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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 8 November 2022
            In India, river erosion engulfs villages

            By  ANUPAM  NATH  Associ-                                                                                           tion  to  climate  change
            ated Press                                                                                                          by  the  non-governmental
            GAUHATI,  India  (AP)  —  In                                                                                        group      Germanwatch,
            the  12  years  that  he  has                                                                                       Mandal and other residents
            been  the  priest  of  a  small                                                                                     of Murkata are on the front
            temple by the mighty Brah-                                                                                          lines of the crisis.
            maputra,    Ranajit   Man-                                                                                          The  Brahmaputra  has  al-
            dal  had  never  witnessed                                                                                          ways changed course and
            the  river's  fury  like  this.  Not                                                                                reclaimed  farmland  and
            only the temple, but the 50                                                                                         villages, but the frequency
            homes in his native Murkata                                                                                         and  severity  of  the  river's
            village were washed away                                                                                            destruction  has  increased
            in a matter of days.                                                                                                in recent years.
            "I feel like the earth has giv-                                                                                     A 2020 study by New York-
            en way under my feet now.                                                                                           based  Earth  Institute,  Co-
            I  have  been  the  temple's                                                                                        lumbia  University,  found
            priest ever since it was built,                                                                                     that  the  river's  potential
            I feel really lost now," Man-                                                                                       for  catastrophic  flooding
            dal said.                                                                                                           as  temperatures  rise  was
            Mandal,  who  is  also  a                                                                                           being  underestimated  by
            farmer  and  father  of  two,                                                                                       nearly 40%.
            says the erosion of the river                                                                                       "The  river  has  washed
            means his family has been    Ranajit Mandal, 35, the priest of a temple of Hindu goddess Durga stands with his son watching   away   everything,   and
            deprived of income, relying   the temple being washed away by the river Brahmaputra at Murkata village, northeastern Assam   we  have  no  place  to  go
            instead on government as-    state, India, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. "The river has washed away everything, and we have no   back  to  now,"  Mandal
            sistance.  "Each  family  was   place to go back to now," he said. "Even though we are staying nearby now, if this continues, we'll   said.  "Even  though  we  are
            given  5,000  rupees  ($60)   have no choice but to move away from here, away from the river."     Associated Press  staying  nearby  now,  if  this
            but  that  is  hardly  anything                                                                                     continues,  we'll  have  no
            compared  to  what  we  Assam is in one of the most  report  by  the  Council  on  climate think tank.              choice but to move away
            have  lost."  Murkata  village  climate-vulnerable  regions  Energy,  Environment  and  With  India  ranked  the  sev-  from  here,  away  from  the
            in the northeastern state of  of  India,  according  to  a  Water, a New Delhi-based  enth  most  vulnerable  na-   river."q

            French cardinal says he abused 14-year-

            old girl 35 years ago

                                                                      son,"  he  said.  Ricard,  78,
                                                                      used to be the archbishop
                                                                      of  Bordeaux,  in  southwest-
                                                                      ern France, until he retired
                                                                      from that position in 2019 to
                                                                      serve  in  his  home  diocese
                                                                      of  Dignes-les-Bains,  in  the   Migrants  hold  banners  asking  for  help,  from  a  deck  of  the
                                                                      south of the country.        Norway-flagged Geo Barents ship operated by Doctors Without
                                                                      In the 1980s, he was a priest   Borders, in Catania's port, Sicily, southern Italy, Monday, Oct. 7,
                                                                                                   2022. The Geo Barents has been allowed Sunday to disembark
                                                                      in the archdiocese of Mar-   357  migrant  that  Italian  authorities  defined  as  "vulnerable
                                                                      seille.  The  announcement   people" and minors, while leaving another 215 people that were
                                                                      was  made  Monday  at  a     declared non-vulnerable blocked on board.
                                                                      news  conference  by  the                                             Associated Press
                                                                      president  of  the  French
                                                                      bishops' conference, Arch- Italy directs NGO rescue
            Archbishop of Bordeaux, France, Cardinal Jean-Pierre Bernard
                                                                      Beaufort.  Moulins-Beaufort  ship with 89 migrants to port
            Ricard  blesses  his  titular  church  -  Sant'  Agostino  -  during  a   bishop  Éric  de  Moulins-
            ceremony to officially take possession of his church, in Rome,
            Sunday,  Oct.  8,  2006.  Cardinal  Jean-Pierre  Ricard  said  on   said  a  total  of  11  bishops
            Monday  Nov.7,  2022  that  he  had  abused  a  14-year-old  girl   and former bishops, includ-  MILAN (AP) — After waiting at sea for days, the German
            thirty-five years ago and is withdrawing from his functions. The   ing Ricard, have been tar-  humanitarian group Mission Lifeline said Monday that Ita-
            move  comes  after  a  report  issued  last  year  revealed  a  large   geted  by  accusations  in   ly has directed its migrant rescue ship with 89 people on
            number of child sex abuse cases within the country's Catholic                          board to proceed to the port of Reggio Calabria.
            Church. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini,                       relation  with  sex  abuse  in
                                                                      diverse  cases  investigated   The  25-meter  (80-foot)  ship  Rise  Above  entered  Italian
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Cardinal  large  number  of  child  sex  by French justice or church   waters  over  the  weekend  without  consent  because  of
            Jean-Pierre  Ricard,  one  of  abuse  cases  within  the  authorities.                 storm-swollen seas, after rescuing 95 people in the cen-
            France's    highest-ranking  French  Catholic  Church.  Ricard  said  he  had  talked   tral  Mediterranean.  Six  were  evacuated  at  sea  due  to
            prelates  of  the  Catholic  "Thirty-five years ago, when  to  the  victim  and  asked   medical emergencies. "We are relieved that waiting on
            Church,  said  Monday  that  I was a priest, I behaved in  her  for  forgiveness,  with-  the high seas is over. The situation on board has become
            he had abused a 14-year-     a reprehensible way with a  out  specifying  when.  He    more and more critical in the past few days and hours,"
            old  girl  35  years  ago  and  young girl aged 14," Ricard  said he was also asking for   Mission Lifeline spokeswoman Hermine Poschmann said.
            is  withdrawing  from  his  re-  said in a written statement.  forgiveness  "to  all  those  I   "We expect that the Italian authorities give everyone ac-
            ligious  duties.  The  move  "My behavior has inevitably  hurt" through his statement.   cess to a legally compliant asylum procedure and that
            comes  after  a  report  is-  caused serious and lasting  He  did  not  elaborate  on   people do not have to stay on our ship any longer than
            sued  last  year  revealed  a  consequences for this per-  that.q                      necessary."q
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