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                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 24 November 2023

             New Steelers offensive coordinator Eddie Faulkner is focusing on

             the present

            By  WILL  GRAVES  AP  Sports                                                                                        oped  a  reputation  for  a
            Writer                                                                                                              “sure, why not?” approach
            PITTSBURGH (AP) — This isn’t                                                                                        to his job.
            the  way  Eddie  Faulkner                                                                                           He’ll  scour  social  media
            wanted to get the biggest                                                                                           for  drills  he  thinks  might
            job of his professional life.                                                                                       work,  the  former  college
            Faulkner and Matt Canada                                                                                            running  back  at  Wisconsin
            are  friends.  Their  wives  are                                                                                    with a brief stint in training
            friends.  Their  families  are                                                                                      camp  with  the  Steelers  in
            friends.  It’s  a  bond  that                                                                                       2001    taking  great  glee  in
            goes back well over a de-                                                                                           challenging  the  group  of
            cade,  a  bond  that  hardly                                                                                        20-somethings  at  his  dis-
            ended when the Pittsburgh                                                                                           posal.
            Steelers  fired  Canada  as                                                                                         “He’s  maybe  one  of  the
            their  offensive  coordinator                                                                                       most  influential  coaches
            on  Tuesday  and  replaced                                                                                          I’ve  ever  had  in  my  life,”
            him  with  Faulkner,  the  en-                                                                                      said  second-year  Steel-
            ergetic 46-year-old running                                                                                         ers  running  back  Jaylen
            backs  coach  who  is  well                                                                                         Warren. “The way he goes
            aware  of  how  the  promo-                                                                                         about  his  job.  The  energy
            tion could alter the trajec-                                                                                        he brings. It can rub off on
            tory of his career.                                                                                                 us.”
            Not  that  he  wants  to  talk                                                                                      Pittsburgh’s  offense  could
            about it much. Yes, Faulkner   FILE - Pittsburgh Steelers running back coach Eddie Faulkner watches on the sideline during NFL   use a jolt. Faulkner plans to
            is  thankful  and  excited  for   football practice, Saturday, May 11, 2019, in Pittsburgh. Faulkner was promoted to interim offen-  be  on  the  sideline  during
            the  opportunity.  No,  he’s   sive coordinator on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023 following the firing of Matt Canada       games so he can commu-
            not thrilled it had to come                                                            (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File)  nicate with position groups
            at Canada’s expense, par-    coach  Mike  Sullivan  han-  there. But at the same time,  tainable long term, and the   and  collaborate  with  Sulli-
            ticularly  when  the  blame   dling the play-calling duties  it’s  not  clouding  what  the  tipping point came after a   van in between series.
            for  Pittsburgh’s  offensive   on Sunday when Pittsburgh  task at hand is.”            13-10 loss to Cleveland last   One of his biggest tasks will
            struggles  goes  far  beyond   (6-4) visits Cincinnati (5-5).  Namely, trying to get Pitts-  Sunday  in  which  quarter-  be  finding  a  way  to  help
            someone  who  means  so      The  move  makes  Faulkner  burgh’s  28th-ranked  of-     back  Kenny  Pickett  threw   Pickett  evolve.  The  sec-
            much to him.                 one  of  a  handful  of  Black  fense  to  show  signs  of  for just 106 yards.        ond-year starter has just six
            “We  feel  like  we  let  (Can-  men  currently  in  the  posi-  growth.  The  Steelers  have  By  Tuesday  morning,  Can-  touchdown  passes  on  the
            ada) down,” Faulkner said    tion  in  the  NFL,  a  job  con-  remained  in  the  crowded  ada’s two-plus year tenure   season and only two since
            Thursday.                    sidered a primary stepping  AFC playoff race despite a  was over and the detail-ori-   Oct.  1.  Getting  the  ball
            Maybe,  but  head  coach     stone to becoming a head  unit that struggles to gener-   ented  Faulkner  found  him-  downfield  has  been  an  is-
            Mike  Tomlin  had  seen      coach. “I’d be lying if I said  ate points or yards with any  self  in  charge  of  restoring   sue, and Pickett has looked
            enough  to  feel  a  rare    I didn’t think it was a bless-  regularity.               some  of  the  potency  and   tentative and unsure in the
            midseason  move  was  re-    ing,” Faulkner said. “I totally  Pittsburgh  has  survived  on  swagger to an offense that   pocket of late.
            quired for a franchise that’s   understand  it.  You  know  the  strength  of  its  defense  has lacked it far too often.  Faulkner  understands  his
            among  the  most  stable  in   what  I’m  saying?  Like,  I’m  and the ability to find a way  The  inventive  Faulkner  has   relationship  with  Pickett
            professional sports.         at  the  point  in  my  career  to  pull  out  close  games  in  spent  five  years  working   will  shift  over  the  next  two
            Tomlin selected Faulkner as   where  I  totally  understand  the final moments.        with  Pittsburgh’s  running   months, but he also has no
            the coordinator on an inter-  the   opportunity   that’s  It’s not a formula that’s sus-  backs,  where  he’s  devel-  plans to change everything
            im basis, with quarterbacks                                                                                         and start over.q

            McLaren signs IndyCar racer Pato

            O’Ward as a reserve driver for the 2024

            F1 season

            WOKING, England (AP) — Formula One team McLaren signed its IndyCar racer Pato
            O’Ward on Thursday as a reserve driver for next season.
            The 24-year-old Pato will jump behind the wheel for the first practice session of the Abu
            Dhabi Grand Prix on Friday, and will then take part in post-season testing at the same
            track, McLaren said in a statement.
            O’Ward will combine his reserve role on McLaren’s F1 team next year with driving for
            Arrow McLaren in the IndyCar series.
            After placing fourth in this year’s IndyCar championship, with seven podium finishes, he
            collected enough points to qualify for a Super Licence that paved the way for a reserve   FILE - Pato O’Ward prepares before the start of an IndyCar auto
            role with McLaren and potential future in F1.                                          race at World Wide Technology Raceway, on Aug. 27, 2023,
            “Pumped to take on this new role within the McLaren Racing family,” O’Ward said. “I’ve   in Madison, Ill. Formula One team McLaren signed its IndyCar
            always said it’s never a bad day when you get to jump into an F1 car, so I look forward   racer Pato O’Ward on Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023, as a reserve
                                                                                                   driver for next season.
            to joining the reserve driver pool for next year.”q                                                                      (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)
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