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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 24 November 2023

            Dutch election winner Geert Wilders is an anti-Islam firebrand

            known as the Dutch Donald Trump

            By Mike Corder                                                                                                      in  2008  for  linking  Quranic
            Associated Press                                                                                                    verses  with  footage  of  ter-
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands                                                                                            rorist attacks.
            (AP)  —  He's  been  called                                                                                         To  court  mainstream  vot-
            the  Dutch  Donald  Trump.                                                                                          ers this time around, Wilders
            He's been threatened with                                                                                           toned  down  the  anti-Islam
            death countless times by Is-                                                                                        rhetoric  and  sought  to  fo-
            lamic extremists, convicted                                                                                         cus  less  on  what  he  calls
            of insulting Moroccans, and                                                                                         the  “de-Islamization”  of
            Britain  once  banned  him                                                                                          the Netherlands and more
            from entering the country.                                                                                          on  tackling  hot-button  is-
            Now  Geert  Wilders  has                                                                                            sues such as housing short-
            won  a  massive  victory  in                                                                                        ages,  a  cost-of-living  crisis
            a  Dutch  election  and  is  in                                                                                     and access to good health
            pole  position  to  form  the                                                                                       care.
            next  governing  coalition                                                                                          His   campaign    platform
            and  possibly  become  the                                                                                          nonetheless  calls  for  a  ref-
            Netherlands'  next  prime                                                                                           erendum  on  the  Nether-
            minister.                                                                                                           lands leaving the European
            An  exit  poll  revealing  his                                                                                      Union,  an  “asylum  stop”
            landslide appeared to take                                                                                          and  “no  Islamic  schools,
            even  60-year-old  political                                                                                        Qurans   and    mosques,”
            veteran Wilders by surprise.  Dutch politician Geert Wilders arrives for a press conference in London, Friday, March 5, 2010.   although   he   pledged
            In  his  first  reaction,  posted                                                  (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File  Wednesday  night  not  to
            in  a  video  on  X,  formerly                                                                                      breach  Dutch  laws  or  the
            Twitter, he spread his arms  The only time Wilders came  election  celebration  in  a  curity guards scanning the  country's  constitution  that
            wide,  put  his  face  in  his  close  to  governing  was  small bar in a working class  cavernous  space  for  pos-  enshrines  freedom  of  reli-
            hands and said simply “35!”  when he supported the first  suburb of The Hague.         sible threats. He has moved  gion and expression.
            — the number of seats an  coalition  formed  by  Prime  Whether  he  can  piece  to-   from one safe house to an-   Wilders is set to become the
            exit  poll  forecast  his  Party  Minister Mark Rutte in 2010.  gether  a  stable  coalition  other  over  nearly  two  de-  longest-serving  lawmaker
            for  Freedom,  or  PVV,  won  But Wilders did not formally  with former political foes re-  cades.  In  2009,  the  British  in  the  Dutch  parliament
            in the 150-seat lower house  join the minority administra-  mains to be seen.          government  refused  to  let  later this year. He has been
            of parliament.               tion  and  brought  it  down  As well as alienating main-  him  visit  the  country,  say-  a member of the House of
            Wilders, with his fiery tongue  after  just  18  months  in  of-  stream  politicians,  his  fiery  ing  he  posed  a  threat  to  Representatives since 1998,
            has  long  been  one  of  the  fice  in  a  dispute  over  aus-  anti-Islam  rhetoric  also  has  “community  harmony  and  first  for  the  center-right
            Netherlands’    best-known  terity measures. Since then,  made him a target for ex-    therefore  public  security.”  People’s Party for Freedom
            lawmakers  at  home  and  mainstream  parties  have  tremists and led to him liv-      Wilders  had  been  invited  and Democracy, where he
            abroad.  His  populist  poli-  shunned  him.  They  no  lon-  ing  under  round-the-clock  to  Britain  by  a  member  of  mentored  a  young  Rutte
            cies  and  shock  of  perox-  ger  can.    “The  PVV  wants  protection for years. He has  Parliament’s  upper  house,  before  quitting  the  party
            ide blond hair have drawn  to, from a fantastic position  appeared in court as a vic-  the House of Lords, to show  and setting up his Party for
            comparisons with Trump.      with  35  seats  that  can  to-  tim  of  death  threats,  vow-  his  15-minute  film  “Fitna,”  Freedom.  He  demonstrat-
            But,   unlike   Trump,   he  tally  no  longer  be  ignored  ing never to be silenced.  which  criticizes  the  Quran  ed  a  softer  side  Wednes-
            seemed destined to spend  by  any  party,  cooperate  Voting  Wednesday  at  The  as a “fascist book.” The film  day  night  by  thanking  his
            his  life  in  political  opposi-  with other parties,” he told  Hague  City  Hall,  Wilders  sparked  violent  protests  Hungarian-born  wife  Krisz-
            tion.                        cheering  supporters  at  his  was  flanked  by  burly  se-  around  the  Muslim  world  tina for her support.q

            EU sends border police reinforcements

            to Finland over fears that Russia is

            behind a migrant influx

            By Lorne Cook and            with  patrol  cars  and  ad-  Finnish  Prime  Minister  Pet-
            Jari Tanner                  ditional  equipment,  to  be  teri  Orpo,  who  addressed
            Associated Press             put in place as soon as next  lawmakers  at  Parliament
            HELSINKI  (AP)  —  The  Euro-  week.                      on Thursday, called the sit-
            pean Union’s border agen-    More  than  800  migrants  uation “a serious disruption
            cy said Thursday that it will  without  proper  visas  and  of border security” that af-
            send dozens of officers and  documentation  have  ar-     fects  the  national  security
            equipment  as  reinforce-    rived in Finland so far since  of  Finland,  whose  popula-
            ments  to  Finland  to  help  August, with more than 700  tion is 5.6 million.         Finnish Border Guards escort migrants at the international border
            police its borders amid sus-  in November alone by the    “Finland  cannot  be  influ-  crossing between Finland and Russia, in Salla, Finland, Thursday,
            picion that Russia is behind  end of Wednesday — com-     enced,  Finland  cannot  be   Nov. 23, 2023.
            an influx of migrants arriving  pared  to  a  few  dozen  in  destabilized,”  Orpo  said                            (Jussi Nukari/Lehtikuva via AP)
            to the country. Frontex said  September  and  October.  with a decisive tone. “Rus-
            that  it  expects  a  “signifi-  They  include  people  from  sia  started  this,  and  Russia  On  Wednesday,  Finnish  topped with barbed-wire at
            cant reinforcement” made  Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ye-   also can stop it.”           border guards and soldiers  some crossing points on the
            up of 50 border guard offi-  men, Kenya, Morocco and  The Kremlin denies the alle-     began erecting barriers, in-  Nordic  country’s  lengthy
            cers and other staff, along  Somalia.                     gations.                     cluding concrete obstacles  border with Russia.q
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