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                  Friday 24 November 2023

            Qatar says Gaza cease-fire will begin Friday morning, with aid to

            follow ‘as soon as possible’

            By  Wafaa  Shurafa,  Najib  viding  a  reason.  On  Thurs-                                                          around  two-thirds  of  the
            Jobain and Jack Jeffery      day, Qatari Foreign Ministry                                                           dead.  The  figures  do  not
            Associated Press             spokesman Majed al-Ansari                                                              include  updated  numbers
            DEIR  AL-BALAH,  Gaza  Strip  announced  the  cease-fire                                                            from hospitals in the north.
            (AP)  —  A  four-day  cease-  will start at 7 a.m. local time                                                       The ministry says some 6,000
            fire in Gaza between Israel  Friday (5 a.m. GMT.)                                                                   people  have  been  report-
            and Hamas was set to be-     He  said  the  two  sides  had                                                         ed  missing,  feared  buried
            gin  Friday  morning,  Qatar  exchanged lists of those to                                                           under rubble.
            said after a daylong delay  be  released,  and  the  first                                                          The ministry does not differ-
            extended  the  agony  for  group  of  13  women  and                                                                entiate  between  civilians
            those  hoping  for  some  re-  children  held  by  Hamas                                                            and  militants  in  its  death
            lief from the deal, which is  would  be  freed  Friday  af-                                                         tolls. Israel says it has killed
            to bring the release of doz-  ternoon.  He  did  not  say                                                           thousands  of  Hamas  fight-
            ens  of  hostages  held  by  how  many  Palestinian  pris-                                                          ers, without presenting evi-
            militants  and  Palestinians  oners  would  be  freed,  but                                                         dence for its count.
            imprisoned by Israel.        officials  have  said  three   Palestinians inspect the rubble of destroyed building of Muharib   The truce agreement raised
            The    diplomatic   break-   would  be  freed  for  every   family  killed  in  the  Israeli  bombardment  of  the  Gaza  Strip  in   hopes  of  eventually  wind-
            through  promised  some  hostage.                         Nusseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Thursday, Nov. 23,   ing  down  the  war,  which
            relief  for  the  2.3  million  Increased  aid  for  Palestin-  2023.                                               has  leveled  vast  swaths  of
            Palestinians  in  Gaza  who  ians will start to enter Gaza                                    (AP Photo/Adel Hana)  Gaza, fueled a surge of vio-
            have endured weeks of Is-    “as  soon  as  possible,”  al-  One resident, Hosni Mohar-  to  the  Health  Ministry  in  lence in the occupied West
            raeli bombardment, as well  Ansari said. The hope is that  ib, said his wife and several  Hamas-ruled  Gaza,  which  Bank and stirred fears of a
            as  families  in  Israel  fearful  the “momentum” from this  children  were  killed  and  resumed its detailed count  wider  conflagration  across
            for  the  fate  of  their  loved  deal  will  lead  to  an  “end  other  relatives  remained  of  casualties  in  Gaza  from  the Middle East.
            ones  taken  captive  during  to this violence," he told re-  buried under the rubble.  the  war.  The  ministry  had  Air-raid   sirens   sounded
            Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack that  porters.                        “It exploded on the house,  stopped  publishing  casu-   across  northern  Israel  on
            triggered the war.           Israeli  airstrikes  continued  striking  the  babies  and  alty  counts  since  Nov.  11,  Thursday as Hezbollah said
            The  cease-fire  was  origi-  Thursday. In the afternoon,  young  children.  Everyone  saying  it  had  lost  the  abil-  it fired 48 Katyusha rockets
            nally set to begin Thursday  a  strike  leveled  a  residen-  in  the  house,  they  are  all  ity to do so because of the  from  southern  Lebanon.
            morning,  but  it  appeared  tial building in the Nuseirat  dead,”  he  said,  bursting  health  system's  collapse  in  The  barrage  came  after
            to hit a snag the night be-  refugee  camp  in  central  into tears.                   the north,                   an  Israeli  strike  killed  five
            fore  when  Israel’s  national  Gaza.  At  least  12  people  The  Israeli  bombardment,  The  new  numbers  were  Hezbollah  fighters,  includ-
            security   adviser,   Tzachi  were  killed,  according  to  now  in  its  seventh  week,  not fully broken down, but  ing the son of the head of
            Hanegbi,  announced  a  officials  at  nearby  Al-Aqsa  has killed more than 13,300  women  and  minors  have  the  group’s  parliamentary
            one-day delay without pro-   Hospital.                    Palestinians,   according  consistently    made      up  bloc.q

            West Africa responds to huge diphtheria outbreaks by targeting

            unvaccinated populations

                                                                      died since the current out-  gion has been a historically  Worku,  emergency  medi-
                                                                      break started in December  wide vaccination gap, the  cal  program  manager  for
                                                                      2022,  though  officials  esti-  French  medical  organiza-  MSF in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
                                                                      mate the toll — now on the  tion  Doctors  Without  Bor-  “What  is  needed  is  a  truly
                                                                      decline  because  of  treat-  ders, or MSF, said in a state-  massive scale-up of vacci-
                                                                      ment  efforts  —  could  be  ment on Tuesday.             nation, as soon as possible.”
                                                                      much  higher  across  states  In Nigeria, only 42% of chil-  The Nigerian government is
                                                                      unable  to  detect  many  dren under 15 years old are  ramping up vaccination for
                                                                      cases.                       fully  protected  from  diph-  targeted populations while
                                                                      In  Niger  37  people  had  theria, according to a gov-   assisting  states  to  boost
                                                                      died  out  of  the  865  cases  ernment survey, while Guin-  their  capacity  to  detect
                                                                      as of October, while Guin-   ea has a 47% immunization  and  manage  cases,  said
                                                                      ea has reported 58 deaths  rate — both far below the  Adetifa,  the  Nigeria  CDC
                                                                      out of 497 since its outbreak  80–85%  rate  recommend-   head.
                                                                      started in June.             ed  by  the  World  Health  But several states continue
                                                                        “As  far  as  the  history  that  Organization  to  maintain  to struggle, including Kano,
            In  this  handout  photo  released  by  MSF,  Dr.  Aminu,  left,  on  a
            routine check up on patients at the diphtheria treatment centre   I  am  aware  of,  this  is  the  community protection.  which  accounts  for  more
            of the Murtala muhammad specialist hospital in Kano, Nigeria,   largest  outbreak  that  we  The  fate  of  the  affected  than 75% of cases in Nige-
            Monday, Aug. 21, 2023.                                    have  had,”  Ifedayo  Ad-    countries  is  worsened  by  ria  but  has  only  two  diph-
                                             (Ehab Zawati, MSF via AP)  etifa,  head  of  the  Nigeria  the  global  shortages  of  theria  treatment  centers,
            By Chinedu Asadu             health  official  said  Thurs-  Centre for Disease Control,  the  diphtheria  vaccine  as  according to Abubakar La-
            Associated Press             day that millions are being  told The Associated Press.   demand  has  increased  to  baran Yusuf, the state’s top
            ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Au-    vaccinated  to  cover  wide  The highly contagious bac-   respond  to  outbreaks,  the  health official.
            thorities in several West Af-  gaps  in  immunity  against  terial infection has been re-  MSF said.                  “Once  people  have  to
            rican countries are trying to  the disease.               ported in 20 of Nigeria's 36    “We’re  not  seeing  vacci-  travel  or  move  significant
            manage  their  huge  diph-   At least 573 people out of  states so far.                nation happen, not at the  distances  to  access  treat-
            theria  outbreaks,  includ-  the  11,640  diagnosed  with  A  major  driver  of  the  high  scale that is needed,” said  ment,  that  becomes  a
            ing in Nigeria where a top  the disease in Nigeria have  rate  of  infection  in  the  re-  Dr.  Dagemlidet  Tesfaye  challenge,” Adetifa said.q
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