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A32     sports
                     Diabierna 11 Juni 2021
                            Brisbane set to be named 2032 Olympics host next month

            (AP) — Brisbane has long  Tokyo opening ceremony —  bidding process at Bach’s in-
            seemed  to  be  in  a  one-  they  typically  rubber  stamp  vitation.
            horse race to host the 2032  all recommendations coming
            Olympics.                    from the leadership.         Its  quick  progress  as  the
            That  race  looks  sure  to                               IOC’s  clearly  preferred  op-
            be  over  and  won  in  To-  Bach  praised  Australia  as  a  tion  has  raised  questions
            kyo next month when the  sport-loving  country  with  about  possible  conflicts  of
            International     Olympic  strong  support  from  lay-    interest  for  Coates.  He  is
            Committee  meets  before  ers  of  government  in  the  viewed as one of Bach’s clos-
            the games open.              city of Brisbane, the state of  est  allies  and  also  leads  the
                                         Queensland and federal level.  IOC’s  oversight  of  prepara-
            IOC president Thomas Bach  “All  this  together  I  think  tions  for  the  postponed  To-
            said  Thursday  after  an  ex-  made  it  somehow  irresist-  kyo Olympics.
            ecutive  board  meeting  Bris-  ible,” the IOC leader said.  Bach  cited  the  IOC’s  “strict
            bane can be awarded hosting  Brisbane is set to be the first  rules” which were monitored
            rights  as  the  only  candidate  Olympic host selected unop-  by ethics and compliance of-  looks bright,” Bach said.  have yet to be awarded, with
            proposed at a July 21 meeting  posed under a new system to  ficials.                                                Salt  Lake  City  among  po-
            ahead  of  the  Tokyo  Olym-  streamline  bid  campaigns  in  Still,  Brisbane’s  rapid  selec-  The  2024  Olympics  will  be  tential  bidders.  Bach  said
            pics.                        order make them less costly,  tion  this  year  blindsided  of-  held  in  Paris,  with  the  2028  the IOC was in talks with “a
                                         give  the  IOC  more  control  ficials in countries including   Games  in  Los  Angeles  —  number of interested parties”
            The  Australian  city’s  victory  and decrease the risk of vote-  Germany,  Hungary,  Indone-  both cities offering more sta-  but there was no urgency to
            already  looked  certain  after  buying.  Tokyo’s  campaign  sia and Qatar which had been   bility  than  the  troubled  and  make a pick.
            the  IOC  put  it  on  the  fast  and 2016 host Rio de Janeiro  in  talks  with  Olympic  offi-  often chaotic organization in
            track  in  February  by  being  were both tainted by corrup-  cials about shaping bids.  Rio.                       Bach also confirmed Thurs-
            named  the  preferred  candi-  tion  allegations  that  are  part                      Australia  last  hosted  the  day  he  will  not  visit  Tokyo
            date without a formal oppo-  of  ongoing  criminal  investi-  That  dialogue  will  continue   Olympics  in  2000,  with  the  before  mid-July,  citing  the
            nent.                        gations.                     with  a  “pool  of  interested   popular  success  of  the  Syd-  quarantine periods needed to
            Though  Bach  said  the  out-  The  Brisbane  bid  has  been  parties” to host the Olympics   ney  Games.  Coates  also  led  make  “back  and  forth”  trips
            come  was  “in  the  hands”  of  led  by  IOC  vice  president  in  2036  or  2040,  Bach  sug-  those bidding and organizing  from Switzerland which had
            the members — around 100  John Coates, who two years  gested.                          committees.                  been planned and expected.
            meet  two  days  ahead  of  the  ago  oversaw  updating  the  “The  future  of  the  Games   The  2030  Winter  Games

                          Messi seeks to break spell with Argentina at Copa America

                                                                      Sunday in Brazil might be his  was  sent  off  in  the  third-  make a team in which he can
                                                                      best  chance  of  finally  lifting  place match against Chile in  fit.”
                                                                      an international trophy.     the  last  edition  of  the  2019
                                                                      “It  is  a  special  competition  Copa América that Brazil also  The new-look Argentina in-
                                                                      with  the  national  team,”  hosted.                      cludes  Inter  Milan  forward
                                                                      Messi said recently. “We want                             Lautaro  Martínez  and  mid-
                                                                      it very much.”               Unlike  in  some  previous  fielders like Rodrigo De Paul
                                                                                                   tournaments,  though,  Messi  and  Leandro  Paredes  that
                                                                      Argentina  hasn’t  won  a  ma-  isn’t  expected  to  do  every-  help take some of the burden
                                                                      jor title since the 1993 Copa  thing by himself this time.   off Messi’s shoulders.
                                                                      America.  Messi  has  played
                                                                      in six editions of the tourna-  “A top player can score a goal,  In  fact,  while  Messi  is  still
                                                                      ment, losing three finals.   win a match,” said Argentina  effective  from  the  spot,  he
                                                                                                   coach  Lionel  Scaloni.  “But  hasn’t  scored  from  open
                                                                      Argentina’s will start its cam-  to  win  a  championship  you  play  for  Argentina  since  the
                                                                      paign  in  Rio  de  Janeiro  on  need  much  more  than  the  2-1  win  against  Nigeria  in
                                                                      Monday  against  Chile,  the  best player in the world.”  the  group  stage  of  the  2018
                                                                      team that snatched two Copa  Messi is now one of the old-  World Cup.
                                                                      America  titles  away  from  est  players  on  the  team  but  Still,  Scaloni  urged  fans  to
                                                                      Messi on penalties.          Scaloni  said  he  has  learned  enjoy Messi while they can.
                                                                      Messi  also  has  bad  memo-  to adapt to a younger genera-
                                                                      ries  from  Brazil,  which  be-  tion.                    “As  happened  with  Di-
                                                                      came the emergency host of                                ego  (Maradona),  when  he
                                                                      the Copa after Argentina and  “Leo  has  shown  he  is  well,  stopped  playing  we  realized
            (AP) — Nearly at the age  with Argentina.                 Colombia had to pull out.    comfortable, with a new gen-  what it was like to have him
            of  34,  Lionel  Messi  may                                                            eration that he barely knew,”  on  the  field,”  Scaloni  said.
            just  have  two  more  shots  Next  year’s  World  Cup  in  Argentina  lost  the  2014  Scaloni said. “And now he is  “So with Leo you should not
            at  hitting  an  elusive  tar-  Qatar could be his last, while  World Cup final to Germany  one  of  them,  he  gets  along  deprive yourself of (watching
            get:  winning  a  first  title  the Copa America that starts  in Rio de Janeiro, and Messi  with all. We have managed to  him) while he is still here.”

                            Race organizers apologize for Confederate flag inside car

             (AP)  —  Organizers  of  a  Lee Stimpson’s car Saturday  Stimpson  does  not  have  the  owns the track, which in the  garage pull-down rope at Tal-
             NASCAR  racing  series  night  at  Bowman  Gray  Sta-    symbol in his car if he races  fall is the home to Winston-  ladega Speedway in Alabama
             in  North  Carolina  have  dium in Winston-Salem, the  again.                         Salem State University foot-  was  found  in  the  garage  as-
             apologized  after  a  car  Winston-Salem  Journal  re-   Stimpson said he would like-  ball.                       signed to NASCAR’s Bubba
             with  a  Confederate  flag  ported.                      ly  race  one  more  time  this                           Wallace, the only Black driver
             decal  competed  in  a  race                             season at Bowman Gray Sta-   NASCAR banned Confeder-      in the series. After investigat-
             last  weekend,  violating  Track  spokesperson  Gray  dium and would not have the  ate imagery at all tracks cov-  ing,  the  FBI  said  the  noose
             the governing body’s ban.   Garrison  said  track  officials  decal on the car.       ering all levels of racing last  was on the garage door rope
                                         must have missed seeing the                               June  after  a  high-profile  in-  since October 2019 and Wal-
             The  flag  was  spotted  inside  flag,  and  would  make  sure  The  City  of  Winston-Salem  cident in which a noose on a  lace was not targeted.
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