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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 11 Juni 2021
                           Mystery over claim world’s 1st ‘decuplets’ born in S. Africa

            (AP)  —  South  Africa  has                                                            news is true.
            been gripped by the mys-                                                               “For her to receive 10 bless-  The  Pretoria  News  initially
            tery of whether a woman                                                                ings  at  one  given  time,  we  broke  the  story  with  an  in-
            has,  as  has  been  claimed,                                                          thank God for that,” Wilson  terview  with  Sithole  and
            actually  given  birth  to  10                                                         Machaya,  a  neighbor  of  the  her husband Tsotetsi at their
            babies, in what would then                                                             family  in  Tembisa,  told  The  home, which was conducted
            be the world’s first record-                                                           Associated  Press.  “And  be-  nearly a month ago and when
            ed case of decuplets.                                                                  cause  we  are  neighbors  we  they thought they were hav-
                                                                                                   will have to assist in any way  ing  eight  babies.  They  re-
            Gosiame  Thamara  Sithole                                                              possible.”                   quested  that  the  story  only
            from  the  Tembisa  township                                                                                        be published after the babies
            near Johannesburg gave birth                                                           A Malian woman gave birth  were born for safety and cul-
            to the babies on Monday, ac-                                                           to  nine  babies  only  last  tural reasons, the newspaper
            cording to the Pretoria News                                                           month in Morocco, in what  said.
            newspaper which quoted the                                                             was hailed as the world’s first
            parents. The babies — seven                                                            case of nonuplets.           According to the report, Sit-
            boys and three girls — have   “Tembisa 10” is indeed true.  am  happy.  I  am  emotional,”                          hole  went  on  leave  earlier
            not made a public appearance                                                           The  Department  of  So-     than expected from her job as
                                                                      the  newspaper  quoted  Tso-
            or been captured on camera,   The  father,  Teboho  Tsotetsi,  tetsi as saying.        cial  Development  in  South  a retail store manager because
            although they were born pre-                                                           Africa’s  Gauteng  province  she  could  no  longer  cope.
            maturely,  the  newspaper  re-  told  the  paper  his  wife  had                       confirmed  tracing  Sithole  Tsotetsi is unemployed.
                                         given  birth  in  a  hospital  in  The  couple  already  have
            ported.                                                                                and  spokeswoman  Feziwe
                                         the  capital  Pretoria.  He  said  6-year-old   twins,   which   Ndwayana  said  they  would  One  organization  has  given
            The  South  African  govern-  it  was  a  big  surprise  for  the  would make the total an even   make  an  announcement  af-  $70,000 to the couple to help
            ment said it is still trying to   parents  after  doctors  only  dozen  kids,  if  the  claim  is   ter  meeting  with  the  family.  and other South Africans are
                                         detected eight babies in pre-
            verify the claim.                                                                      Another  local  government  being encouraged to donate.
                                         natal scans.                 South  Africans  are  eagerly   department  said  earlier  this
            That’s led to South Africans                              waiting  for  proof  of  what   week  that  it  had  no  record  Alongside  #Tembisa10,  the
            obsessing  on  social  media   “It’s  seven  boys  and  three  would  be  a  world  record.   of the babies’ births in any of  term  #NationalBabyShower
                                         girls. She was seven months  Relatives  and  neighbors  of
            over whether the story of the                                                          the province’s hospitals.    has been trending on Twitter.
                                         and  seven  days  pregnant.  I  the  couple  have  insisted  the
                            Pope rejects German cardinal’s resignation, urges reform

                                                                      abuse  crisis.  The  “Synodal  its radical impact. Marx, the  In  2018,  a  church-commis-
                                                                      Path”  has  sparked  fierce  re-  group  said  in  a  statement,  sioned   report   concluded
                                                                      sistance inside Germany and  had targeted the responsibil-  at  least  3,677  people  were
                                                                      beyond, primarily from con-  ity of all bishops — including  abused  by  clergy  in  Germa-
                                                                      servatives  opposed  to  open-  the pope — for the church’s  ny  between  1946  and  2014.
                                                                      ing any debate on issues such  “system of abuse and cover-  More than half of the victims
                                                                      as priestly celibacy, women’s  ups.”                      were 13 or younger and near-
                                                                      role in the church and homo-                              ly a third were altar boys.
                                                                      sexuality.                   The  group  said  the  pope
                                                                                                   should have listened to Ger-  Earlier  this  year,  another
                                                                      The speed with which Fran-   man  victims  before  making  report  came  out  about  the
                                                                      cis  resoundingly  rejected  his decision.                church  officials’  handling  of
                                                                      Marx’s offer to resign was cu-                            alleged  sexual  abuse  in  the
                                                                      rious and suggested the dra-  Marx,  for  his  part,  said  in  a  country’s  western  Cologne
                                                                      ma  might  have  been  some-  statement he was “surprised”  diocese.  The  archbishop  of
                                                                      what choreographed, perhaps  by  both  the  speed  and  the  Hamburg, a former Cologne
                                                                      to give Marx backing for the  content  of  the  pope’s  re-  church official who was fault-
                                                                      reforms.                     sponse,  and  accepted  it  out  ed in that report, offered his
                                                                                                   of obedience. But he said he  resignation  and  was  granted
                                                                      Marx  had  said  he  had  been  still felt the need to personal-  a  “time  out”  of  unspecified
                                                                      thinking  about  resigning  for  ly carry responsibility for the  length.
                                                                      several months and had dis-  crisis  and  would  find  a  way
                                                                      cussed  it  with  Francis.  He  to contribute to the necessary  But  significantly,  the  arch-
            (AP)  —  Pope  Francis  re-  resignation  and  told  Marx,   said he decided to publish his  renewal.               bishop of Cologne, Cardinal
            fused Thursday to let Ger-   one of the pope’s closest ad-  resignation letter June 4, after                        Rainer  Maria  Woelki,  who
            man  Cardinal  Reinhard  visers, that he must continue    Francis gave him permission.  In his letter, Francis said ev-  was  cleared  of  wrongdoing
            Marx  resign  over  the  sex  as archbishop and “shepherd                              ery bishop must take person-  by  the  report  but  remains
            abuse scandal in the Ger-    my sheep.”                   Within  a  week,  Francis  had  al and collective responsibili-  under  pressure  for  his  han-
            man  Church,  but  said  a                                published his response, with  ty for the institution’s failures  dling of the issue, refused to
            process of reform was nec-   Francis said what was neces-  the correspondence between  to protect young people from  step  aside.  Francis  recently
            essary and that every bish-  sary instead was a process of   both men being made public  sexual predators, and that do-  authorized a Vatican investi-
            op must take responsibil-    reform  “that  doesn’t  consist   in a variety of languages.  ing so inherently puts the in-  gation into the archdiocese’s
            ity  for  the  “catastrophe”  in  words  but  attitudes  that   Francis’  decision  to  keep  stitution in crisis.  handling of abuse cases.
            of the crisis.               have  the  courage  of  putting   Marx  on  was  welcomed  by                          Marx  himself  has  not  been
                                         oneself in crisis, of assuming   the  head  of  the  influential  The German church, one of  implicated  in  any  of  the  in-
            Francis wrote a letter to Marx  reality regardless of the con-  German  lay  group  ZdK,  or  the wealthiest in the world, is  vestigative  reports  to  date,
            to respond to his bombshell  sequences.”                  Central  Committee  of  Ger-  the latest to face a reckoning  but  he  said  all  members  of
            announcement last week that                               man Catholics, which is en-  over the abuse scandal, after  the  hierarchy  shared  blame
            he  had  offered  to  resign  as  Francis’  letter  appeared  to   gaged in the reform process.  institutional  reports  made  for  the  failures.  A  report  is
            archbishop  of  Munich  and  give  Marx  papal  backing   But a prominent group rep-   clear  that  thousands  were  expected this summer about
            Freising  over  the  church’s  to  proceed  with  the  Ger-  resenting  German  clergy  victimized  by  priests  and  the handling of sexual abuse
            mishandling of abuse cases.  man  Church’s  controver-    abuse   survivors,   Eckiger  the hierarchy covered up the  cases in Marx’s archdiocese.
                                         sial  reform  process  that  was   Tisch,  said  Francis’  decision  crimes for decades.
            Francis refused to accept the  launched as a response to the   had deprived Marx’s offer of
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