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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 11 November 2021

                          EU accuses Belarus of ‘trafficking’ migrants toward border

            (AP)  —  European  Union  Polish authorities have tweet-                               ly  irresponsible  and  unac-
            officials  on  Wednesday  ed  video  of  migrants,  some  Poland  says  Russia  bears  ceptable.”  Foreign  Minister
            accused  Belarus  of  state-  using  shovels  and  wire  cut-  some  responsibility  for  the  Sergey  Lavrov  also  has  sug-
            sponsored     “trafficking”  ters, trying to break through  crisis, given its staunch back-  gested  the  EU  give  Belarus
            of  human  lives  by  luring  a fence on the border to enter  ing  of  Lukashenko.  Germa-  financial aid to stop the mi-
            desperate migrants to the  Poland.                        ny’s interior minister, Horst  grant flow.
            Polish border — the edge                                  Seehofer,  also  accused  Lu-
            of the EU — where many  The  West  has  accused  Be-      kashenko  of  “using  people’s  European    Commission
            are  now  stuck  in  make-   larus  President  Alexander  fates —  with  the  support  of  President  Ursula  von  der
            shift  camps  in  freezing  Lukashenko  of  encouraging  Russian  President  Vladimir  Leyen met with President Joe
            weather.                     migrants  from  the  Middle  Putin  —  to  destabilize  the  Biden  at  the  White  House  European Council President
                                         East  to  travel  to  his  country  West.”                on Wednesday and discussed  Charles Michel met in War-
            As the crisis showed no sign  and sending them toward EU                               the  possibility  of  the  U.S.  saw  with  Morawiecki  in  a
            of easing, an EU leader also  members  Poland,  Lithuania  Latvian Prime Minister Kris-  and Europe levying sanctions  gesture  of  solidarity,  saying:
            said the bloc was, for the first  and Latvia as a way to retaliate  janis  Karins  added  that  “it  against  airlines  that  play  a  “We are facing a hybrid, bru-
            time, considering the idea of  against the bloc for sanctions  is what I would call a  state-  role in the influx of migrants  tal, violent and unworthy at-
            funding  the  construction  of  imposed on the authoritarian  sponsored human trafficking,  through Belarus.        tack, and we can only reply to
            a wall or some other barrier  regime for its crackdown on  which is affecting directly my                           this with firmness and unity,
            on  its  eastern  border.  That  internal  dissent  since  a  dis-  country,  Lithuania  and  Po-  Von der Leyen said afterward  in accordance with our core
            idea has always been rejected  puted election in 2020.    land.”                       they  shared  the  assessment  values.”
            before  and  still  faces  many                                                        that “this is an attempt by an
            political  and  humanitarian  Belarus  denies  the  allega-  The Kremlin’s account of the  authoritarian regime to try to  Michel  also  said  the  EU  is
            obstacles.                   tions, but has said it will no  call  with  Merkel  said  Putin  destabilize democratic neigh-  discussing  the  possibility  of
                                         longer stop migrants and oth-  proposed  a  discussion  be-  bors. This will not succeed.”  funding “physical infrastruc-
            Polish  authorities  estimate  ers seeking to enter the EU.  tween “representatives of EU                           ture” on its external borders.
            that  about  3,000-4,000  mi-                             member  states  and  Minsk.”  Washington condemned Be-    The EU’s executive commis-
            grants  have  gathered  along  Steffen  Seibert,  a  spokes-  It also said Putin and Merkel  larus  for  “politically  exploit-  sion has long held that walls
            its border with Belarus, with  man  for  German  Chancel-  “agreed to continue the con-  ing  vulnerable  people”  and  and barriers are not effective
            hundreds  concentrated  in  lor  Angela  Merkel,  said  in  versation.”                supports  Poland,  Lithuania  and has refused to fund them
            one  makeshift  camp  not  far  Berlin that Minsk is engaged                           and  Latvia  in  confronting  with  money  from  the  bloc.
            from  the  Kuznica  crossing.  in  “state-run  smuggling  and  Kremlin  spokesman  Dmitry  the challenge, U.S. Assistant  It  would  only  pay  for  secu-
            Warsaw has bolstered securi-  trafficking   ...   happening  Peskov  rejected  suggestions  Secretary  of  State  for  Euro-  rity cameras and surveillance
            ty at the frontier, where it has  100%  at  the  expense  of  the  by Morawiecki that Moscow  pean  and  Eurasian  Affairs  equipment, not walls, fences
            declared a state of emergency.  people who are lured into the  has any responsibility in the  Karen Donfried told The As-  and other physical infrastruc-
                                         country with false promises.”  crisis, calling them “absolute-  sociated Press.        ture.

                             French ex-president testifies: “I owe it” to attack victims

            (AP)  —  When  Islamic                                    fire  at  cafes  and  bars  in  the  cific intelligence of an attack
            State   attackers   struck  Hollande was at France’s na-  city center, and the night cul-  planned that night, although  With the attack still ongoing,
            Paris  in  2015,  France’s  tional  soccer  stadium  when  minated with a bloody siege  concerts  and  sports  events  Hollande declared a national
            president at the time was  a suicide bomber blew him-     at  the  Bataclan  concert  hall.  were  always  thought  to  be  state  of  emergency  and  at-
            within earshot of the first  self up outside the gates that  Hollande  ordered  the  final  possible targets of an extrem-  tempted  to  close  France’s
            suicide bombing.             night,  the  first  in  a  series  assault on the three remain-  ist group bent on mass casu-  borders.   But   Abdeslam
                                         of  attacks  across  Paris  that  ing attackers inside the Bata-  alties.              slipped out with the help of
            By  the  time  the  bloodshed  would  last  for  three  more  clan  and  shortly  afterwards                        friends  from  Brussels,  who
            finally ended hours later, 130  hours.                    asked to go to the site him-  “If  you  wanted  to  avoid  all  drove  through  the  night  to
            people  were  dead  and  Fran-                            self, watching survivors walk  risk of attack you would have  fetch him and are now among
            çois Hollande watched from  French  officials  had  known  out.                        had to close every site, cancel  those charged in Paris.
            the  street  as  bloodied  sur-  for months that the country                           every show. Is that what’s ex-
            vivors  staggered  out  of  the  could  be  a  target,  Hollande  “I  see  people  leaving  the  pected of the president?” he  The same loose circle of Is-
            Bataclan concert hall.       testified. He said it was even  Bataclan, even then, holding  asked.                   lamic  State  fighters  later  at-
                                         known that Islamic State ex-  on  to  each  other.  They  see                          tacked the airport and metro
            Surrounded  by  a  squad  of  tremists  were  entering  dis-  me  and  cannot  say  a  single  Hollande said he first learned  in  Brussels,  days  after  Ab-
            security  guards,  the  former  guised  as  refugees.  “But  we  word,” he testified. “This will  there  was  an  Islamic  State  deslam was found at a hide-
            French president walked into  did  not  know  where,  when,  remain with me forever.”  cell dedicated to plotting at-  out in Molenbeek, the neigh-
            a  specially  designed  court-  or how they would strike us,”                          tacks in Europe in June 2014,  borhood of the Belgian capi-
            room Wednesday to testify in  he said.                    All nine attackers died. Salah  and  first  heard  the  name  of  tal  where  he,  Abaaoud  and
            the trial of 14 men over the                              Abdeslam,  the  chief  defen-  Abdelhamid  Abaaoud  as  its  many of the other defendants
            Nov.  13,  2015,  Islamic  State  After the suicide attack at the  dant in the trial, discarded a  French-speaking  operational  grew up together.
            attacks on Paris.            stadium,  gunmen  opened  malfunctioning      explosives  leader  in  August  2015.  He
                                                                      vest  and  fled  home  to  Bel-  said   authorities   believed  As he promised in his open-
                                                                      gium.  His  brother  died  in  Abaaoud,  a  Belgian  who  ing  statement,  Hollande  an-
                                                                      Paris  trying  to  detonate  his  spearheaded the Paris attacks  swered every question put to
                                                                      vest at a café.              and died in a police raid days  him by victims’ lawyers, even
                                                                                                   later  in  the  suburb  of  Saint  when  the  presiding  judge
                                                                      Except for Abdeslam, most of  Denis,  was  in  Syria  heading  grew testy at times with their
                                                                      the 14 men in the courtroom  up  a  Raqqa-based  Islamic  repetition.
                                                                      are  accused  of  helping  with  State cell to attack Europe.
                                                                      logistics  or  transportation.                            It was, he said, his responsi-
                                                                      Six others are being tried in  On  Sept.  27,  2015,  Hol-  bility: “I owe it to those who
                                                                      absentia.                    lande  said,  French  airstrikes  survived and who live every
                                                                                                   hit  Raqqa  for  the  first  time,  day in their flesh and in their
                                                                      Hollande was pressed repeat-  in  large  part  to  try  and  dis-  minds  the  memory  of  this
                                                                      edly on whether government  rupt  any  plot.  But  by  then  evening  and  who  seek  and
                                                                      policy  and  intelligence  fail-  Abaaoud  was  already  on  the  demand explanations.”
                                                                      ures led to the attacks. He in-  way to Paris along with other
                                                                      sisted that there was no spe-  Europeans in the cell.
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