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A28    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 8 augustus 2022

                           GOP seeking power over elections in Wisconsin, Minnesota

                                                                      largely by the 2020 election,                             reported  about  $94,000  in
                                                                      when  voting  systems  and  La Follette has said he decided  contributions. The other two
                                                                      processes  came  under  attack  to run again to stop Repub-  Republicans  are  business-
                                                                      by  Trump  and  his  support-  licans  from  meddling  with  man  Jay  Schroeder  and  Jus-
                                                                      ers. There is no evidence of  elections, citing Trump’s call  tin  Schmidtka,  who  hosts  a
                                                                      widespread fraud or manipu-  to Georgia’s secretary of state,  political podcast. Also on the
                                                                      lation  of  voting  systems  oc-  Brad Raffensperger, after the  ballot is Libertarian candidate
                                                                      curring in the 2020 election.  2020  election  asking  him  to  Neil Harmon.
                                                                                                   “find” enough votes to over-
                                                                      There  are  also  primaries  turn Biden’s win in the state.  In  Minnesota,  the  leading
                                                                      Tuesday in secretary of state  La  Follette’s  primary  oppo-  Republican candidate for sec-
                                                                      races in Minnesota, Connect-  nent,  Dane  County  Demo-  retary of state, Kim Crockett,
                                                                      icut  and  Vermont.  In  Min-  cratic  Party  Executive  Board  has  called  the  2020  election
                                                                      nesota,  the  leading  Republi-  Chair Alexia Sabor, has raised  a  “train  wreck”  and  accused
                                                                      can  candidate  has  called  the  about $24,000.          state  election  officials  of  us-
                                                                      2020  election  “rigged”  and                             ing the pandemic as “cover to
                                                                      has faced criticism for a video  The  Republican  candidates  change how we vote, but also
            (AP) — Wisconsin’s secre-    sent  a  reversal  from  just  six  attacking  three  prominent  argue  that  dismantling  the  how the vote is counted.”
            tary of state has no role in  years  ago  when  Republicans  Jewish Democrats, including  elections  commission  and
            elections,  but  that  could  established  the  Wisconsin  the current secretary of state,  empowering  the  secretary  While  Crockett  does  not
            change if Republicans are  Elections  Commission  with  Democrat Steve Simon, who  of  state  to  oversee  elections  typically claim in public that
            able  to  flip  the  seat  this  bipartisan  support.  In  2020,  is seeking reelection.  would  allow  voters  to  hold  the election was stolen from
            year  and  pass  a  law  that  Democrat  Joe  Biden  won                               someone accountable for im-  Trump,  she  has  associated
            would empower the office  Wisconsin  by  about  21,000  Although the stakes are high,  portant election-related deci-  with  those  who  do  and  has
            with  far  more  responsi-   votes in the presidential race.  the  Wisconsin  primary  for  sions.  They  have  all  sharply  campaigned  at  events  with
            bilities.                                                 secretary  of  state  has  been  criticized  decisions  made  them.
                                         “This  is  not  about  policy,”  mostly quiet. The incumbent,  by  the  commission  heading
            All  three  GOP  candidates  said  David  Becker,  a  former  Democrat Doug La Follette,  into the 2020 election, when  At the state party convention
            competing  for  the  nomina-  U.S.  Justice  Department  at-  has barely been campaigning.  the  COVID-19  pandemic  in  May,  in  which  Crockett
            tion  in  Tuesday’s  primary  torney  who  heads  the  non-  In June, the 81-year-old, who  brought  major  challenges  to  was endorsed by convention
            support  the  shift  and  echo  partisan  Center  for  Election  was first elected to the posi-  running elections.  delegates, she showed a video
            former  President  Donald  Innovation  and  Research.  tion in 1974, opted to take a                                depicting billionaire investor
            Trump’s  false  claims  that  “It’s about election outcomes  two-week trip to Africa.  To accomplish their goal, Re-  and  philanthropist  George
            fraud cost him the 2020 elec-  and only election outcomes.”                            publicans also would need to  Soros  as  a  puppet  master,
            tion.                                                     La  Follette  has  raised  about  defeat Democratic Gov. Tony  pulling the strings of Simon,
                                         Once  an  under-the-radar  $21,000,  according  to  the  Evers, who would block such  the current secretary of state,
            If  successful,  the  move  contest  overshadowed  by  most  recent  campaign  fi-     a move, in November.         and prominent election law-
            would  be  a  bold  attempt  to  campaigns  for  governor  and  nance  reports.  That’s  not                        yer Marc Elias, with a caption
            shift  power  to  an  office  Re-  state  attorney  general,  rac-  unusual  because  the  office’s  The   leading   fundraiser  that  said,  “Let’s  wreck  elec-
            publicans hope to control go-  es  for  secretary  of  state  are  only duties are to sit on a state  among the GOP secretary of  tions  forever  and  ever  and
            ing into the 2024 presidential  drawing tremendous interest  timber  board  and  to  verify  state candidates is state Rep.  ever.”
            election  and  would  repre-  and  money  this  year,  driven  certain travel documents.  Amy  Loudenbeck,  who  has

                         Transit woes mount for Boston’s beleaguered subway riders

            (AP)  —  For  Boston  sub-   T,” said in a radio appearance  Gov.  Charlie  Baker,  whose  commute to her job in Bos-  “I  can’t  afford  the  monthly
            way riders, it seems every  on GBH News, referring to  legacy  is  tied  to  the  perfor-  ton. Once, the bus was so late  pass,”  she  said.  “I  just  put
            week brings a new tale of  the Massachusetts Bay Trans-   mance  of  the  T,  called  the  that  she  took  an  Uber  cost-  some  money  in  my  account
            transit woe.                 portation Authority.         Orange  Line  fire  “a  colossal  ing more than $20. Another  and hope it lasts.”
                                                                      failure”  and  welcomed  the  time,  a  late  bus  forced  her
            Runaway trains. Subway cars  Wu’s  comments  came  less  FTA investigation.            to borrow a car, saddling her  One of the more maddening
            belching smoke and fire. Fa-  than  a  month  before  a                                with a $90 parking ticket.   failures  came  in  June  when
            tal accidents. Malfunctioning  43-year-old  Orange  Line  But  Baker  said  things  aren’t                          the MBTA temporarily side-
            station escalators. Rush hour  subway  train  caught  fire  all bad. The Republican said  “There are a lot of neighbors  lined all its new Orange and
            trains  running  on  weekend  as  it  was  crossing  a  bridge  more than 85% of daily rapid  who are upset and have start-  Red Line cars, manufactured
            schedules.  Brand-new  sub-  north  of Boston on July 21,  transit trips are on time, with  ed knocking on doors to see  by the Chinese-owned com-
            way cars pulled from service.  prompting  one  passenger  to  a  somewhat  lower  rate  for  how we can stop the service  pany CRRC, after one car ex-
            Derailed  construction  ve-  jump  into  the  Mystic  River  bus rides and slightly higher  cuts,”  she  said,  also  lament-  perienced a battery compart-
            hicles.                      and others to scramble out of  rate for commuter rail trains.  ing high fares.         ment failure.
            The repeated chaos of the na-                             “That’s  what  the  experi-
            tion’s  oldest  subway  system  And  Aug.  3,  transit  officials  ence most riders every single
            has  stretched  the  nerves  of  announced  what  they  called  day  have,”  he  said.  “That’s
            riders, prompted a probe by  an  “unprecedented”  step  of  no excuse for the screws up
            the Federal Transit Adminis-  shuttering  the  Orange  Line  and  the  incidents  that  we’re
            tration  and  worried  political  entirely for 30 days to allow  talking about, there’s no ex-
            leaders.                     for extensive track and signal  cuse  for  that,  but  there  are
                                         work.                        600,000 trips every day that,
            “It’s  enraging.  Everything                              for  the  most  part,  work  out
            that  we’re  doing  trying  to  Two  days  later,  MBTA  offi-  like they’re supposed to.”
            build more affordable hous-  cials  unveiled  another  four-
            ing, or empower our schools,  week shutdown — this time  For beleaguered riders, how-
            bring jobs to Boston — it all  for a recently opened section  ever, each new mishap seems
            relies on people being able to  of  the  Green  Line  to  allow  to add insult to injury.
            get  around,”  Boston  Mayor  for  additional  construction
            Michelle  Wu,  a  Democrat  work.                         Paulina  Casasola,  24,  relies
            who  promised  to  “Free  the                             on buses and the Red Line to
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