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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 29 March 2023
            AP sources: Judge rules Pence must testify before grand jury

            By JILL COLVIN and           tions  about  how  Trump’s
            ERIC TUCKER                  legal team might respond.
            Associated Press             Pence’s team is evaluating
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  whether it will appeal.
            federal  judge  has  ruled  The sealed ruling from U.S.
            that  former  Vice  President  District Judge James “Jeb”
            Mike  Pence  will  have  to  Boasberg  sets  up  the  un-
            testify  before  a  grand  jury  precedented scenario of a
            in the Justice Department’s  former vice president being
            investigation into efforts by  compelled  to  give  poten-
            former  President  Donald  tially  damaging  testimony
            Trump and his allies to over-  against  the  president  he
            turn the results of the 2020  once served. And it comes
            election.                    as  Pence  has  been  inch-
            That’s  according  to  two  ing closer to announcing a
            people  familiar  with  the  run for the 2024 Republican
            decision,  who  spoke  Tues-  presidential  nomination  —
            day  on  condition  of  ano-  a  decision  that  would  put
            nymity  because  it  remains  him  in  direct  competition
            under seal.                  with his former boss.        Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks to reporters before the MockCon event at University
            The people said, however,  Pence  was  subpoenaed         Chapel at Washington and Lee University, March 21, 2023, in Lexington, Va.
            that Pence would not have  earlier  this  year  to  appear                                                                      Associated Press
            to answer questions about  before  the  grand  jury  in   monial role overseeing the  the  results  despite  Trump’s  everyone  else  who  was
            his actions on Jan. 6, 2021,  Washington   investigating   counting  of  the  Electoral  contention otherwise.      at  the  Capitol  that  day
            when  a  mob  of  Trump’s  election  interference.  In    College  vote,  but  did  not  Pence has said that Trump  and  history  will  hold  him
            supporters   stormed   the  public  appearances,  he      have the power to impact  endangered his family and  “accountable.”q
            Capitol  building  as  Pence  has cast the that action as
            was  presiding  over  a  joint  unconstitutional  and  un-
            session of Congress to cer-  precedented  and  said  he
            tify  Democrat  Joe  Biden’s  would pursue the matter as
            victory. But he would have  far as the Supreme Court.
            to testify about any poten-  Still,  he  told  ABC’s  “This
            tial  illegal  acts  committed  Week”  that  he  might  be
            by  the  former  president,  open  to  testifying  about
            one of the people said.      matters not directly related
            Pence  and  his  attorneys  to his congressional role.
            had  cited  constitutional  “I’ve actually never assert-
            grounds    in   challenging  ed  that  other  matters  un-
            the  grand  jury’s  subpoe-  related to January 6 would
            na.  They  argued  that,  be-  otherwise be protected by
            cause  he  was  serving  in  speech  and  debate,”  he
            his  capacity  as  president  told  the  network.  “We’re
            of the Senate that day, he  gonna make that case, but
            was protected from being  I promise you we’ll respect
            forced to testify under the  the decisions of the court.”
            Constitution’s  “speech  or  A Justice Department spe-
            debate”  clause,  which  is  cial  counsel,  Jack  Smith,
            intended to protect mem-     is  investigating  attempts
            bers  of  Congress  from  by  Trump  and  his  allies
            questioning  about  official  to  overturn  Biden’s  win
            legislative acts.            in  the  2020  presidential
            Trump’s  lawyers  had  also  election  to  keep  Trump  in
            objected  to  Pence  com-    the  White  House.  Multiple
            plying,  citing  executive  Trump  aides  have  already
            privilege.                   appeared  before  the  fed-
            A  Trump  spokesman  criti-  eral  grand  jury,  as  well  as
            cized  the  decision  in  a  a separate Georgia panel
            statement,  accusing  the  examining  allegations  of
            Justice   Department     of  Trump  mishandling  classi-
            “continuously     stepping  fied documents at his Mar-
            far  outside  the  standard  a-Lago club in Florida.
            norms in attempting to de-   A  spokesman  for  the  spe-
            stroy  the  long  accepted,  cial  counsel’s  office  de-
            long  held,  constitutionally  clined to comment.
            based  standards  of  attor-  Pence  has  spoken  exten-
            ney-client privilege and ex-  sively  about  Trump’s  pres-
            ecutive privilege.”          sure campaign urging him
            “There  is  no  factual  or  le-  to  reject  Biden’s  victory  in
            gal  basis  or  substance  to  the days leading up to Jan.
            any case against President  6, including in his book, “So
            Trump,”  they  added,  but  Help  Me  God.”  Pence,  as
            did  not  respond  to  ques-  vice president, had a cere-
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