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28 LOCAL NEWS AWEMainta Diaranson, 4 October 2023
Aruba Hosts the 17th Conference of
Parties for the Cartagena Convention
THIS week, Aruba proudly takes on the role of hosting and the Caribbean to the tropical Atlantic.
the 17th Conference of Parties (COP) for the Cartagena
Convention for the Protection and Development of the The convention includes several protocols that address
Marine Environment in the Caribbean Region. specific environmental concerns in the region. One of the
most well-known protocols is the Protocol Concerning
The Cartagena Convention is an international treaty designed Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW Protocol),
to protect and preserve the marine and coastal environ- which focuses on the conservation and management of
ment in the Caribbean region. This treaty was adopted in biodiversity and protected areas.
1983 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, and is one of the
regional seas conventions developed under the auspices of COP 17, also known as the ‘17th Conference of the Parties
the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). to the Cartagena Convention,’ is one of the periodic meet-
ings attended by the convention’s member states. These
The primary objective of the Cartagena Convention is to conferences provide a platform for member countries to
prevent, reduce, and control pollution of the marine envi- discuss and coordinate efforts to address marine environ-
ronment in the Caribbean region while promoting sustain- mental issues, including pollution, habitat conservation,
able development through the responsible management of and sustainable fisheries management.
natural resources.
These conferences are essential for maintaining coopera-
COP serves as the governing body of the Cartagena tion among Caribbean nations and advancing the objectives
Convention, convening periodically to oversee the imple- of the Cartagena Convention in protecting and developing
mentation of the convention, make decisions regarding the marine environment and coastal resources of the region.
its continued operation, and adopt measures to address
emerging environmental issues in the region. Minister Ursell Arends expressed pride in participating as a
As such, the Cartagena Convention covers a vast geograph- country and the honor of presiding over these conferences
ical area, encompassing the coastal waters of 28 Caribbean as a kingdom. Aruba is undoubtedly committed to contrib-
countries and territories, extending from the Gulf of Mexico uting to the well-being of the environment in the Caribbean.