Page 14 - aruba-today-20231124
P. 14
Friday 24 November 2023
Susan Sarandon, Melissa Barrera dropped from Hollywood
companies after comments on Israel-Hamas war
NEW YORK (AP) — Oscar- ing body should be above
winning actor Susan Sa- criticism,” she added. “I
randon and “Scream” star pray day and night for no
Melissa Barrera were each more deaths, for no more
dropped by Hollywood violence, and for peaceful
companies after making co-existence. I will continue
comments on the Israel- to speak out for those that
Hamas war that some need it most and continue
deemed antisemitic. to advocate for peace
Spyglass Media Group, and safety, for human
the production compa- rights and freedom.”
ny behind the upcoming Earlier Wednesday, Dead-
“Scream VII,” acknowl- line reported that Jenna
edged Barrera’s exit from Ortega, who played Bar-
the horror franchise. The rera’s sister in the two pre-
Mexican-born actress, who vious “Scream” films, has
starred in “In the Heights” exited the seventh install-
and the two recent ment. Ortega earlier de-
“Scream” installments, had parted the franchise be-
posted statements on Ins- cause of her “Wednesday”
tagram Stories calling the schedule, the trade re-
war “genocide and ethnic ported. A spokesperson for
cleansing.” Ortega didn’t immediately
“Gaza,” she wrote, “is cur- respond to queries.
rently being treated like a A spokesman for the United
concentration camp.” Talent Agency said Saran-
Spyglass said in a state- Melissa Barrera attends the world premiere of “Scream VI” in New York on March 6, 2023, left, don, the five-time Oscar
ment that its position “is un- and Susan Sarandon attends a special screening of “Maybe I Do” in New York on Jan. 17, 2023. nominee, is no longer rep-
equivocally clear: We have Sarandon and Barrera were each dropped by Hollywood companies after making comments resented by the agency.
zero tolerance for antisemi- on the Israel-Hamas war that some deemed antisemitic. (Photos by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP) Sarandon’s exit from UTA
tism or the incitement of thing that flagrantly crosses firing. kind against any group of followed comments she’s
hate in any form, including the line into hate speech.” “First and foremost I con- people,” she wrote. made about Israel, most
false references to geno- Late Wednesday, Barrera demn antisemitism and “I believe a group of peo- recently in an appearance
cide, ethnic cleansing, posted a statement on In- Islamophobia. I condemn ple are NOT their leader- Nov. 17 at a pro-Palestinian
Holocaust distortion or any- stagram Stories about her hate and prejudice of any ship, and that no govern- rally in New York.q
King Charles III honors K-pop girl group Blackpink during South
Korean president’s state visit
By DANICA KIRKA and JILL qualifier because she has monarch is head of state. recognition of Blackpink’s visit, which the U.K. govern-
LAWLESS undefined dual citizenship in New The honors were present- role in promoting the work ment hopes will help ce-
LONDON (AP) — King Zealand, one of the 14 ed during a ceremony of the COP26 summit on ment an “ Indo-Pacific tilt
Charles III honored the K- countries where the U.K. at Buckingham Palace in climate change two years “ in its foreign and trade
pop band Blackpink on ago in Glasgow, Scotland. policy.
Wednesday for their work The awards are part of Brit- Yoon met Prime Minister
in raising awareness about ain’s honors system, which Rishi Sunak at the British
climate change, as South recognizes outstanding ser- leader’s 10 Downing St.
Korean President Yoon Suk vice to the nation and the residence for talks focused
Yeol and Prime Minister Ri- wider world. on trade, technology and
shi Sunak pledged closer Charles had lauded the K- defense. To coincide with
cooperation between their pop girl group on Tuesday the visit, U.K. and Korean
two countries on technol- during a state banquet in officials launched talks on
ogy and defense. honor of Yoon and first lady an “upgraded” free trade
On the second day of Kim Keon Hee “for their role agreement to replace their
Yoon’s three-day state visit in bringing the message of current deal, which largely
to London, Charles made environmental sustainabil- replicates the arrange-
Blackpink members Jennie ity to a global audience. ments the U.K. had before
Kim, Jisoo Kim and Lalisa “I can only admire how it left the European Union.
Manoban honorary Mem- they can prioritize these vi- The leaders also signed an
bers of the Order of the Brit- tal issues, as well as being agreement dubbed the
ish Empire. global superstars,” Charles “Downing Street Accord”
Bandmate Roseanne South Korean girl band Blackpink ahead of the State Banquet, said at the banquet. pledging closer coopera-
(Rosé) Park also received for the state visit to the UK by President of South Korea Yoon The Korean president is be- tion on defense and tech-
an MBE, though hers came Suk Yeol and his wife Kim Keon Hee, at Buckingham Palace, ing treated to royal and nology, including artificial
without the “honorary” London, Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023. (Yui Mok/Pool Photo via AP) diplomatic pomp on the intelligence. q