to join the prosecution as authorities to “bring the perpetrator
“This is an open city. If you behave civil complainants. of the heinous act to book without
“Not naming racism won’t help us well, you are welcomed and even delay.”
understand how to defeat it. Because helped.” Ogorchukwu’s widow, Charity
racism exists in Italy,″ Selam Tesfaye, Oriakhi, is reluctant to say the killing Not all Nigerians in Macerata prov-
a Milan-based immigrant activist, People have left flowers and condo- was racially motivated. ince are denying a racial element.
told the second crowd of about 100 lences on the sidewalk where Ogor-
people. “If someone in Civitanova chukwu was killed, in front of a
wants to explain why this is not rac- beachwear boutique that was closed
ism, we are here.” for lunch at the time. Store owner
Laura Latino said she has received
A widely circulated video shows the negative comments from as far away
Italian man wrestling Ogorchukwu as Houston, accusing her of stand-
to the ground and strangling him. ing by and doing nothing when she
One man’s voice can be heard shout- wasn’t even there.
ing for the attacker to stop, but no on-
lookers intervened physically, adding ’’Be careful about judging a city of
a layer of public outrage over their 45,000 people,” Latino said, adding
apparent indifference. that false rumors were “ruining the
reputation of the city.”
Police arrested an Italian suspect,
Filippo Ferlazzo, 32, but quickly City officials have expressed concerns
ruled out a racial motivation for the that the killing was being politicized
attack. The finding was confirmed ahead of Italy’s early parliamentary
by prosecutors who did not include election on Sept. 25.
racial motivation in the charge sheet,
according to Ferlazzo’s lawyer, Ro- Samuel Kunoun, a Nigerian union