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A28    u.s. news
                     Diahuebs 28 aPRiL 2022

                          Perdue invokes Trump election lies in Georgia GOP primary

                                                                      That tracks with the broader  month  gas  tax  holiday  and  the former president’s allega-
                                                                      shifts in the Republican Party  a  $1  billion-plus  special  in-  tions  were  also  roundly  re-
                                                                      under  Trump.  But  some  in  come tax refund.            jected by courts, including by
                                                                      the GOP warn that the fixa-                               judges Trump appointed.
                                                                      tion on past elections will do  Speaking  at  the  White  Dia-
                                                                      little to win a general election  mond Grill, a longtime Per-  During the speech, he touted
                                                                      in  Georgia,  where  moderate  due  hangout  featured  in  a  his lawsuit that seeks to un-
                                                                      voters are crucial.          campaign  commercial  for  seal  physical  ballots  for  ex-
                                                                                                   Perdue’s  2014  Senate  run,  amination in Atlanta’s Fulton
                                                                      Perdue,  who  was  personally  Kemp  said  he  wants  state  County,  making  allegations
                                                                      courted  by  Trump  to  enter  government  to  “take  in  the  without  evidence  that  poll
                                                                      the  race  as  retribution  for  very  least  amount  possible  workers took bribes and peo-
                                                                      Kemp  not  going  along  with  needed  to  serve  the  people  ple  were  paid  to  gather  and
                                                                      election lies, is lagging ahead  properly.”               deliver ballots illegally.
                                                                      of  the  May  24  primary.  An
                                                                      Atlanta  Journal-Constitution  Despite  Perdue’s  change  in  Perdue in 2014 was channel-
            (AP)  —  As  he  met  with  his Facebook page of himself  poll  released  Tuesday  found  tone  since  2014,  the  former  ing  some  of  the  same  busi-
            voters recently in a part of  beaming  as  the  group’s  co-  Kemp  leading  Perdue  53%  chief  executive  of  Reebok  nessman-outsider   themes
            northwest  Georgia  where  founder talks under a banner  to  27%  among  likely  voters.  and Dollar General insists he  that  Trump  harnessed  so
            Donald Trump is still very  proclaiming “a legal vote re-  While  that’s  a  sizable  mar-  hasn’t changed as he eyes the  powerfully  two  years  later.
            popular,  David  Perdue  quires the rule of law.”         gin, it just barely puts Kemp  governor’s mansion.        But he was more subtle then,
            invoked  his  belief  in  the                             above  the  50%  threshold  he                            introducing himself to voters
            lie  that  elections  in  2020  The  emphasis  on  false  elec-  would need to avoid a runoff.  Still, Perdue’s sharpest focus  as a “different type of person”
            and 2021 were stolen from  tion  claims  is  a  reminder  of                           is  on  claims  that  Georgia’s  who  cared  most  about  re-
            the  former  president  and  how  far  Perdue  has  veered  Kemp  is  pressing  his  ad-  2020  presidential  election  forming federal spending.
            himself.                     to  the  right  ahead  of  next  vantage,  traveling  Tuesday  and  2021  Senate  runoffs,  in
                                         month’s  primary  against  in-  to  a  barbecue  restaurant  in  which Perdue lost to Demo-  Perdue wasn’t generally seen
            “First  of  all,  it  was  stolen,”  cumbent  Republican  Gov.  Perdue’s  middle  Georgia  crat Jon Ossoff, were fraudu-  as  the  most  conservative
            Perdue  said.  “The  facts  are  Brian  Kemp.  He’s  evolved  hometown  of  Bonaire  to  lently  won  by  Democrats.  choice  in  2014.  After  win-
            coming out.”                 from   a   business-minded  sign  a  state  income  tax  cut  No  credible  evidence  has  ning the primary, he defeated
                                         conservative who won a U.S.  that  could  eventually  total  emerged  to  support  Perdue  Democratic  candidate  Mi-
            When the rally was over, Per-  Senate seat in 2014 by focus-  $2 billion. While Perdue has  and  Trump’s  claims  of  mass  chelle Nunn, whom he said
            due visited the storefront of-  ing  on  federal  spending  to  pushed to gradually eliminate  voter fraud. Federal and state  he  still  considered  a  friend
            fice of a group that similarly  a  hard-liner  who  associates  the state income tax entirely,  election officials and Trump’s  years later, a nod to a bipar-
            espouses election falsehoods.  with conspiracy theorists.  Kemp  boasted  of  a  series  of  own  attorney  general  have  tisanship out of vogue among
            Perdue  posted  a  photo  on                              tax  breaks,  including  a  two-  said the election was fair, and  hardcore partisans.

                         Oklahoma governor signs ban on nonbinary birth certificates

            (AP)  —  Oklahoma  Gov.  executive  order  prohibiting  House  last  week.  “We  want  Arkansas,  Tennessee  and  Doctors and scientists say sex
            Kevin  Stitt  signed  a  bill  any  changes  to  a  person’s  clarity  and  truth  on  official  Texas, have passed laws pro-  and gender are not the same
            Tuesday explicitly prohib-   gender  on  birth  certificates,  state  documents.  Informa-  hibiting  gender-confirming  thing. While sex typically re-
            iting the use of nonbinary  despite the settlement agree-  tion  should  be  based  on  es-  treatments for minors.  fers to anatomy, gender iden-
            gender  markers  on  state  ment. A civil rights group has  tablished  medical  fact  and                           tity is more an inner sense of
            birth  certificates,  a  ban  challenged  the  executive  or-  not  an  ever-changing  social  The  U.S.  State  Department  being male, female or some-
            experts say is the first of its  der in federal court, but the  dialogue.”             recently  announced  it  had  where in between, regardless
            kind in the nation.          state has not yet responded.                              issued  its  first  passport  with  of physical anatomy, accord-
                                                                      Oklahomans in 2020 elected  an  “X”  gender  designation,  ing  to  Dr.  Jason  Rafferty,  a
            The  bill  followed  a  flap  last  Many  states  only  offer  male  the nation’s first openly non-  marking  a  milestone  in  the  pediatrician  and  child  psy-
            year  over  the  Oklahoma  or female gender options on  binary legislator in the coun-  recognition  of  the  rights  of  chiatrist at Hasbro Children’s
            State Department of Health’s  birth  certificates,  but  Okla-  try,  Oklahoma  City  Demo-  people who do not identify as  Hospital in Rhode Island and
            agreement  in  a  civil  case  al-  homa is the first to write the  crat  Rep.  Mauree  Turner,  male  or  female,  and  expects  a lead author of the American
            lowing  a  nonbinary  option.  nonbinary  prohibition  into  who  said  it  was  painful  to  to be able to offer the option  Academy of Pediatrics’ trans-
            The  birth  certificate  in  that  law, according to Lambda Le-  have  colleagues  single  out  more broadly next year.  gender policy.
            case  was  issued  to  an  Okla-  gal, the civil rights group su-  those who are gender diverse.
            homa-born  Oregon  resident  ing Oklahoma.
            who  sued  after  the  agency                             “I find it a very extreme and
            initially  refused  the  request.  Currently,  15  states  and  the  grotesque  use  of  power  in
            People who are nonbinary do  District of Columbia specifi-  this  body  to  write  this  law
            not  identify  with  traditional  cally  allow  a  gender  marker  and try to pass it — when lit-
            male  or  female  gender  as-  designation  outside  of  male  erally none of them live like
            signments.                   or  female,  according  to  the  us,”  Turner  tweeted  the  day
                                         National  Center  for  Trans-  the bill was debated.
            News  of  the  settlement  gender  Equality.  That  num-
            prompted  outrage  among  ber  will  increase  on  July  1  Republicans  in  conservative
            Republicans,  including  Stitt,  when Vermont’s new statute  states across the country have
            who  along  with  fellow  con-  goes into effect.         introduced  several  bills  this
            servatives  in  a  number  of                             year  targeting  transgender
            GOP-led states have been en-  “People  are  free  to  believe  and nonbinary people. Okla-
            gaged in a culture war over is-  whatever  they  want  about  homa’s  governor  earlier  this
            sues like restricting LGBTQ  their identity, but science has  year signed a bill prohibiting
            and abortion rights that drive  determined people are either  transgender  girls  from  play-
            the party’s base in an election  biologically  male  or  female  ing  on  female  sports  teams,
            year. Stitt’s appointee to lead  at  birth,”  said  Oklahoma  one  of  many  such  bans  be-
            the agency abruptly resigned  Rep. Sheila Dills, the House  ing signed into law across the
            the next day, and the gover-  sponsor of the bill, in a state-  country.  Other  conservative
            nor then promptly issued an  ment after the bill passed the  states,  including  Alabama,
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