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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 28 aPRiL 2022

                         As Nets try to hang on vs Celtics, Embiid, 76ers can move on

            (AP) — Kevin Durant and  Celtics.                         after  he  took  only  11  shots
            Kyrie Irving are struggling                               Saturday  in  a  109-103  loss.
            against  Boston,  and  Ben  The  idea  of  four  straight  Irving was 6 for 17, missing
            Simmons  won’t  be  avail-   losses  in  the  first  round  all seven 3-pointers, and the
            able to help them Monday  seemed unimaginable before  only people who don’t seem
            night  with  the  Brooklyn  the  season,  when  the  Nets  surprised are the Celtics.
            Nets’ season on the brink.   were  an  NBA  Finals  favor-
                                         ite  with  Durant,  Irving  and  “It’s  going  exactly  how  we
            His  former  teammate  plans  James  Harden.  But  Irving  expected  for  the  most  part,
            to play on, though. Joel Em-  didn’t play at all to begin the  just  because  we  believe  in
            biid  is  determined  to  stay  season and then only on the  ourselves  more  than  any-
            in  Philadelphia’s  lineup,  no  road  for  most  of  it  because  thing,”  Defensive  Player  of
            matter how much pain he has  he  is  not  vaccinated  against  the Year Marcus Smart said.
            in his right thumb.          the coronavirus, making him  “We knew the task coming in
                                         ineligible in New York City.  was high against a really good
            Now 2 1/2 months after their  Then  Harden  was  dealt  to  team  with  two  of  the  best
            blockbuster  trade,  the  Nets  Philadelphia  in  a  swap  for  players to ever do this. So for
            and  76ers  are  in  decidedly  Simmons  at  the  trade  dead-  us, we also knew that our de-  Simmons  hasn’t  played  at  best players on the floor of-
            different  places.  The  76ers  line and Brooklyn never met  fense had the potential to do  all this season, sidelined by a  ten  enough,  the  Nets  don’t
            can  move  into  the  second  those expectations.         our  best  on  those  guys  be-  herniated disk in his back af-  have the chemistry of a Celt-
            round with a victory in Game                              cause of our length, our size  ter coming to Brooklyn, and  ics  team  that  started  slowly
            5 against Toronto, while the  Now  even  Durant  doesn’t  and the way we play defense  was ruled out of Game 4 af-  but has kept getting better as
            Nets  will  be  trying  to  avoid  look as expected. Boston had  together.”            ter hoping to play during the  the season went on.
            a sweep when they host the  him second-guessing himself                                series.  Unable  to  play  their

                          As college sports evolve, what will be NCAA president’s job?

            (AP) - One of Mark Emmert’s go-                                         mittee,  co-chaired  by  Southeastern  The role of the NCAA going forward
            to  lines  when  talking  about  his  Before  the  NCAA  chooses  its  next  Conference  Commissioner  Greg  could  be  to  simply  run  champion-
            role as NCAA president and the  president  and  determines  the  skills  Sankey and Ohio University athletic  ships, including the management of
            extent of his power to lead the as-  and  characteristics  it  wants  from  a  director Julie Cromer, has been meet-  media rights deals for those big-ticket
            sociation is to explain how those  new  leader,  the  decision-makers  for  ing weekly and is expected to deliver  events  such  as  the  March  Madness
            outside college sports mistakenly  the nation’s largest governing body in  a  report  with  proposed  reforms  by  basketball tournaments.
            believe  his  job  is  similar  to  that  college athltics must first decide what  August.
            of  NFL  Commissioner  Roger  they want the NCAA to be and to do.                                           If that’s the case, is an NCAA presi-
            Goodell.                                                                The  21-member  panel  has  been  dent — or CEO or executive director
                                                “I think it’s a little bit premature to  charged with examining what should  —- even necessary?
            “That’s  the  worst  metaphor  you  define  the  characteristics  you’d  be  be  required  of  Division  I  schools,
            could possibly use. I’m more like the  looking for in a leader without really  what benefits athletes should receive,  “I think if we want to continue hav-
            secretary-general of the United Na-  getting through whatever is described  how  rules  should  be  made  and  en-  ing  March  Madness  the  way  we’ve
            tions. I oversee this process, I shape  as  the  restructuring,  transformation,  forced,  and  how  revenue  should  be  had it, if we want to continue having
            it,” Emmert told AP last summer in a  re-reinvention  process,”  former  Big  shared.                       the coordination among the schools,
            lengthy interview.                  Ten  Commissioner  Jim  Delany  said                                    if we want to continue to have this, at
                                                Wednesday.                          All  of  this  activity  comes  as  the  least in theory, being education first
            Tom  McMillen,  the  former  Mary-                                      NCAA’s  ability  to  govern  has  been  and academic institutions competing
            land basketball player and  congress-  The  NCAA  is  in  currently  reshap-  undercut by  loss after loss in  court,  athletically, then yes, I think it is ben-
            man who now leads the Lead1 associ-  ing  Division  I  —-  the  wealthiest  most  notably  last  year’s  unanimous  eficial to have a central figure over all
            ation of Division I athletic directors,  and most prominent level of college  Supreme Court ruling against the as-  of it,” Feldman said. “But if this be-
            summed  up  the  NCAA  presidency  sports,  de-emphasizing  the  role  of  sociation.                       comes  more  conference-based,  then
            this way: “The job is tough. Expecta-  the national office and handing more                                 potentially no.”
            tions without power.”               power  to  conferences  and  schools.  “It’s  obviously  a  very  different  job
                                                A new, streamlined constitution was  than it was 12 years ago or even eight  McMillen  said  he  believes  a  central
            Emmert announced Tuesday he was  ratified in January, opening the door  years  ago,”  said  Gabe  Feldman,  di-  governing body with a leader will re-
            stepping  down  from  the  job  he  has  for  each  of  the  NCAA’s  three  divi-  rector  of  the  sports  law  program  at  main necessary.
            held  for  the  past  12  years  by  June  sions to govern themselves.  Tulane. “And the role of the NCAA
            2023,  depending  on  how  quickly  a                                   president may be significantly dimin-  “You  need  someone  first  of  all  that
            replacement is found.               The Division I transformation com-  ished  if  the  decentralization  efforts  can articulate a vision of what college
                                                                                    continue  and  the  authority  moves  sports  should  be,  and  I  don’t  think
                                                                                    more toward the conferences.”       that vision is to be mirror images of
                                                                                                                        the NBA or the NFL for basketball
                                                                                    Feldman added: “But it doesn’t mat-  and football,” McMillen said. “It’s to
                                                                                    ter how good the leader is. The cap-  be a derivation of higher education.”
                                                                                    tain of the ship can’t navigate the ship
                                                                                    if they don’t have a map and if there  To McMillen, the NCAA’s next lead-
                                                                                    are holes all over the ship.”       er will need to be someone who has
                                                                                                                        or can build good relationships with
                                                                                    Emmert’s  role  during  a  decade  of  lawmakers  in  Washington.  Emmert
                                                                                    sweeping  upheaval  in  college  sports  had become a punching bag for poli-
                                                                                    was  to  lead  an  association  that  gov-  ticians on both sides of the aisle while
                                                                                    erned  by  representative  democracy.  pleading for a federal law to regulate
                                                                                    There are more than 1,100 member  athlete compensation.
                                                                                    schools  serving  nearly  500,000  ath-
                                                                                    letes. It’s a slow-moving bureaucracy,  The  NCAA’s  next  leader  will  also
                                                                                    with  a  wildly  diverse  membership  need  to  be  able  to  collaborate  with
                                                                                    — even just within Division I’s 350  conference commissioners, especially
                                                                                    schools.                            those of the Power Five leagues such
                                                                                                                        as the SEC and Big Ten.
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