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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 11 Juni 2021
                             Ajax goalkeeper Onana’s ban for doping cut to 9 months

            (AP)  —  Ajax  goalkeeper                                                                                           at fault nor negligent.
            André Onana had his ban
            for  a  positive  doping  test                                                                                      The  court  said  its  judges
            cut  to  nine  months  on                                                                                           “considered  that  a  9-month
            Thursday and can resume                                                                                             ban  was  proportionate  to
            playing in November.                                                                                                the  negligence  committed
                                                                                                                                ...  but  could  not  accept  the
            The  Court  of  Arbitration                                                                                         goalkeeper’s  request  for  the
            for  Sport  found  Onana  was                                                                                       removal  of  the  suspension
            not  at  significant  fault  and                                                                                    entirely.”
            reduced his one-year ban by
            UEFA.                                                                                                               The  case  was  fast-tracked
                                                                                                                                with  the  verdict  given  eight
            The  ban  now  ends  on  Nov.                                                                                       days after the appeal hearing.
            3  and  Ajax  said  Onana  will                                                                                     The  three-month  reduction
            be allowed to restart training                                                                                      meant it “was worth it taking
            with his teammates on Sept.                                                                                         this  case  to  the  CAS,”  said
            4, two months before the ban                                                                                        Ajax  chief  executive  Edwin
            expires.                                                                                                            van der Sar.

            The ruling could see Arsenal   for a transfer fee because he  banned diuretic often used as  he  mistook  for  aspirin  “be-  “I have mixed feelings about
            step  up  its  reported  interest   could  leave  as  a  free  agent  a  masking  agent  to  hide  the  cause  the  packaging  was  al-  today’s  verdict  because  our
            in  signing  the  25-year-old   when  his  contract  with  the  presence of other drugs.  most identical.”          aim  was  that  he  would  be
            Onana, who is cleared to play   club expires after next season.                        Anti-doping rules make ath-  back playing games this sum-
            for Cameroon at the African                               He said he was feeling unwell  letes  liable  for  banned  sub-  mer,”  said  Van  der  Sar,  the
            Cup of Nations in January.   Onana  tested  positive  last  and took a pill prescribed for  stances in their body, though   club’s goalkeeping great.
            Ajax  could  sell  Onana  now   October  for  furosemide,  a  his  girlfriend  from  a  packet  they can argue they were not

                          Djokovic-Nadal, Tsitsipas-Zverev in French Open semifinals

            (AP)  –  Novak  Djokovic                                                                                            with  plenty  of  potential  but
            and  Rafael  Nadal  know                                                                                            zero Grand Slam titles — Ts-
            there’s  something  special                                                                                         itsipas, 22, or Zverev, 24.
            about  the  two  of  them
            meeting  in  the  French                                                                                            Tsitsipas  vs.  Zverev  offers  a
            Open  semifinals  —  even                                                                                           glimpse of what the future of
            if they’d prefer, of course,                                                                                        men’s tennis could be.
            for  it  to  happen  a  round                                                                                       Both are all-court, all-surface
            later.                                                                                                              players  who  are  6-foot-4
                                                                                                                                (1.93  meters)  or  taller.  And
            “Each time we face each oth-                                                                                        both have now become regu-
            er,  there’s  that  extra  tension                                                                                  lars in the latter stages of ma-
            and  expectations,”  the  top-                                                                                      jors.
            seeded  Djokovic  said.  “Just                                                                                      “The  Grand  Slams,  they’re
            vibes are different walking on                                                                                      still a different animal. ... You
            the court with him.”                                                                                                got to learn how to play them,
            The  third-seeded  Nadal’s                                                                                          as well. Very rarely does any-
            take?                                                                                                               body  come  in  and,  all  of  a
                                                                                                                                sudden,  perform  his  best  at
            “In some way,” he said, “we                                                                                         Grand Slams. Yes, we’ve seen
            are  practicing,  we  are  liv-                                                                                     Rafa do it, but Rafa is some-
            ing  the  sport,  for  these  mo-                                                                                   times  not  human,”  Zverev
            ments.”                                                                                                             said. “For young guys, it is a
            Whatever the quality of play   finals;  Robin  Soderling  the  ic leads 29-28.         Wednesday  but  not  before   learning  curve.  Hopefully  I
            might be between Nadal and   other  —  and  eyeing  a  14th                            ending  his  36-set  winning   can say that, slowly but sure-
            Djokovic  in  Paris  on  Friday   championship  at  the  clay-  Nadal  is  ahead  10-6  at  the  streak  in  Paris.  “Everyone   ly, I’m starting to get the hang
            —  their  semifinal  will  fol-  court major.             Slams,  7-1  at  the  French  wants to see that.”         of it.”
            low  the  one  between  No.  5                            Open  (including  a  straight-
            Stefanos  Tsitsipas  of  Greece   Djokovic won La Coupe des  set victory in the 2020 final)  The  women’s  final  Satur-  This is his third semifinal in
            and No. 6 Alexander Zverev   Mousquetaires  in  2016  and  and  19-7  on  clay  (including  day is No. 31 seed Anastasia   the  past  five  Slams,  and  he
            of Germany — the numbers     could join Rod Laver and Roy  a win in last month’s Italian  Pavlyuchenkova  against  un-  was the runner-up to Domi-
            associated with the matchup   Emerson as the only men to  Open final).                 seeded  Barbora  Krejcikova.   nic Thiem at last year’s U.S.
            are overwhelming.            win  each  of  the  four  Grand  This one comes in the semi-  The last four women all were   Open.
                                         Slam tournaments twice.      finals,  rather  than  the  final,  first-time  major  semifinal-
            Start  with  the  big  picture:   “It’s not like any other match.  because  Nadal  recently  slid  ists, and Pavlyuchenkova beat   It’s the third major semifinal
            Nadal is two wins away from   Let’s  face  it,  it’s  the  biggest  from No. 2 to No. 3 in the  Tamara  Zidansek,  7-5,  6-3,   in  a  row  and  fourth  overall
            his  21st  Grand  Slam  title,   challenge  that  you  can  have  rankings.  The  tournament  while  Krejcikova  defeated   for  Tsitsipas,  who  is  0-3  so
            which would break the men’s   —  playing  on  clay  against  seedings  strictly  follow  the  No.  17  Maria  Sakkari  7-5,   far.
            mark  he  currently  shares   Nadal on this court, in which  rankings,  so  Nadal  got  no  4-6, 9-7.               “I feel privileged that I’m in
            with Roger Federer.          he has had so much success  boost  for  his  dominance  at                             that position, and I feel, ob-
            Djokovic  is  trying  to  get  to   in his career,” Djokovic said.  the place, and a random draw  No matter what happens Fri-  viously,  I’ve  put  in  a  lot  of
            No.  19,  which  would  leave   “In the final stages of a Grand  determined which half of the  day,  the  men’s  final  will  be   daily  hard  work  (that)  has
            him  just  one  behind  his  ri-  Slam,  it  doesn’t  get  bigger  bracket he was placed in.  Old vs. New.          been a key element of me be-
            vals.                        than that.”                                               That’s  because  it  will  pit   ing here,” Tsitsipas said after
            Nadal  is  105-2  at  Roland   It  is  their  58th  showdown,  “It’s  going  to  be  a  special  someone  in  his  30s  who  is   eliminating No. 2 seed Daniil
            Garros  —  Djokovic  is  re-  more than between any other  match,” said 10th-seeded Di-  one  of  the  greatest  ever  —   Medvedev  in  the  quarterfi-
            sponsible  for  one  of  those   two  men  in  the  Open  era,  ego  Schwartzman,  who  lost  Nadal,  35,  or  Djokovic,  34   nals. “But, you know, my ego
            defeats, in the 2015 quarter-  which dates to 1968; Djokov-  to Nadal in the quarterfinals  — against someone in his 20s   tells me I want more.”
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