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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 24 November 2023
            Officials begin clearing debris while 3 remain missing in Alaska

            landslide that left 3 dead

             Associated Press                                                                                                   department  said  on  social
             WRANGELL,  Alaska  (AP)  —                                                                                         media  Wednesday  that
             Searchers looking for three                                                                                        the process of clearing the
             people  who  remain  miss-                                                                                         highway would only begin
             ing  after  a  massive  land-                                                                                      once search and rescue ef-
             slide  that  killed  three  oth-                                                                                   forts were complete. There
             ers  and  injured  a  fourth                                                                                       was no immediate timeline
             have  changed  their  strat-                                                                                       for when that portion of the
             egy from holding an active                                                                                         highway would reopen.
             search to a reactive search                                                                                        A  woman  who  had  been
             that  will  involve  methodi-                                                                                      on  the  upper  floor  of  a
             cally clearing the highway,                                                                                        home  was  rescued  Tues-
             officials said Thursday.                                                                                           day.  She  was  in  good
             "During  active  search  pe-                                                                                       condition  and  undergo-
             riods we have searchers in                                                                                         ing  medical  care.  One  of
             the field meticulously look-                                                                                       the  three  homes  that  was
             ing  for  missing  persons,"                                                                                       struck  was  unoccupied,
             Austin McDaniel, a spokes-                                                                                         McDaniel said Tuesday.
             person with the Alaska De-                                                                                         Because  of  the  hazards
             partment  of  Public  Safety,                                                                                      of  searching  an  unstable
             told  the  Associated  Press.                                                                                      area, a geologist from the
             “During  reactive  searches,                                                                                       state  transportation  de-
             search  teams  are  not  ac-                                                                                       partment    was   brought
             tively in the field but will re-                                                                                   in  to  conduct  a  prelimi-
             act to new information and   This photo provided by the Alaska Department of Public Safety shows the landslide that occurred   nary  assessment,  clearing
                                         the previous evening near Wrangell, Alaska, on Nov. 21, 2023.
             then  actively  search  that                                              (Alaska Department of Public Safety via AP)  some areas of the slide for
             area supported by the new                                                                                          ground  searches.  But  au-
             information.”               ocean,  tearing  down  a  stay  in  that  area,  interim  dences,” he said.            thorities warned of a threat
             Since Monday night's slide,  wide  swath  of  evergreen  borough  manager  Mason  In that way, the town “can  of additional landslides.
             officials have inspected the  trees  and  burying  a  high-  Villarma  said.  Boats  are  come  together  physically  The slide — estimated to be
             site by air with drones, heli-  way  in  the  island  commu-  being used to provide sup-  and recognize the tragedy  450 feet (137 meters) wide
             copters  and  planes  while  nity of Wrangell, about 155  plies,  including  food,  fuel  and  the  loss  of  life  ...  but  —  occurred  during  rain
             teams    using   detection  miles (250 kilometers) south  and  water,  and  prescrip-  also the triumph of a small  and a windstorm. Wrangell
             dogs  and  sonar  covered  of  Juneau.  Rescue  crews  tion  medications  to  those  community  that’s  really  received about 2 inches (5
             the ground and water, but  found the body of a girl in  residents. Given the geog-    come  together  and  been  centimeters)  of  rain  from
             the  three  people  —  one  an  initial  search  Monday  raphy of the island — with  able  to  pull  off  some  re-  early  Monday  until  late
             adult  and  two  juveniles  —  night and the bodies of two  the  town  at  the  northern  markable  successes,  even  evening, with wind gusts up
             remain  missing,  McDaniel  adults late Tuesday.         point  and  houses  along  in  the  face  of  all  this  ad-  to 60 mph (96 kph) at high-
             said.                       Around  54  homes  are  cut  a  13-mile  (20.9-kilometer)  versity,”  Villarma  said  in  a  er  elevations,  said  Aaron
             The  slide  churned  up  the  off from town by the land-  stretch  of  paved  road  —  phone  interview  with  The  Jacobs, a National Weath-
             earth from near the top of  slide, and roughly 35 to 45  currently “the ocean is our  Associated Press.            er  Service  hydrologist  and
             the mountain down to the  people  have  chosen  to  only  access  to  those  resi-    The  state  transportation  meteorologist in Juneau. q

            Former St. Louis alderman in fraud case also charged with lying to police

            Associated Press             and  that  several  parts  of  showed that he did not fol-
            ST. LOUIS (AP) — A former St.  Bosley's  story  did  not  line  low any cars.
            Louis  alderman  indicted  in  up  with  what  investigators  He is scheduled to appear
            a fraud case was charged  found, the St. Louis Post-Dis-  in court on Dec. 27 for this
            with  lying  to  police  about  patch reported.           charge,  the  St.  Louis  Post-
            getting carjacked last year,  Officers  spoke  with  Bosley  Dispatch reported.
            authorities said.            and  the  woman  on  Dec.  Meanwhile, Bosley's case in
            Brandon      Bosley    was  22,  according  to  court  federal court is still pending,
            charged  Wednesday  with  documents,  the  St.  Louis  the  St.  Louis  Post-Dispatch
            one  misdemeanor  count  Post-Dispatch reported. Bo-      reported.  He  was  indicted
            of  making  a  false  report  sley  accused  the  woman  by  federal  officials  in  June
            to  police  when  he  said  a  of  trying  to  rob  him,  while  on  three  counts  of  wire
            woman tried to carjack him  the woman told police that  fraud related to a car insur-
            last year, the St. Louis Post-  Bosley hit her with his car.  ance scheme.
            Dispatch  reported.  Months  According  to  the  court  Three other former St. Louis
            ago,  he  was  indicted  by  documents,  Bosley  told  aldermen,  including  the
            federal  officials  in  a  fraud  police he was robbed at a  longtime  board  president,
            and  bribery  investigation  specific  address  and  that  were  sentenced  to  prison   Brandon Bosley, alderman in St. Louis' 3rd ward, listens during a
            that put three other former  he  followed  a  car  that  he  —  for  about  three  to  four   Board meeting at City Hall on Feb. 10, 2023 in St. Louis, Mo.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            St. Louis aldermen in prison  said  fired  shots  at  him.  But  years  each  —  for  accept-
            last December.               investigators found that he  ing bribes from a business-  breaks and a reduced rate  frey Boyd and John Collins-
            Charging  documents  say  wasn't  at  that  address  at  man.                          in  obtaining  a  city-owned  Muhammad.
            there  was  no  evidence  of  the  corresponding  time,  The  businessman  provided  property. The former alder-    They are all men and Dem-
            an  attempted  carjacking  and      surveillance   video  bribes  in  exchange  for  tax  men  are  Lewis  Reed,  Jef-  ocrats, along with Bosley.q
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