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BUSINESS                 Friday 24 November 2023

            Retailers are ready to kick off Black Friday just as                                                                              HEALTH

            shoppers pull back on spending                                                                                         DOCTOR ON DUTY

            By  ANNE  D'INNOCENZIO                                                                 will  be  discounted  on  av-
            AP Retail Writer                                                                       erage  by  35%,  compared    Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
                                                                                                                                Tel. 527 4000
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Retail-                                                            with 22% a year ago, while
            ers  are  kicking  off  the  un-                                                       electronics should see 30%         San Nicolas
            official start of the holiday                                                          cuts,  compared  with  last   Imsan 24 hours
            shopping season on Friday                                                              year's  27%.  In  clothing,   Tel.524 8833
            with  a  bevy  of  discounts                                                           shoppers  will  see  an  aver-  Women in Difficulties
            and  other  enticements.                                                               age discount of 25%, com-    PHARMACY ON DUTY
            But executives are growing                                                             pared  with  19%  last  year,   Oranjestad:
            concerned  with  a  spend-                                                             Adobe said.                  Trupiaal:  Tel.  583 8560
            ing  slowdown  that  could                                                             Analysts  consider  the  five-  San Nicolas: Tel. 584 5712
            temper  sales  on  the  day                                                            day  Black  Friday  week-
            after  Thanksgiving  as  well                                                          end — which includes the     Women in Difficulties
            as throughout the holidays.                                                            Monday  after  the  holiday   OTHER
            Shoppers,   powered     by                                                             known  as  Cyber  Mon-       Dental Clinic 587 9850
            a  solid  job  market  and                                                             day  —  a  key  barometer    Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
                                                                                                                                Urgent Care 586 0448
            steady wage growth, had                                                                of  shoppers'  willingness  to   Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            demonstrated  a  resilience   A sign announces Black Friday specials on luggage sets inside   spend.  And  Black  Friday   +297 588 0539
            that  confounded  econo-     a Macy's department store on Monday, Nov. 20, 2023, in Den-  is  expected  to  be  once   Women in Difficulties
            mists  and  ran  counter  to   ver.  Retailers  are  kicking  off  the  unofficial  start  of  the  holiday   again the busiest shopping   EMERGENCY
                                         shopping season on Friday with a bevy of discounts and other
            sour  sentiments  expressed   enticements.                                             day of the year, according   Police            100
            in   opinion   polls.   Such                               (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)  to Sensormatic Solutions, a   Oranjestad      527 3140
            spending,  while  cautious,   rise 3% to 4% for November  pears  to  be  a  trend  that   firm  that  tracks  store  traf-  Noord        527 3200
            came  despite  higher  pric-  through  December,  com-    only got more pronounced     fic.  On  average,  the  top   Sta. Cruz       527 2900
            es in the grocery aisle and   pared  with  a  5.4%  growth  during the pandemic when   10  busiest  shopping  days   San  Nicolas      584 5000
            higher borrowing costs.      of  a  year  ago.  The  pace  clogs in the supply network   in the U.S are expected to   Police Tipline      11141
            But  consumers  are  now     is  consistent  with  the  av-  in  2021  made  people  buy   once  again  account  for   Fire Dept.      115
            coming  under  more  pres-   erage  annual  holiday  in-  early for fear of not getting   roughly  40%  of  all  holiday   Red Cross      582 2219
            sure  from  dwindling  sav-  crease of 3.6% from 2010 to  what they wanted.            retail  traffic,  Sensormatic
            ings, increased credit card   pre-pandemic 2019. Amer-    But retailers said that many   said.                      TAXI SERVICES
            debt  and  still  stubborn  in-  icans  ramped  up  spend-  shoppers  will  be  focus-  Stores  have  been  increas-  Taxi Tas     587 5900
            flation.  In  fact,  shoppers   ing  during  the  pandemic,  ing more on deals and will   ingly pushing Black Friday-  Prof. Taxi   588 0035
                                                                                                                                Taxi D.T.S.
                                                                                                                                               587 2300
            cut  their  buying  in  Octo-  with  more  money  in  their  likely wait until the last min-  type deals all month, help-  Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            ber,  ending  six  straight   pockets  from  federal  relief  ute. Best Buy said it's push-  ing to perk up business.q  A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            months of gains. Shoppers    checks and nowhere to go  ing more items at opening                                    Women in Difficulties
            have  gotten  some  relief   during  lockdowns.  For  the  price  points,  while  Kohl's                            TRAVEL INFO
            from  easing  inflation,  but   holiday  2021  season,  sales  has simplified its deals, pro-
            many  goods  and  services   for  the  two-month  period  moting  items  under  a  cer-                             Aruba Airport   524 2424
            like meat and rent are still   surged 12.7%.              tain  price  point  like  $25  at                         American Airlines 582 2700
            far  higher  than  they  were   Many retailers had already  its stores.                                             Avianca       588 0059
                                                                                                                                              588 2244
                                                                                                                                Jet Blue
            just three years ago.        ordered  fewer  goods  for  Online discounts should be                                 Surinam       582 7896
            The  latest  quarterly  results   this  holiday  season  and  better  than  a  year  ago,                           Women in Difficulties
            from  a  string  of  retailers   have pushed holiday sales  particularly  for  toys,  elec-
            from  Walmart  to  Best  Buy   earlier  in  October  than  tronics  and  clothing,  ac-                             AID FOUNDATIONS
            have  reported  a  weaken-   last  year  to  help  shoppers  cording  to  Adobe  Ana-                               FAVI- Visually Impaired
            ing  consumer.  Walmart      spread  out  their  spending.  lytics,  which  tracks  online                          Tel. 582 5051
            said  it  noticed  shoppers   An early shopping push ap-  spending.  It  predicts  toys                             Alcoholics Anonymous
            cutting  back  in  October                                                                                          Tel. 736 2952
            and  offered  a  muted  an-                                                                                         Narcotics Anonymous
            nual  sales  outlook.  Best                                                                                         Tel. 583 8989
            Buy,  the  nation's  largest                                                                                        Fundacion Contra Violencia
                                                                                                                                Relacional Tel. 583 5400
            retailer,  said  shoppers  are                                                                                      Centre for Diabetes
            trading  down  to  cheaper                                                                                          Tel. 524 8888
            TVs. And Target said shop-                                                                                          Child Abuse Prevention
            pers  are  waiting  longer  to                                                                                      Tel. 582 4433
            buy items. For example, in-                                                                                         Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
            stead of buying sweatshirts                                                                                         Women in Difficulties
            or denim back in August or                                                                                          General Info
            September,  they  held  out                                                                                         Phone Directory Tel. 118
            until  the  weather  turned
            The  National  Retail  Fed-
            eration, the nation's largest
            retail trade group, expects
            shoppers  will  spend  more
            this year than last year, but
            their  pace  will  slow  given
            all  the  economic  uncer-
            The  group  has  forecast
            that  U.S.  holiday  sales  will                                                                           
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