Page 21 - MIN SOCIAL - MAY 19 ,2015
P. 21
LOCALTuesday 19 May 2015
Paseo Herencia Shopping Mall Demonstrates Community Spirit!
PALM BEACH - On Satur- raise awareness regard- gan with a spotlight on
day, May 16, the manage- ing the missions of Aruba’s Family First Foundation,
ment of Paseo Herencia various foundations, and established in February of
Shopping Mall initiated a their need for community 2013. Each month, a dif-
once-a-week program to support. The program be- ferent foundation and the
important work they do will
be showcased in the Plaza consulting the foundation. couraging excellence in
Padu one night a week. They were all treated to a our youth and showcasing
The objective of Family lovely dinner from Le Bistro. their accomplishments, but
First is “to help strengthen For the remainder of May, now we wish to applaud
and restore families and the Paseo Herencia staff those that work selflessly to
individuals from depen- and vendors look forward improve the lives of others.
dency to a healthy inter- to welcoming new fami- Our tenants have respond-
dependency.” They work lies each week as special ed enthusiastically in our
as closely as possible to the guests. request for their coopera-
actual family, “to make “This is only the beginning,” tion and involvement, and
the entry-level contact as explained Mrs. Rasmijn- we look forward to hosting
low, stress-less and fulfilling Reino. “It has always been many special evenings for
as possible,” thus fostering a policy of mall manage- those who work hard to
“healthy families for a pros- ment and owners to be make life better for island-
perous Aruba.” involved in community ers suffering hard times,
Paseo Herencia Marketing affairs on several levels. and those who have ben-
and PR Manager Candy We are well known for en- efitted from their efforts.”q
Rasmijn-Reino was very
pleased to introduce this
new project and Fam-
ily First Managing Direc-
tor Jennie Lion Sjin Tjoe.
The mall also welcomed
one of the families in their
program, illustrating how
they have benefited from