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A16 sports
Friday 24 November 2023
French military to contribute 15,000 soldiers to massive security
operation for Paris Olympics
PARIS (AP) — France's mili- and AWACS airspace-moni-
tary is planning to contribute toring planes, fighter jets, air-
15,000 soldiers to the mas- borne refueling planes and
sive security operation for helicopters that can carry
next year's Paris Olympics, sharpshooters and equip-
an army general involved in ment to disable drones.
the preparations said Thurs- The military force of 15,000
day. The bulk of the mili- nationwide will incorpo-
tary force — nearly 10,000 rate 7,000 troops already
troops — will be deployed deployed on anti-terrorism
in the Paris region, where patrols at transport hubs
most Olympic events will and other busy or sensi-
be concentrated, said Gen. tive sites, including places
Christophe Abad, the mili- of worship, Abad said. The
tary governor of Paris who military could also be called
serves as military adviser to upon to contribute addi-
the French capital's police tional troops if Paris Games
chief. Military forces will also organizers fall short in their
be employed for the games efforts to recruit more pri-
as far as 15,000 kilometers vate security staff. The mili-
(nearly 10,000 miles) away tary's Olympic preparations
in Tahiti, where navy vessels include training exercises
will safeguard the venue FILE - The Olympic rings in front of the Paris City Hall, in Paris, Sunday, April 30, 2023. France’s to hone its readiness for
there for Olympic surfing. military is planning to contribute 15,000 soldiers to the massive security operation for next year's potential crises during the
In Paris, a temporary military Paris Olympics, it was reported on Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023. (AP Photo/Aurelien Morissard, File) games. Abad said that dur-
camp for 5,000 troops will be ing war games this month,
set up in a park in the south- Olympics, and Paralympic deployed. New legislation Critics fear the Olympic se- he and other officials tested
east of the capital, putting Games that follow, is un- has also allowed the tempo- curity will erode privacy and their capabilities for deal-
the force close to the city's precedented in scale for rary use next year of cam- civil liberties permanently. In ing with a terrorist threat, a
Olympic sites, Abad said. France. Tens of thousands of eras combined with artifi- the skies, the French military plane crash, an attack using
The security operation police officers and private cial intelligence software to is also planning to deploy drones, a severe heat wave
for the July 26 to Aug. 11 security staff are also being scan for security problems. Reaper surveillance drones and a chemical spill. q
Sinner leads Italy past the Netherlands
in Davis Cup. Italians reach semis for
2nd straight season
MALAGA, Spain (AP) — Jan- de Zandschulp saved two will be seeking a first final
nik Sinner kept Italy alive by match points to beat Mat- appearance since 1998.
winning his singles match teo Arnaldi 6-7 (6) 6-3 7-6 (7) Italy has reached seven
and then successfully in a thrilling opening singles semifinals this century.
teamed up with Lorenzo So- that lasted nearly 3 hours. The Netherlands, in the
nego in the doubles against The fourth-ranked Sinner quarterfinals for the second
the Netherlands to send his beat Tallon Griekspoor 7-6 consecutive year, was try-
nation into the semifinals of (3) 6-1 to make it 1-1 and ing to match its best-ever
the Davis Cup on Thursday. then, along with Sonego, performance from a semifi-
Italy rallied to a 2-1 win to defeated Griekspoor and nal appearance in 2001.
reach the last-four for the Wesley Koolhof 6-3, 6-4 in Italy will face the winner
second straight season. the decisive doubles. of the quarterfinal match
Without Sinner, the Italians The 22-year-old Sinner was between Novak Djokovic's
were eliminated by even- coming off a runner-up fin- Serbia and Great Britain Italy’s Janik Sinner, top, and Italy’s Lorenzo Sonego celebrate
tual champion Canada last ish to Novak Djokovic in the later Thursday. after winning against Netherlands’ Tallon Griekspoor and
Netherlands’ Wesley Koolhof during a Davis Cup quarter-final
year. ATP Finals last week. Australia and Finland will tennis match between Italy and Netherlands in Malaga, Spain,
The Netherlands got the The Italians won their lone play in the other semifinal Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023.
first point when Botic van Davis Cup title in 1976, and match on Friday. q (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)