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a28 obituario/u.s. news
Diahuebs 11 November 2021
US food banks struggle to feed hungry amid
surging prices
(AP) — U.S. food banks al-
ready dealing with increased
demand from families side-
Señor ta mi wardador, lined by the pandemic now
mi no tin falta di nada. face a new challenge — surg-
Den cunucu di yerba berde, ing food prices and supply
E ta pone mi sosega. chain issues walloping the
E ta hiba mi na awa tranquil, nation.
pa mi bolbe haña forza.
-- The higher costs and limited
Salmo 23 availability mean some fami-
lies may get smaller servings or
Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero hopi substitutions for staples such as
gradici pa tur loke ela significa pa nos, nos ta peanut butter, which some food
participa fayecimento di: banks are buying for nearly dou-
ble what it cost two years ago. As
holidays approach, some food
banks worry they won’t have million pounds (1.2 million ki- federal Supplemental Nutrition
enough stuffing and cranber- lograms) of food. Assistance Program, or SNAP.
ry sauce for Thanksgiving and
Christmas. The cost of canned green beans Kate Waters, a spokeswoman for
and peaches is up nearly 9% for the USDA, which administers
“What happens when food prices them, Altfest said; canned tuna the SNAP program, said there
go up is food insecurity for those and frozen tilapia up more than were no immediate plans for an
who are experiencing it just gets 6%; and a case of 5-pound frozen emergency boost in SNAP ben-
worse,” said Katie Fitzgerald, chickens for holiday tables is up efits to compensate for the ris-
Seferina Miguelina Diaz Bislik chief operating officer of Feed- 13%. The price for dry oatmeal ing food costs. But she said that
has climbed 17%.
previous moves by the Biden
ing America, a nonprofit orga-
“Lina” nization that coordinates the administration such as the per-
*26-08-1934 - †11-10-2021 efforts of more than 200 food On Wednesdays, hundreds of manent increase in SNAP ben-
banks across the country. people line up outside a church efits earlier this year and a fresh
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues in east Oakland for its weekly wave of funding for food banks
Food banks that expanded to food giveaway. Shiloh Mercy should help ease the burden. In
meet unprecedented demand House feeds about 300 families addition, Waters said the fact that
brought on by the pandemic on those days, far less than the schools are open and offering
won’t be able to absorb forever 1,100 families it was nourishing free lunches and, in some cases,
food costs that are two to three at the height of the pandemic, free breakfast, should also help.
times what they used to be, she said Jason Bautista, the charity’s
said. event manager. But he’s still see- Bryan Nichols, vice president
ing new people every week. of sales for Transnational Foods
Supply chain disruptions, lower Inc., which delivers to more than
inventory and labor shortages “And a lot of people are just say- 100 food banks associated with
have all contributed to increased ing they can’t afford food,” he Feeding America, said canned
Lagrima y flornan por seca, su recuerdonan y tur costs for charities on which tens said. “I mean they have the mon- foods from Asia— such as fruit
loke el a haci y significa pa nos, cu lo keda graba of millions of people in the U.S. ey to buy certain things, but it’s cocktail, pears and mandarin or-
pa semper den nos mente y curason. rely on for nutrition. Donated just not stretching.” anges— have been stuck over-
“Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di DJ’E mi food is more expensive to move seas because of a lack of shipping
salbacion ta bin” because transportation costs are Families can also use a commu- container space.
Salmo 62:1 up, and bottlenecks at factories nity market Shiloh opened in
and ports make it difficult to get May. Refrigerators contain car- Issues in supply seem to be im-
Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa goods of all kinds. tons of milk and eggs while sacks proving and prices stabilizing,
fayecimento di nos mama stima: of hamburger buns and crusty but he expects costs to stay high
If a food bank has to swap out baguettes sit on shelves. after so many people got out of
for smaller sizes of canned tuna the shipping business during the
or make substitutions in order Oakland resident Sonia Lujan- pandemic. “An average container
to stretch their dollars, Fitzger- Perez, 45, picked up chicken, coming from Asia prior to COV-
ald said, it’s like adding “insult to celery, onions bread and and po- ID would cost about $4,000. To-
injury” to a family reeling from tatoes — enough to supplement day, that same container is about
uncertainty. a Thanksgiving meal for herself, $18,000,” he said.
3-year-old daughter and 18-year-
In the prohibitively expensive old son. The state of California At the Care and Share Food
San Francisco Bay Area, the Al- pays her to care for daughter Bank for Southern Colorado in
ameda County Community Melanie, who has special needs, Colorado Springs, CEO Lynne
Food Bank in Oakland is spend- but it’s not enough with month- Telford says the cost for a truck-
ing an extra $60,000 a month on ly rent at $2,200 and the cost of load of peanut butter —40,000
food. Combined with increased milk, citrus, spinach and chicken pounds (18,100 kilograms)_has
demand, it is now shelling out so high. soared 80% from June 2019 to
$1 million a month to distribute $51,000 in August. Mac and
4.5 million pounds (2 million “That is wonderful for me be- cheese is up 19% from a year ago
kilograms) of food, said Michael cause I will save a lot of money,” and the wholesale cost of ground
Leocadia Maduro-Croes Altfest, the Oakland food bank’s she said, adding that the holiday beef has increased 5% in three
Cariñosamente yama “Candy” director of community engage- season is rough with Christmas months. They’re spending more
*09-12-1947 - †08-11-2021 ment. toys for the children. money to buy food to make up
for waning donations and there’s
Acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues Pre-pandemic, it was spending Many people also rely on other less to choose from.
a quarter of the money for 2.5 government aid, including the