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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 8 augustus 2022

                              China cuts off vital US contacts over Pelosi Taiwan visit

            (AP)  —  China  cut  off  sible.”                         remained in port to avoid the
            contacts  with  the  United                               Chinese drills.
            States  on  vital  issues  Fri-  The  White  House  spokes-
            day  —  including  military  man  blasted  China’s  “pro-  On the Chinese coast across
            matters  and  crucial  cli-  vocative”  actions  since  Pe-  from  Taiwan,  tourists  gath-
            mate  cooperation  —  as  losi’s  trip  to  Taiwan,  which  ered to try to catch a glimpse
            concerns  rose  that  the  China  claims  as  part  of  its  of military aircraft.
            Communist government’s  territory.  But  Kirby  noted
            hostile  reaction  to  House  that  some  channels  of  com-  A  minister  at  the  Chinese
            Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi’s  munication remain open be-      Embassy in Washington, Jing
            Taiwan  visit  could  signal  tween military officials in the  Quan,  told  reporters  that
            a lasting, more aggressive  two  countries.  He  repeated  Pelosi’s  mission  of  support
            approach  toward  its  U.S.  daily assurances that the U.S.  for  the  democratic  govern-
            rival and the self-ruled is-  had not changed its policy to-  ment  of  Taiwan  has  had  “a
            land.                        ward the Communist main-     severe  impact  on  the  politi-
                                         land and the self-ruled island.  cal foundation of China-U.S.
            China’s  move  to  freeze  key                            relations,  seriously  infringed  casional  top-level  contacts  bumps  to  another  interna-
            lines   of   communication  “Bottom  line  is  we’re  going  upon  China’s  sovereignty  toward other matters, includ-  tional climate deal.
            compounded  the  worsen-     to  continue  our  efforts  to  and (territorial) integrity and  ing cutting climate-damaging
            ing of relations from Pelosi’s  keep  opening  lines  of  com-  ...  undermines  peace  and  emissions.             China and the United States
            visit  and  from  the  Chinese  munication  that are protect-  stability  across  the  Taiwan                       are  the  world’s  No.  1  and
            response  with  military  exer-  ing our interests and our val-  Straits.”             A  joint  U.S.-China  deal  to  No.  2  climate  polluters,  to-
            cises  off  Taiwan,  including  ues,” Kirby said. He declined                          fight  climate  change  struck  gether producing nearly 40%
            firing  missiles  that  splashed  to speak about any damage to  Youtube video thumbnail  by  Xi  and  then-President  of all fossil-fuel emissions.
            down in surrounding waters.  long-term  relations  between  Long  term,  a  significantly  Barack Obama in November
                                         China and the United States,  more  confrontational  rela-  of 2014 is credited as a turn-  Ominously,  experts  in  Chi-
            After the White House sum-   calling  that  a  discussion  for  tionship between China and  ing point that led to the land-  na-U.S. relations warned that
            moned  China’s  ambassador,  later.                       the U.S. threatens an equilib-  mark  2015  Paris  agreement  China’s diplomatic and mili-
            Qin  Gang,  late  Thursday  to                            rium under which Presidents  in which nearly every nation  tary  moves  appeared  to  go
            protest  the  military  exercis-  Taiwan has put its military on  Joe  Biden  and  Xi  Jinping’s  in  the  world  pledged  to  try  beyond  retaliatory  measures
            es, White House spokesman  alert and staged civil defense  governments  have  sparred  to  curb  emissions  of  heat-  for the visit and could open a
            John  Kirby  on  Friday  con-  drills,  but  the  overall  mood  on human rights, trade, com-  trapping  gases.  Seven  years  new, more openly hostile era,
            demned the  decision  to  end  remained  calm  on  Friday.  petition  and  countless  other  later  during  climate  talks  in  and  a  more  uncertain  time
            important  dialogue  with  the  Flights have been canceled or  issues  but  avoided  direct  Glasgow,  another  U.S.-Chi-  for Taiwan’s democratic gov-
            United  States  as  “irrespon-  diverted and fishermen have  conflict  and  maintained  oc-  na  deal  helped  smooth  over  ernment.

                         3 more ships with grain depart Ukraine ports under UN deal

            (AP) — Three more ships  The ships bound for Ireland,  bulk carriers and cargo ships  oil  that  millions  of  impov-  passage  because  of  explosive
            carrying thousands of tons  the  United  Kingdom  and  loaded months ago but stuck  erished people in Africa, the  mines  strewn  in  the  Black
            of  corn  left  Ukrainian  Turkey follow the first grain  in ports since Russia invaded  Middle East and parts of Asia  Sea. The vessels set out with
            ports  Friday  and  traveled  shipment to pass through the  in late February. While the re-  rely on for survival.  over 58,000 tons of corn, but
            mined  waters  toward  in-   Black  Sea  since  the  start  of  sumed shipments have raised                         that  is  still  a  fraction  of  the
            spection  of  their  delayed  the war. The passage of that  hopes of easing a global food  However,  the  initial  ship-  20 million tons of grains that
            cargo,  a  sign  that  an  in-  vessel  heading  for  Lebanon  crisis, much of the backed-up  ments  are  not  expected  to  Ukraine  says  are  trapped  in
            ternational deal to export  earlier this week was the first  cargo is for animal feed, not  have  a  significant  impact  on  the country’s silos and ports
            grain  held  up  since  Rus-  under the breakthrough deal  for people to eat, experts say.  the global price of corn, wheat  and that must be shipped out
            sia  invaded  Ukraine  was  brokered  by  Turkey  and  the                             and  soybeans.  For  starters,  to make space for this year’s
            slowly  progressing.  But  United Nations with Russia  The  Black  Sea  region  is  the exports under the deal are  harvest.
            major hurdles lie ahead to  and Ukraine.                  dubbed the world’s breadbas-  off  to  a  slow,  cautious  start
            get  food  to  the  countries                             ket, with Ukraine and Russia  due to the threat of explosive  Around 6 million tons of the
            that need it most.           The first vessels to leave are  key global suppliers of wheat,  mines  floating off Ukraine’s  trapped  grain  is  wheat,  but
                                         among  more  than  a  dozen  corn,  barley  and  sunflower  Black Sea coastline.       just half of that is for human
                                                                                                                                consumption, Laborde said.
                                                                                                   And while Ukraine is a major
                                                                                                   exporter of wheat to develop-  There  is  an  expectation  that
                                                                                                   ing  nations,  there  are  other  Ukraine could produce 30%
                                                                                                   countries, such as the United  to  40%  less  grain  over  the
                                                                                                   States  and  Canada,  with  far  next  12  months  due  to  the
                                                                                                   greater production levels that  war,  though  other  estimates
                                                                                                   can affect global wheat prices.  put that figure at 70%.
                                                                                                   And  they  face  the  threat  of
                                                                                                   drought.                     Grain  prices  peaked  after
                                                                                                                                Russia’s  invasion,  and  while
                                                                                                   “Ukraine is about 10% of the  some have since come down
                                                                                                   international trade in wheat,  to  their  pre-war  levels,  they
                                                                                                   but  in  terms  of  production  are  still  higher  than  before
                                                                                                   it is not even 5%,” said Da-  the  COVID-19  pandemic.
                                                                                                   vid  Laborde,  an  expert  on  Corn  prices  are  70%  higher
                                                                                                   agriculture  and  trade  at  the  than  at  the  end  of  February
                                                                                                   International  Food  Policy  2020,  said  Jonathan  Haines,
                                                                                                   Research  Institute  in  Wash-  senior  analyst  at  data  and
                                                                                                   ington.                      analytics  firm  Gro  Intelli-
                                                                                                                                gence.  He  said  wheat  prices
                                                                                                   The  three  ships  departing  are around 60% higher than
                                                                                                   Friday were accompanied by  in February 2020.
                                                                                                   Ukrainian pilot ships for safe
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