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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 28 aPRiL 2022

                         Harvard pledges $100M to research, atone for role in slavery

            (AP) — Harvard Universi-     Most were identified only by  — including several Harvard
            ty is vowing to spend $100  a single name, such as Cesar,  presidents  and  high-ranking
            million to study and atone  Dinah and Venus.              officials  —  and  the  campus
            for  its  extensive  ties  with                           buildings, rooms and profes-
            slavery, the school’s presi-  “Enslaved  men  and  women  sorships that are still named
            dent  announced  Tuesday,  served  Harvard  presidents  after them.
            with plans to identify and  and  professors  and  fed  and
            support  the  descendants  cared for Harvard students,”  Even  after  slavery  was  abol-
            of  enslaved  people  who  researchers  found.  “More-    ished, the report says, promi-
            labored at the Ivy League  over, throughout this period  nent  scholars  continued  to
            campus.                      and  well  into  the  19th  cen-  promote concepts that fueled
                                         tury,  the  University  and  its  racist ideas.
            President  Lawrence  Bacow  donors benefited from exten-
            announced  the  funding  as  sive financial ties to slavery.”  It cites work by 19th century
            Harvard  released  a  new  re-  The report says the universi-  professor Louis Agassiz, who
            port detailing the many ways  ty “should make a significant  pushed  discredited  theories
            the  college  benefited  from  monetary  commitment,  and  on  “race  science”  and  eu-  endowment  of  more  than  And  acknowledging  the  en-
            slavery  and  perpetuated  ra-  it  should  invest  in  remedies  genics.  Another  scholar  led  $50 billion, the largest in the  slavement  of  Native  Ameri-
            cial inequality. But the report  of  equal  or  greater  breadth  a  “physical  education”  pro-  nation.           cans,  it  calls  on  Harvard  to
            stops short of recommending  than other universities.” Ba-  gram that collected students’                           build  closer  ties  with  New
            direct  financial  reparations,  cow  said  Harvard  will  at-  physical  measurements  to  The  report  says  Harvard  England   tribes.   Harvard
            and officials have no imme-  tempt  to  redress  its  wrongs  support  research  advancing  should  identify  the  descen-  should recruit more students
            diate  plans  for  that  kind  of  through  “teaching,  research  eugenic theories.    dants of enslaved people and  from tribal communities, the
            support.                     and service.” He is creating a                            engage  with  them  “through  report  says,  and  organize  a
                                         committee to implement the  In his message, Bacow called  dialogue,  programming,  in-  national conference promot-
            Harvard,  the  nation’s  oldest  report’s suggestions.    the  findings  “disturbing  and  formation  sharing,  relation-  ing research on the enslave-
            and wealthiest college, is the                            shocking,”  and  he  acknowl-  ship building and educational  ment of Indigenous people.
            latest among a growing num-  Building  on  earlier  research  edged  that  the  school  “per-  support.”
            ber of U.S. schools attempt-  at Harvard, the report details  petuated  practices  that  were                       In accepting the recommen-
            ing to confront their involve-  how the university depended  profoundly immoral.”      “Through such efforts, these  dations, Harvard joins an in-
            ment  with  slavery  and  also  on the slave trade in its early                        descendants can recover their  creasing  number  of  colleges
            make amends for it.          years and profited from it for  “Consequently,  I  believe  we  histories, tell their stories and  attempting to move from re-
                                         decades.                     bear a moral responsibility to  pursue  empowering  knowl-  search to action as they rec-
            The report, commissioned by                               do what we can to address the  edge,” the report said.    oncile with their histories.
            Bacow, found that Harvard’s  Harvard  invested  directly  in  persistent corrosive effects of
            faculty,  staff  and  leaders  en-  the  sugar  and rum  trades in  those  historical  practices  on  More  broadly,  it  urges  Har-  Georgetown   University
            slaved  more  than  70  Black  the  Caribbean,  along  with  individuals, on Harvard, and  vard  to  fight  racial  inequal-  in  2019  promised  to  raise
            and Native American people  the U.S. cotton and railroad  on our society,” he wrote.   ity  by  expanding  education  $400,000  a  year  for  the  de-
            from  the  school’s  founding  industries. The college’s early                         options  for  descendants  of  scendants  of  enslaved  peo-
            in  1636  to  1783.  It  cautions  growth is credited to support  The 130-page report includ-  enslaved people, especially in  ple  sold  by  the  school.  The
            that the figure is “almost cer-  from  wealthy  donors  who  ed  a  series  of  recommenda-  the South and the Caribbean.  Princeton Theological Semi-
            tainly an undercount.” Using  accumulated  their  fortunes  tions  that  Bacow  endorsed.  It  calls  on  the  university  to  nary  created  a  $27.6  mil-
            historical records, researchers  through  the  slave  trade  and  The  $100  million  will  be  work  closely  with  histori-  lion  reparative  endowment.
            were able to identify dozens  industries that relied on it.  used  to  carry  out  the  work,  cally Black colleges across the  The  University  of  Virginia
            of enslaved people by name,                               with  some  funding  to  be  country, with new funding to  established  scholarships  for
            along  with  their  connection  Along  with  the  70  people  made available now and more  bring  students  and  scholars  the  descendants  of  enslaved
            to the university.           who  were  enslaved,  the  re-  to be held in an endowment.  to Harvard for up to a year at  people.
                                         port also lists their enslavers  The  university  itself  has  an  a time.

                              Fauci: US in ‘a different moment’ but pandemic not over

            (AP)  -  Dr.  Anthony  Fau-  proving the situation.       Press.                       virus.                       Still, there have been lulls be-
            ci  said  Wednesday  the                                                                                            fore, and while cases are low,
            coronavirus  is  under  bet-  “We  are  in  a  different  mo-  After  a  brutal  winter  surge,  Fauci  said  the  U.S.  appears  they  are  increasing  in  many
            ter  control  in  the  United  ment of the pandemic,” said  “we’ve  now  decelerated  and  to  be  out  of  what  he  called  parts of the country. Vaccina-
            States.  but  the  pandemic  Fauci, the nation’s top infec-  transitioned  into  more  of  a  the “fulminant phase” of the  tion  rates  worldwide  are  far
            isn’t over — and the chal-   tious disease expert, in an in-  controlled  phase,”  he  said.  pandemic, huge variant surg-  lower, especially in develop-
            lenge  is  how  to  keep  im-  terview with The Associated  “By no means does that mean  es that at their worst sparked  ing countries.
                                                                      the pandemic is over.”       hundreds  of  thousands  of
                                                                                                   infections  daily,  along  with  To  keep  improving,  Fauci
                                                                      His comments came a day af-  tens  of  thousands  of  hospi-  ticked  off  a  to-do  list:  Get
                                                                      ter he said on the PBS “New-  talizations  and  thousands  of  more people fully vaccinated;
                                                                      sHour”  that  the  U.S.  was  deaths.                     develop even better vaccines;
                                                                      “out of the pandemic phase”                               figure  out  the  best  booster
                                                                      and  also  told  The  Washing-  COVID-19 cases are at a low-  strategy  to  counter  variants;
                                                                      ton Post that the country was  er point than they’ve been in  and make sure people can ac-
                                                                      finally “out of the full-blown  months and two-thirds of the  cess treatment as soon as they
                                                                      explosive pandemic phase.”   U.S.  population  is  vaccinat-  need it.
                                                                                                   ed. Nearly half of those who
                                                                      Fauci’s  remarks  reflect  how  need a booster dose have got-  “We  can’t  take  our  foot
                                                                      health  authorities  are  wres-  ten the extra shot, and effec-  off  the  pedal,”  Fauci  said.
                                                                      tling  with  the  next  stage  of  tive treatments are available.  “There’s a lot of viral dynam-
                                                                      the pandemic — how to keep                                ics throughout the world and
                                                                      COVID-19 cases and hospi-    “We  are  much,  much  better  we still may get another vari-
                                                                      talizations  manageable  and  off than we were a year ago,”  ant  which  could  lead  to  an-
                                                                      learn to live with what’s still  he said.                 other potential surge.”
                                                                      a mutating and unpredictable
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