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Wednesday 29 March 2023
Poll: Religious service attendance a bit down after pandemic
By LUIS ANDRES HENAO ners are elderly and those
Associated Press who returned are still wear-
A “stable share” of Ameri- ing masks at services. The
cans has participated in re- pandemic “has been a big
ligious services in some way and continual hit,” he said.
– virtually or in person – dur- Thomas Groome, professor
ing the coronavirus pan- of theology and religious
demic, though in-person education at Boston Col-
attendance is slightly lower lege, said he wasn’t sur-
than before the COVID-19 prised by the survey’s find-
outbreak. ings.
Those are among the key “There are some signs
findings in a comprehen- that attendance is com-
sive report released Tues- ing back, but it’ll probably
day by the Pew Research never come back to where
Center titled: “How the it was before the pandem-
Pandemic Has Affected At- ic,” he said. “I think people
tendance at U.S. Religious learned how to nurture
Services.” The poll surveyed their spiritual lives and faith
11,377 U.S. adults in No- without necessarily going
vember last year. Its margin to their local church ev-
of error for the full sample of ery Sunday,” he added. “I
respondents is plus or minus know some of them went
1.5 percentage points. The Rev. Manuel Rodriguez sits in the pews of his church, Our Lady of Sorrows, on March 5, 2021, there virtually by Zoom…
The poll found that the in the Queens borough of New York. Associated Press many read the scriptures
share of U.S. adults typically themselves or they got
attending religious servic- virtually or both -- remained ing online or watching on pers and tourists, lost most together with neighbors
es at least once a month steady since the early days TV).” When asked whether of its revenue after parishes or they bonded into fam-
dropped from 33% in 2019, of the pandemic. they now attend religious closed during the pandem- ily groups.” By November
before the COVID-19 out- Researchers based their services more or less often ic. The ranks of regular pa- 2022, 20% of respondents
break, to 30% in 2022. analysis on five surveys con- than they did before COV- rishioners dropped from 300 said they were attending
About 20% of Americans ducted since the start of ID-19, more Americans say before COVID-19, to about in person less often, while
say they now attend in per- the pandemic. They show that their attendance has 200 now, said the Rev. John 7% said they were going
son less often than they did that “a remarkably steady declined. In San Francisco, Ardis, who had to dismiss in person more often. And
before the pandemic. share of Americans – about the historic Old St. Mary’s most of the lay staff and 15% said they were partici-
But the survey also found 40% – say they have partici- Cathedral struggled to stay close the parish preschool. pating in services virtually
that the percentage of U.S. pated in religious services in open during the pandemic. “About 40% of our regular more often, while 5% said
adults who take part in reli- the prior month one way or The 160-year-old Catholic parishioners have chosen they were watching ser-
gious services in some way the other (either in person church, which is heavily de- not to return,” Ardis said, vices online or on TV less
each month -- in person, or virtually, i.e., by stream- pendent on older worship- adding that most parishio- often.q
Court reinstates Adnan Syed’s conviction in ‘Serial’ case
By BRIAN WITTE and LEA ing on a motion to vacate appear in person, is consis-
SKENE convictions, and that right tent with the constitutional
Associated Press was violated in the case of requirement that victims be
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) the family of Hae Min Lee, treated with dignity and re-
— A Maryland court did Syed’s ex-girlfriend and spect,” the court ruled.
not give the family of the high school classmate who The court ruled it is obli-
murder victim in the case died more than two de- gated to remedy the lower
chronicled in the hit pod- cades ago. court’s violations, “as long
cast “Serial” enough time The court ruled that giving we can do so without vio-
to attend a court hearing her brother, Young Lee, lating Mr. Syed’s right to
in person that led to Adnan only one business day be- be free from double jeop-
Syed’s release, a Maryland fore the hearing was “insuf- ardy.”
appellate court ruled Tues- ficient time to reasonably “We can do that, and ac-
day, and it ordered a new allow Mr. Lee, who lived in cordingly, we vacate the
hearing to be held. California, to attend the circuit court’s order va- Adnan Syed gets emotional as he speaks to reporters outside
Though Syed’s conviction hearing in person,” and cating Mr. Syed’s convic- the Robert C. Murphy Courts of Appeal building after a hearing,
has been reinstated, he will required him to attend the tions, which results in the Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, in Annapolis, Md.
not be taken back into cus- hearing remotely. reinstatement of the origi- Associated Press
tody. “Allowing a victim entitled nal convictions and sen- is given notice of the hear- sons in support of its deci-
In a 2-1 decision, the Ap- to attend a court proceed- tence,” the ruling said. “We ing that is sufficient to allow sion.”
pellate Court of Maryland ing to attend in person, remand for a new, legally him to attend in person, ev- The family had asked the
ruled the state’s law pro- when the victim makes that compliant, and transpar- idence supporting the mo- court for a redo of the Sep-
vides victims with the right request and all other per- ent hearing on the motion tion to vacate is presented, tember hearing that led to
to prior notice of the hear- sons involved in the hearing to vacate, where Mr. Lee and the court states its rea- Syed’s release.q