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Tuesday 8 November 2022
Biden make final appeals ahead of crucial midterms
Continued from Front fer significant losses in the
“It’s outrageous,” Biden First lady Jill Biden cam-
said. paigned Monday for Dem-
Elon Musk, whose purchase ocratic Rep. Jennifer Wex-
of Twitter has roiled the ton in a part of northern Vir-
social media world, used ginia that Joe Biden carried
the platform Monday to two years ago. It could be
endorse the GOP, writing, an early indicator of GOP
“I recommend voting for midterm strength should
a Republican Congress, Wexton’s seat flip to her Re-
given that the Presidency is publican challenger, Hung
Democratic.” Cao.
That came too late for The first lady told about 100
more than 41 million Ameri- people outside a home in
cans who had already cast Ashburn, about 30 miles
ballots. In fact, Monday from Washington, that,
was more about ensuring in Congress, a “Republi-
that supporters either meet can majority will attack
early voting deadlines or women’s rights and health
make firm plans to show up care.”
at polling places in person. Trump has long falsely
The election results will have claimed he lost the 2020
a powerful impact on the election only because
final two years of Biden’s President Joe Biden poses for photos at the end of a campaign event with New York Gov. Kathy Democrats cheated and
presidency, shaping policy Hochul at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, N.Y., Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022. has even begun raising the
on everything from govern- Associated Press possibility of election fraud
ment spending to military sault of Paul Pelosi, hus- considered Trump’s most events that could be in his this year. Federal intelli-
support for Ukraine. In the band of House Speaker formidable challenger if he and Trump’s near future. gence agencies are warn-
first national election since Nancy Pelosi, some in that also were to get into the For national Democrats, ing of the possibility of politi-
the violent Jan. 6 insurrec- party made “light of it” or White House race. meanwhile, the focus is on cal violence from far-right
tion, the final days of the were “making excuses.” DeSantis held his own, their narrow control of the extremists.
campaign focused on fun- “There’s never been a time separate events Sunday House and Senate, which Ronna McDaniel, the Re-
damental questions about in my career where we’ve in other parts of the state could evaporate after publican National Com-
the nation’s political val- glorified violence based on where he stuck to the cen- Tuesday. mittee chairwoman, said
ues. a political preference,” the terpieces of his reelection Voters may rebuke the Democrats were “inflation
Campaigning in New York president said. campaign, including railing party controlling the White deniers,” as she tried to de-
for Gov. Kathy Hochul on Not attending the Miami against COVID-19 vaccine House and Congress amid flect their branding of her
Sunday, Biden said Re- event was Florida’s Repub- mandates. The governor’s surging inflation, concerns party as anti-democracy
publicans were willing to lican governor, Ron DeSan- counter political program- about crime and pessimism for rejecting the results of
condone last year’s mob tis, who is running for re- ing avoided antagonizing about the direction of the 2020’s presidential election
attack at the Capitol and election against Democrat Trump — meaning it didn’t country. History suggests simply because Trump lost
that, after the recent as- Charlie Crist and is widely deliver the dueling 2024 any party in power will suf- it.q
Jackson, in dissent, issues first Supreme Court opinion
WASHINGTON (AP) — New suppressed records would son's opinion.
Justice Ketanji Brown Jack- have changed the out- The two justices also were
son has issued her first Su- come at trial." allies in dissent Monday in
preme Court opinion, a The evidence at issue indi- Sotomayor's opinion that
short dissent Monday in cated that a key witness there was serious prosecu-
support of a death row in- against Chinn has an intel- torial misconduct in the trial
mate from Ohio. lectual disability that might of a Louisiana man who
Jackson wrote that she have affected his memory was convicted of sex traf-
would have thrown out low- and ability to testify accu- ficking.
er court rulings in the case rately, she wrote. Jackson joined the high
of inmate Davel Chinn, Prosecutors are required court on June 30, following
whose lawyers argued to turn over potentially ex- the retirement of Justice
that the state suppressed culpatory evidence to the Stephen Breyer, her one-
evidence that might have defense. time boss.
altered the outcome of his In this case, lower courts de- The court has yet to decide
trial. termined that the outcome any of the cases argued
Jackson, in a two-page would not have been af- in October or the first few
opinion, wrote that she fected if the witness' re- days of this month. Jack-
would have ordered a cords had been provided son almost certainly will be
Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson stands as she and new look at Chinn's case to Chinn's lawyers. writing a majority opinion in
members of the Supreme Court pose for a new group portrait "because his life is on the Justice Sonia Sotomayor one of those cases. q
following her addition, at the Supreme Court building in line and given the sub- was the only other member
Washington, Oct. 7, 2022.
Associated Press stantial likelihood that the of the court to join Jack-