Page 7 - aruba-today-20221108
P. 7
local Tuesday 8 November 2022
Historical 1st electric flight in the greater Caribbean region
Official opening of DCCA’s “A Flight to the Future” event
ORANJESTAD – November 6, 2022,
marked a historic day for aviation
in the greater Caribbean region
with the 1st electric flight effectuat-
ed in the Dutch Caribbean with the
Pipistrel Velis Electro of Royal NLR.
With this flight the 1st International
Air Transportation Event “A Flight
to the Future”, organized by Aru-
ba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) on
behalf of the Dutch Caribbean
Cooperation of Airports (DCCA)
was officially opened. The Minister
of Transport, Integrity, Nature and
Senior Affairs Ursell Arends had the
honor of being the first passenger
on this electric flight. “This is history
in the making! Being the first ever
passenger on board an electric
flight in the greater Caribbean re-
gion has been both an honor and
a thrill. Sustainability and innova-
tion are important parts of the
Government’s vision for the future
and having these electric flights
performed within the region is a fur-
ther testament to our commitment
to explore, develop, and imple-
ment sustainable efforts.” Royal NLR – Netherlands Aero- tric airplane in the greater Carib- electric research aircraft of NLR will
space Centre, will be participat- bean region. The Pipistrel Velis also be demonstrated in the han-
In the presence of various invited ing in the event. For this occasion, Electro is a 2-seater propeller train- gar at the airport to the local com-
dignitaries from all six Dutch Carib- NLR’s electric research aircraft the ing aircraft that is fully powered by munity of the island. NLR believes
bean Islands, special guests from Pipistrel Velis Electro will perform an electromotor and can fly for a it is crucial to involve everyone in
The Netherlands, U.S., Canada, several e-flights. In fact, today’s duration of 30 minutes, consider- the journey to a sustainable future
Latin America, Central America, flight was the first one with an elec- ing a 30-minute reserve time. The of aviation.
Europe and Dutch Caribbean air-
port executives, the flight with the During the week, speeches and
Pipistrel Velis Electro took off at presentations will be given, panel
17:30PM and lasted a total of 15 discussions will be held, master-
minutes. The Pipistrel Velis Electro classes will be provided, and daily
arrived in Aruba last week and was electric flight demonstrations will
assembled on the Aruba Airport be performed with the Pipistrel
premises to execute the electric Velis Electro at Aruba Airport. The
flights during the week of the DCCA knowledge shared during that
1st International Air Transportation week of the event will be different
Event – A Flight to the Future. each day. Key themes will be: Dis-
cover the Undiscovered focusing
The Dutch Caribbean Coopera- on Sustainable Aviation, Built for
tion of Airports (DCCA) is a coop- Experience focusing on Sustain-
eration between all 6 Caribbean able Tourism, Pushing the limits:
Airports within the Kingdom of the changing the Future focusing on
Netherlands. DCCA aims to pres- Sustainable Airport Operations,
ent future focused alternative air Reality Check focusing on current
transportation options to improve Research and Investments, and
interisland connectivity between Connecting Generations which
the Dutch Caribbean Islands by will give the local community the
making it more affordable, more chance to experience the Pipistrel
efficient, and more sustainable Velis Electro up close.
and is organizing the 1st Interna-
tional Sustainable Air Transporta- Free virtual registrations are still
tion Event called “A Flight to the available for the event which will
Future” in Aruba from November be live streamed via www.dc-
7 through 11, 2022. “Health care, on November
labor markets, social networks and 7 through November 11, 2022. For
the economies can all benefit from more information on the event and
more affordable and more sustain- virtual registration, please visit our
able air connections”, said Chair DCCA website www.dccaairports.
Joost Meijs on behalf of the DCCA. com .q