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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 28 aPRiL 2022

                         EU nations accuse Russia of using natural gas as ‘blackmail’

            (AP) — Polish and Bulgar-    would  lose  with  a  complete  said given a “choice between
            ian  leaders  accused  Mos-  cutoff.                      freedom  and  dignity  or  gas,
            cow  of  using  natural  gas                              the answer is clear, in favor of
            to  blackmail  their  coun-  Russia, however, rejected the  freedom and dignity.”
            tries  after  Russia’s  state-  idea that it was using black-
            controlled  energy  com-     mail  while  warning  it  may  “So we will go through this
            pany  stopped  supplying  halt gas supplies to other Eu-  ordeal.  It  cannot  be  com-
            them with gas Wednesday.  ropean customers if they also  pared  to  the  hardship  and
            European  Union  lead-       refuse to switch to paying in  tribulations  that  the  Ukrai-
            ers  echoed  those  com-     rubles.                      nian people are currently suf-
            ments  and  were  holding                                 fering,” Todorov added.
            an emergency meeting on  Putin’s  spokesman,  Dmitry
            the Russian move.            Peskov, argued that the Rus-  The  new  Polish  sanctions
                                         sian  demand  to  switch  to  against  Russia,  announced
            The gas cutoff to Poland and  paying  for  gas  in  rubles  re-  Tuesday, targeted 50 Russian
            Bulgaria  came  after  Russian  sulted  from  Western  actions  oligarchs and companies, in-
            President Vladimir Putin said  that froze Russian hard cur-  cluding Gazprom. Hours lat-
            that  “unfriendly”  countries  rency  assets.  He  said  those  er, Poland said it had received  pension  of  gas  deliveries  “a  comply  with  the  demand  to
            would  need  to  start  paying  were  effectively  “stolen”  by  notice  that  Gazprom  was  gross  violation  of  their  con-  pay in rubles.
            for  gas  in  rubles,  Russia’s  the West in an “unprecedent-  cutting  off  its  gas  supplies  tract”  and  “blackmail.”  He
            currency, which Bulgaria and  ed unfriendly action.”      for failing to pay in Russian  vowed  to  defend  the  coun-  Greece is ramping up its liq-
            Poland refused to do.                                     rubles. Poland’s gas company,  try’s  interests  and  “support  uefied natural gas storage ca-
                                         Polish  Prime  Minister  Ma-  PGNiG,  said  the  gas  sup-  military-technical  assistance  pacity,  and  has  contingency
            Russian  energy  giant  Gaz-  teusz  Morawiecki  told  Po-  plies from the Yamal pipeline  to Ukraine.”             plans to switch several indus-
            prom  said  in  a  statement  land’s  parliament  that  he  stopped early Wednesday.                                try  sectors  from  gas  to  die-
            that  it  hadn’t  received  any  thinks  the  suspension  was                          In  Bulgaria,  the  main  con-  sel  as  an  emergency  energy
            payments  from  Poland  and  revenge  for  new  sanctions  Russian gas supplies to both  sumers  of  gas  are  district  source. It has also reversed a
            Bulgaria  since  April  1  and  against  Russia  that  Warsaw  Poland  and  Bulgaria  already  heating  companies.  Bul-  program to reduce domestic
            was suspending their deliver-  imposed  over  Russia’s  inva-  were  expected  to  end  later  garia’s  energy  minister  said  coal production.
            ies  starting  Wednesday.  And  sion of Ukraine. Morawiecki  this year anyway.         his  country  can  meet  the
            if  those  countries  siphon  called  it  an  “attack  on  Po-                         needs of users for at least one  If  European  nations  decide
            off Russian gas intended for  land” and an example of “gas  Poland relies on coal for 70%  month.                   not  to  pay  in  rubles,  Rus-
            other  European  customers,  imperialism”  while  vowing  of its energy needs, with gas                             sia can sell its oil elsewhere,
            Gazprom  said  deliveries  to  that  Poland  would  not  be  only  making  up  around  7%  Russia’s  move  raised  wider  such  as  to  India  and  China,
            Europe  will  be  reduced  by  cowed by the cutoff. He said  of  its  energy  mix.  Several  concerns  that  other  coun-  because  oil  primarily  moves
            that amount.                 the country was safe from an  years ago, the country opened  tries  could  be  targeted  next  by ship.
                                         energy crisis thanks to years  its  first  terminal  for  lique-  as Western countries increase
            European Commission Pres-    of efforts to secure gas from  fied natural gas, or LNG, in  their  support  for  Ukraine  It has less options with nat-
            ident  Ursula  von  der  Leyen  other countries.          Swinoujscie,  on  the  Baltic  amid  a  war  now  in  its  third  ural  gas,  because  the  pipe-
            said  the  announcement  by                               Sea  coast.  A  pipeline  from  month.                    line network that carries gas
            Gazprom “is yet another at-  Some  Poles  and  Bulgar-    Norway is to due to start op-                             from  Russia’s  huge  deposits
            tempt by Russia to use gas as  ians welcomed the cutoff for  erating this year.        The    Greek   government  in northwestern Siberia’s Ya-
            an instrument of blackmail.”  moving them closer to inde-                              held  an  emergency  meet-   mal Peninsula does not con-
                                         pendence  from  Russian  en-  Bulgarian  Prime  Minister  ing  Wednesday  in  Athens.  nect  with  pipelines  that  run
            Europe is not without some  ergy.                         Kiril  Petkov,  whose  govern-  Greece’s next scheduled pay-  to  China.  And  Russia  only
            leverage in the dispute, since                            ment has been cutting many  ment to Gazprom is due on  has limited facilities to export
            it  pays  Russia  $400  million  Dobrin Todorov, a resident of  of the country’s old ties with  May 25, and the government  super-chilled liquefied gas by
            a  day  for  gas,  money  Putin  Sofia,  the  Bulgarian  capital,  Russia, called Gazprom’s sus-  must  decide  whether  it  will  ship.

                          Myanmar court sentences Suu Kyi to 5 years for corruption

            (AP)  —  A  court  in  mili-  she  accepted  gold  and  hun-  to an active role in politics.  viewed abroad as an icon of  under  the  Anti-Corruption
            tary-ruled  Myanmar  con-    dreds of thousands of dollars                             that  struggle,  epitomized  by  Act is 15 years in prison and a
            victed former leader Aung  in a bribe from a top political  The  daughter  of  Aung  San,  her years under house arrest.  fine for each charge. Convic-
            San Suu Kyi of corruption  colleague.                     Myanmar’s  founding  father,                              tions in the other cases could
            and sentenced her to five                                 Suu Kyi became a public fig-  But she also has been heav-  bring sentences of more than
            years in prison Wednesday  Her supporters and indepen-    ure  in  1988  during  a  failed  ily  criticized  for  showing  100 years in prison in total.
            in the first of several cor-  dent  legal  experts  consider  uprising  against  a  previous  deference  to  the  military
            ruption cases against her.   Suu Kyi’s prosecution an un-  military  government  when  while ignoring and, at times,  “These   are   trumped-up
                                         just  attempt  to  discredit  her  she  helped  found  the  Na-  even  defending  rights  viola-  charges,  politically  motivat-
            Suu Kyi, 76, who was ousted  and  legitimize  the  military’s  tional League for Democracy  tions — most notably a 2017  ed, to keep her inside prison
            by an army takeover last year,  seizure  of  power  while  pre-  party.  She  spent  15  of  the  crackdown   on   Rohingya  for such a long time and also
            has denied the allegation that  venting  her  from  returning  next 21 years under house ar-  Muslims  that  rights  groups  are designed to keep her away
                                                                      rest for leading a nonviolent  have labeled genocide. While  from the political limelight,”
                                                                      struggle  for  democracy  that  she  has  disputed  allegations  said  Wai  Hnin  Pwint  Thon,
                                                                      earned  her  the  1991  Nobel  that  army  personnel  killed  a Geneva-based activist with
                                                                      Peace Prize. When the army  Rohingya  civilians,  torched  the  pro-democracy  group
                                                                      allowed an election in 2015,  houses  and  raped  women  Burma Campaign UK. “And
                                                                      her party won a landslide vic-  and  she  remains  immensely  I’m  sure  the  military  is  also
                                                                      tory  and  she  became  the  de  popular at home, that stance  thinking,  by  sentencing  her,
                                                                      facto head of state. Her party  has  tarnished  her  reputation  they  are  grabbing  the  hope
                                                                      won a greater majority in the  abroad.                    away  from  people  but,  in
                                                                      2020 polls.                                               reality,  it’s  doing  completely
                                                                                                   She  has  already  been  sen-  the  opposite  because  people
                                                                      Suu  Kyi  is  widely  revered  tenced to six years’ imprison-  haven’t  lost  hope.  They  are
                                                                      at  home  for  her  role  in  the  ment in other cases and faces  still  standing  up  against  the
                                                                      country’s    pro-democracy  10 more corruption charges.  military.”
                                                                      movement  —  and  was  long  The  maximum  punishment
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