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Friday 24 November 2023
New York City Mayor Eric Adams accused of 1993 sexual assault
in legal filing
Associated Press has cleared the way for a
NEW YORK (AP) — New wave of lawsuits against
York City Mayor Eric Adams famous men accused of
has been accused of sexu- sexual misconduct. The law
ally assaulting a woman in has led to more than 2,500
1993, according to a legal lawsuits, including cases
summons filed Wednesday. against former President
The three-page filing does Donald Trump, hip hop mo-
not contain details of the gul Sean “Diddy” Combs
alleged assault but names and the comedian and ac-
Adams, the transit bureau tor Russell Brand.
of the New York Police The filing comes as Adams
Department and the New has been dogged by an FBI
York Police Department investigation into his 2021
Guardians Association as campaign that prompted
defendants. agents to seize his phones
“Plaintiff was sexually as- and raid the home of his
saulted by Defendant Eric chief campaign fundraiser.
Adams in New York, New The New York Times and
York in 1993 while they both New York Post have report-
worked for the City of New ed that part of the investi-
York,” the summons reads. gation involves examining
The filing seeks a trial and $5 whether Adams inappro-
million in relief. It was filed New York City Mayor Eric Adams listens at the state Capitol, Jan. 10, 2023, in Albany, N.Y. priately tried to help the
in state Supreme Court in Associated Press government of Turkey get
Manhattan. The woman's city approval to open a
attorney did not immedi- “It absolutely did not hap- merly known as Twitter. “It ficer who rose to the rank 35-story skyscraper hous-
ately return an emailed pen. I don't recall ever did not happen, and that is of captain before enter- ing diplomatic facilities in
request for comment on meeting this person and I not who I am and that is not ing politics. He served as a 2021, despite concerns
Thursday. would never harm anyone who I've ever been in my state senator and Brooklyn about the tower’s fire safe-
In remarks to reporters on in that magnitude. It did professional life and, you borough president before ty systems. Adams has side-
Thursday, Adams denied not happen,” Adams said, know, it’s just something becoming mayor. stepped questions about
sexually assaulting anyone according to a video post- that never took place.” The summons was filed un- the FBI investigation but has
and said he did not remem- ed by a reporter to X, the Adams, a Democrat, was der the Adult Survivors Act, maintained he did nothing
ber meeting the woman. social media platform for- a New York City police of- a special New York law that wrong. q
Man who fatally shot security guard at
psychiatric hospital was banned from
having guns, records say
duct charges, was later pistol, police found an AR- health institution when filling
involuntarily admitted at style rifle, a tactical vest and out a federal firearms appli-
New Hampshire Hospital several ammunition maga- cation.
in Concord, according to zines in a U-Haul truck in the Madore was accused in
records. The charges were hospital’s parking lot that 2016 of choking his sister and
dismissed in 2017 following Madore had rented. grabbing his mother around
a competency evaluation Those firearms were not the the neck and knocking her
that remains sealed. same ones seized in 2016, to the floor because he was
The weapons ban against Michael Garrity, a spokes- upset that they had put the
Madore was part of bail or- person for the New Hamp- family dog down, according
ders unsealed by a judge shire attorney general’s of- to an affidavit.
Wednesday following a re- fice, confirmed in a state- When police arrived at their
quest by the New Hampshire ment late Wednesday. The Strafford home, Madore was
Police work at the scene of a shooting at New Hampshire Bulletin. On Nov. 17, Madore guns used in 2016 remain barricaded in an upstairs
Hospital Friday, Nov. 17, 2023. had a 9 mm pistol and am- in the custody of the Straf- bedroom and said he had
(Geoff Forester/The Concord Monitor via AP, File) munition when he shot and ford Police Department, he firearms and that it wasn’t
Associated Press dangerous weapons fol- killed Bradley Haas, a state said. It remains unclear how going to end well, the police
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A lowing an arrest in 2016, Department of Safety secu- Madore, who had most re- affidavit states. He eventu-
man who fatally shot a secu- according to court records. rity officer who was working cently lived in a hotel in New ally surrendered peacefully,
rity guard at a New Hamp- At that time, police seized at the hospital's front lobby Hampshire's Seacoast area, police said.q
shire psychiatric hospital mo- an assault-style rifle and 9 entrance, the state attor- acquired the guns found A celebration of life has
ments before being killed by mm handgun from John ney general's office said. Nov. 17. If he had tried to been scheduled on Nov.
a state police trooper was Madore, 33. Madore, who Madore was fatally shot by buy them, he would have 27 for for Haas, 63, a former
not allowed to have guns, was arrested in Strafford on a state trooper shortly af- been required to note his police chief from Franklin,
ammunition, or any other assault and reckless con- terward. In addition to the hospitalization at a mental New Hampshire.