Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20220808
P. 32
A32 sports
Dialuna 8 augustus 2022
Haaland nets twice on EPL debut as City beats West Ham 2-0
dogan and was brought down Haaland scored 86 goals in 89
by substitute goalkeeper Al- games during his three sea-
phonse Areola as they vied sons at Borussia Dortmund
for the ball. to establish himself as one
of the most-wanted play-
He calmly dispatched the ers in Europe before opting
penalty by sidefooting into to move to City, where his
the left corner and then sat father Alfie played between
down cross-legged in a medi- 2000-03.
tative pose — his trademark
goal celebration that could Alfie Haaland celebrated in
become a frequent sight in the stands as his son became
the Premier League. just the second City player to
score twice on his Premier
Areola, who had to come on League debut, after Sergio
in the 29th after Lukasz Fa- Aguero did so in 2011.
bianski picked up a knock,
couldn't do much to prevent "Good that he saw both
the second goal, either. goals," Haaland said. "It's a
big moment for me, debuting
Haaland timed his run per- in this competition."
fectly to meet a through ball
from Kevin de Bruyne and He was taken off in the 78th
(AP) — Erling Haaland goalkeeper in the area, and by one point, despite often then used his left foot to slot to a standing ovation, hav-
scored twice on his Premier then netted with a clinical playing without a recognized the ball inside the far corner. ing missed out on a hat trick
League debut as Manchester low finish in the 65th minute striker up front. Having the "It was a good start," Haaland when his header sailed high.
City opened its title defense to double the lead. towering Haaland in the said, adding that he will get
with a 2-0 win over West middle only makes Guardio- even more chances as he be- Judging by this performance,
Ham on Sunday, showing After Liverpool was held to a la's attack look even scarier. comes more used to playing though, it won't be long be-
just why Pep Guardiola spent draw by Fulham on Saturday, with his new teammates. "It's fore the next goal comes
big to bring in the striker this City sent an early warning After City struggled to break about the connections we along for Haaland.
offseason. that it remains the team to down West Ham's defense do every day in training and
beat in England. in the opening 30 minutes, about practicing this. So we "Now it's almost 30 minutes
Haaland needed 35 minutes Haaland showed his speed to get better at this, and this will since I scored the last goal,"
to open his City account City led the league in scoring accelerate away from two de- come even more, so I'm not Haaland said in his post-
from the penalty spot after last season with 99 goals as it fenders as he ran onto a pass worried." game interview, "so we have
being brought down by the edged Liverpool to the title into the box from Ilkay Gun- to keep going."
Tiny African kingdom has skiing as Europe sweats summer heat
(AP) — While millions she'd take. "So, this is a great monotsi, a 13-year-old from hemisphere. He has family skiers and boarders show
across Europe sweat experience." the Lesotho city of Butha- roots in Lesotho. off their winter fashions and
through a summer of Bafana Nadida, who comes Buthe who practices regular- "For a competition like this to party to house music, beers
record-breaking heat, from the sprawling urban ly at Afriski, won the junior happen in southern Africa is in hand. Some claim the bar
they're skiing in Africa. township of Soweto in Jo- snowboard and ski divisions. so heartwarming," he said. is the highest in Africa, al-
hannesburg, was delighted "I would really like to ski in though that's challenged by
Don't worry. This isn't an- with putting ski boots on for Europe," he said. Afriski may not be at the the Sani Mountain Lodge,
other sign of climate change the first time. He planned a level of Europe's vast Alpine 130 kilometers (80 miles)
but rather the fascinating day of ski lessons, taking pic- London-born Meka Lebo- resorts but a love of winter to the east on the Lesotho-
anomaly of Lesotho, a tiny tures and just playing about hang Ejindu said he has sports is catching. South Africa border.
mountain kingdom com- in the snow. taught skiing and snow-
pletely surrounded by South boarding in Austria for more At Afriski's Sky Restaurant What no one can dispute is
Africa. Lesotho has an ob- Skiers and snowboarders than a decade and this is his and Gondola Cafe, happy this crowd went skiing in Af-
scure geographical claim to lined up to rent the proper first season in the southern hour starts at 10 a.m. and rica.
fame: It's the only country on gear. Some were given point-
Earth where every inch of its ers by Hope Ramokotjo,
territory sits more than 1,000 who is from Lesotho and has
meters (3,280 feet) above sea worked as a self-taught ski
level. and snowboard instructor for
12 years. His wide smile and
That gives Lesotho snow in deep, reassuring voice puts
the southern hemisphere's beginners at ease.
winters. And while cold win-
ters aren't rare in southern "Push your heels out. Don't
Africa, snow is and ski resorts pull your shoulders," Ramo-
are even rarer. At an altitude kotjo called out to his class of
of 3,000 meters (9,842 feet), keen yet inexperienced Af-
Afriski in Lesotho's Maluti rican skiers as they wobbled
Mountains is Africa's only along on the snow. "Here you
operating ski resort south of go! Nice!"
the equator. Afriski's Kapoko Snow Park
is the only freestyle snow
"I've never seen snow in my park on the continent. Com-
life," said Kafi Mojapelo, who petitors lined up last month
traveled the short distance for the annual Winter Whip
from South Africa for a skiing Slopestyle snowboard and
vacation she never thought ski competition. Sekholo Ra-