Page 7 - aruba-today-20230329
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 29 March 2023

            Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes: “Our coalition is stronger than ever”

            (Oranjestad)—Recently,  finalize this agreement.          be  effective  immediately.   The  prime  minister  ex-   stalled  in  the  down  town
            Prime Minister Evelyn Wev-                                Therefore—as    you   can    plained  that  it  is  already  area, but the APA has now
            er-Croes,  along  with  Min-  The  prime  minister  further  see—this  agreement  really   public knowledge that Ea-  asked for a tank station at
            ister  Dangui  Oduber  for  explained that besides this,  concerns different areas of   gle  LNG  is  currently  build-  the cruise ship dock (as it is
            Tourism and Health, visited  they  would  also  like  to  ex-  general importance, which   ing a bunker station in San  common practice in other
            Jacksonville,  Florida,  to  plore  the  possibility  to  use  all  falls  under  my  ministry,”   Nicolas  and  that  the  pro-  countries) so they can offer
            meet with executives from  liquefied natural gas (LNG)  the prime minister clarified.   cess is going well. Accord-  LNG  services  for  the  ships.
            Jaxport to sign a Memoran-   at the Aruba docks to pro-                                ing to her, the company is  Many  cruise  ships  have
            dum of Understanding for a  vide cruise ships LNG when  In relation to her ministry—   also  communicating  with  switched to LNG and it is for
            new  cargo  route  between  they  dock  on  the  island.  formed  by  a  coalition  be-  the inhabitants of that dis-  this reason why APA is inter-
            Aruba and the U.S.           This matter is also included  tween  the  MEP  and  RAIZ   trict.                      est in a tank station. APA is
                                         in  the  finance  manage-    parties—our reporter asked                                already  having  discussions
            In relation to this, our report-  ment  by  Minister  Oduber,  the leader if there is a divi-  She clarified that there will  about this project. q
            ed approached the prime  who  was  also  present  at  sion amongst the members         be  no  LNG  pipelines  in-
            minister  with  a  few  ques-  the  meeting.  For  this  goal,  of  the  coalition,  to  which
            tions about this MoU. Firstly,  Eagle LNG also signed the  she  assured  that this  is  not
            our  reporter  asked  if  there  MoU agreement.           the  case.  “Our  coalition  is
            are any reasons as to why                                 stronger  than  ever.  I’ll  re-
            the  ministers  in  charge  of  She  added  that  they  will  fer  to  one  small  example:
            the  finances  for  the  econ-  continue to explore options  Minister  Arends  (RAIZ)  and
            omy  and  transportation  to  open  more  routes  for  I  both  attended  the  UN
            were not present during this  cargo  and  cruise  ships  for  Water  Conference  in  New
            meeting in Jacksonville.     Aruba. This will again all be  York last week to represent
                                         managed by Minister Dan-     Aruba.”
            The  prime  minister  indi-  gui Oduber.
            cated that she had signed                                 In terms of the LNG services
            the  MoU  with  Jaxport  on  “If  we  can  finalize  the  for cruise ships, our reporter
            Monday  to  explore  the  agreement,  this  can  pro-     asked  the  prime  minister  if
            possibility  of  collaboration  vide  general  benefits  for  this  also  includes  the  San
            between  Aruba  and  the  our  tourism  (Minister  Odu-   Nicolas  dock  where  the
            U.S.,  and  seeing  how  the  ber),  energy  sector  (Min-  fuel  pipeline  is  located,
            MoU concerns the general  ister  G.  Croes),  economy  seeing  as  there  has  never
            development of the island,  (Minister  Wever),  transpor-  been a mention of LNG in
            as  the  prime  minister,  she  tation   (Minister   Arends)  the down town area, which
            thought  signing  the  MoU  and  finally,  for  the  island’s  would  indicate  a  pipeline
            would be a no-brainer.       general  finances  (Minister  running  all  the  way  to  the
                                         Maduro). This trajectory will  down town area.
            She  remarked  that  this
            MoU concerns the finances
            managed by Minister Dan-
            gui Oduber as well as APA.
            The latter is currently work-
            ing with Jaxport so that the
            government  agency  can
            help  APA  with  the  termi-
            nals.  This,  Minister  Oduber
            had  previously  arranged
            with  Jaxport  already,  and
            Monday’s  meeting  was  to
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