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A28     u.s. news
                     Diabierna 11 Juni 2021
                            Truck driver gets 16 years in crash that killed 5 bicyclists

                                                                      mian Sheets, said Barson did  spoke  the  names  of  the  five  behind  bars  for  the  rest  of
                                                                      not  intend  to  cause  harm.  bicyclists  and  cited  the  ef-  his  life  if  he  was  convicted.
                                                                                                   fect  of  their  deaths  had  on  Prosecutors  said  blood  tests
                                                                      “Knowing I caused the deaths  “mothers,  fathers,  siblings,  showed  he  had  nine  times
                                                                      of  five  people  and  severely  spouses,  children,  nieces,  the amount of methamphet-
                                                                      hurt  two  others  is  unbear-  nephews and grandchildren.”  amine  in  his  system  that
                                                                      able most of the time,” Bar-                              would  indicate  impairment.
                                                                      son  told  the  court.  “I  want  “Their  lives  are  forever  af-
                                                                      you to know that I’m so truly  fected  because  of  your  Barson,  a  commercial  truck
                                                                      sorry  for  what  I’ve  done.  poor  choice,”  she  said.  driver,  wept  after  the  Dec.
                                                                      I  know  you  will  carry  this                           10 crash on U.S. 95 between
                                                                      pain  forever,  and  it  breaks  Killed  were  Las  Vegas  resi-  Boulder City and Searchlight.
                                                                      my heart that I caused this.”  dents Erin Michelle Ray, 39,  He  told  investigators  he  fell
                                                                                                   Gerrard  Suarez  Nieva,  41,  asleep  at  the  wheel  while
                                                                      Clark    County    District  Michael  Todd  Murray,  57,  driving his regular work route
                                                                      Court  Judge  Bita  Yeager  on  Aksoy Ahmet, 48, and Thom-  between Las Vegas, the Colo-
                                                                      Wednesday     acknowledged  as  Chamberlin  Trauger,  57.  rado River town of Bullhead
            (AP)  —  An  Arizona  box  amine      causing    death.   Barson’s  remorse  but  stuck  Bicyclists   Jose   Vasquez  City, Arizona, and Kingman.
            truck  driver  who  plowed  Jordan Alexander Barson, 45,   with  the  sentence  agreed  and   Jerome     Ducrocq
            into bicyclists on a stretch  of Kingman, Arizona, apolo-  upon  when  he  pleaded  were       seriously   injured.  The  flat-faced  truck  plowed
            of  Nevada  highway  last  gized Tuesday, during the first   guilty in April to two counts                          into  bicyclists  trailing  a
            December,  killing  five  day of an emotional two-day     of  driving  under  the  influ-  The judge also ordered Bar-  Subaru Outback support ve-
            and  injuring  four,  was  sentencing hearing in Las Ve-  ence  resulting  in  death.  son  to  pay  nearly  $60,000  hicle  shielding  them  from
            sentenced  Wednesday  to  gas, asking forgiveness as he                                in  restitution  to  victims.  headwind as a group of about
            a  minimum  of  16  years  spoke by video from the Clark   “You  had  no  business  driv-                           20  cyclists  made  an  annual
            in  Nevada  state  prison  County  Detention  Center,     ing,”   Yeager   told   him.  Barson’s  plea  deal  avoided  130-mile  ride  from  Las  Ve-
            for  driving  under  the  in-  the Las Vegas Review-Journal                            trial  on  14  felony  charges  gas  through  scenic  desert
            fluence  of  methamphet-     reported.  His  attorney,  Da-  The judge paused, near tears,  that  could  have  kept  him  in  Nevada  and  California.

                              Woman: Missouri lawmaker told her to deny allegations

            (AP) — A former Missouri  Perkins — who has said the  I  was  on  duty,”  Perkins  former detective also claimed  he first brought the claims to
            police  officer  campaign-   relationship  was  consen-   said. “But even if I did, that  that Pike County Sheriff Ste-  Korte in September 2019 af-
            ing for a state House seat  sual but denied they had sex  wouldn’t  have  been  a  crime  phen  Korte  discouraged  an  ter he anonymously received
            last year repeatedly told a  when he was on duty or she  committed. So why would I  investigation because of Per-   printed  copies  of  messages
            woman  to  deny  that  they  was drunk — told the AP on  lie about any of that?”       kins’ political ambitions.   between  Perkins  and  the
            had  sex  years  ago  while  Thursday that he never sug-                                                            woman.
            she was drunk and he was  gested  Orf  deny  anything  Orf  said  the  two  had  sex  Perkins  officially  opened  a
            on duty, the woman says.     and “never put any pressure  again  after  that  but  she  was  campaign  committee  to  run  The  woman  in  a  May  2015
                                         on  her  to  say  anything  that  also drunk then.        as  a  Republican  for  state  message  confronted  Perkins
            Emily Orf, 26, spoke to The  wasn’t true.”                                             representative  in  November  about  him  sharing  details
            Associated  Press  about  her                             The  AP  typically  does  not  2019.  Voters  elected  him  in  about their relationship with
            interactions  with  now-Rep.  Orf recalled falling asleep in  name  victims  of  potential  November 2020.          another person, writing: “I’m
            Chad  Perkins,  after  the  al-  her  car  at  a  park  sometime  sexual  misconduct,  but  Orf                     sure  you  left  out  the  part
            legations  became  public  last  around April 2015, when she  gave  permission  to  identify  “We  can’t  prove  any  of  this,  where u were on duty and I
            month.  Orf  said  the  allega-  was 20 years old, and waking  her.  Orf  has  hired  St.  Louis  Chad  needs  to  win  this,  it’s  was drunk.”
            tions  are  true.  She  told  the  up to Perkins knocking on her  attorney Al Watkins to handle  important  and  the  girl  is
            AP  that  she  had  not  spoken  car window. She told AP she  questions.               loose,” the detective claimed  Orf  verified  those  messages
            to Perkins for years until he  had gotten into an argument  Orf said she previously knew  Korte said during a Septem-  to the AP.
            called her last year and sug-  with her then-boyfriend and  of  Perkins  through  the  fed-  ber  2019  conversation,  ac-
            gested that she deny what had  had been drinking.         erally  funded  Drug  Abuse  cording to a police report.  Korte told the AP he flagged
            happened  to  a  police  chief                            Resistance  Education,  or                                the  claims  to  the  Bowling
            who was investigating.       Orf said Perkins talked to her  D.A.R.E.,  program.  He  was  Korte has denied saying that  Green police chief and spoke
                                         about the fight and drove her  her officer.               and has dismissed the claims  with  both  Perkins  and  the
            She  said  Perkins,  a  42-year-  around  in  his  police  car  for                    against  Perkins  as  “sour  woman.
            old  Republican,  has  been  what seemed like a long time  Perkins’  law  enforcement  grapes”  brought  forward  by
            apologetic  but  told  her  that  before he had sex with her in  license  is  inactive,  which  law  enforcement  officials  “At some point I might have
            if she wanted to avoid getting  the backseat. She said she was  means he hasn’t been work-  with political vendettas.  talked to her, I can’t remem-
            her  name  “dragged  through  still  drunk  and  remembers  ing as a police officer recently                        ber when,” Korte previously
            the  mud,”  she  could  either  only bits and pieces.     and  can’t  return  to  the  job  Perkins  made  the  same  ar-  told  the  AP.  “I  didn’t  docu-
            tell  Frankford  police  Chief                            immediately.                 gument  Thursday  and  said  ment it because she said, ‘No
            Joshua Baker they never had  “He  probably  should’ve  just                            Baker  and  the  detective  are  yeah, we hooked up,’ I think
            sex or tell him they had sex  taken me home to my parents  The allegations became pub-  unreliable based on their past  was her exact words.”
            but not while she was drunk  if he knew where they lived,  lic after Baker, the Frankford  behavior during a local elec-
            and not while Perkins was on  or just let me sleep there so  police  chief,  in  April  for-  tion  dispute  involving  Bak-  Orf  said  she  never  spoke  to
            duty as a Bowling Green po-  I could fight off my drunk,”  warded information about it  er’s wife.                  Korte.
            lice officer.                Orf said.                    to law enforcement agencies
                                                                      in  a  position  to  investigate  “Emily  and  I  are  both  the  Bowling Green police Chief
            She  said  he’s  called  her  Asked  by  the  AP  Thursday  potential  criminal  wrongdo-  victims  of  a  couple  of  cops  Don Nacke said Korte never
            roughly  eight  times  in  the  whether he ever had sex with  ing and to state House lead-  that hate me so much they’re  contacted him about Perkins
            past  year  to  say  the  same  her while she was drunk and  ership,  who  forwarded  it  to  willing to humiliate a young  and  that  he  wasn’t  aware  of
            thing  and  provided  AP  with  he was on duty, Perkins said:  the  House  Ethics  Commit-  woman  who  didn’t  want  to  the  claims  against  him  until
            screenshots of phone records  “No, absolutely not.” He said  tee. The Highway Patrol now  have  anything  to  do  with  recent media reports. Nacke
            showing  some  of  the  calls  he took her home that night  is  conducting  a  preliminary  this,” Perkins said.    said  there  are  no  records
            and  texts  from  his  phone  in 2015.                    inquiry.                                                  of  any  disciplinary  action
            number.                                                                                The former Pike County de-   against Perkins when he was
                                         “We  did  not  have  sex  while  In police reports, Baker and a  tective in a police report said  an officer.
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