Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
local Tuesday 22 November 2022
Consumer Price Index, base period June 2019 October 2022
Continued from Page 10
Change in prices of Food &
In October 2022 the price catering services in Octo-
of gasoline registered a de- ber 2022
crease of Afl. 13.10 cents
(-4.9%) and had an effect The “Food & catering ser-
of -0.25 ppts on the CPI. The vices” index showed an in-
price of diesel registered a crease of 0.7% in October
decrease of Afl. 10.50 cents 2022, after an increase of
(-3.9%) and had an effect 0.5% in September 2022. The
of -0.02 ppt on the CPI of index for “Food at home”
October 2022. showed an increase of
1.0% in October, as ten (10)
In October 2022, utilities, of the eleven (11) “Food at
gasoline and diesel as a home” indices increased
group showed a decrease in October 2022. The “Po-
in price of 1.5% compared tatoes and other tubers”
to September 2022, and index registered the largest “Non-alcoholic beverag- significant increases were (16.2%), “Fish and other
had an influence of -0.27 increase (7.7%) in October es” (1.7%). posted in the indices for seafood” (16.2%), “Milk,
ppts on the CPI, while the 2022. Furthermore, other “Potatoes and other tu- cheese and eggs” (13.9%)
remaining 404 goods and significant increases were The only decrease was reg- bers” (19.4%), “Meat” and “Fruit” (11.9%).q
services, as a group, show posted in the indices for istered in the index of “Fruit”
an increase of 0.4% and “Vegetables” (3.3%), “Fish (-1.1%).
had an effect of 0.36 ppts and other seafood” (2.9%),
on the CPI. “Oils and fats” (1.9%) and Over the last twelve (12)
months, the “Food & cater-
ing services” has increased
by 10.7%. The “Food at
home” index showed an
increase of 12.8%, where
all of the “Food at home”
indices increased over the
last year. The “Oils and fats”
index increased by 20.3%,
the largest increase among
the “Food at home” food
groups. Furthermore, other