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Tuesday 22 November 2022
Aruba hosts the German Caribbean Energy Conference
ORANJESTAD- It is for the and economic growth. This the cost of living.
fourth consecutive year dependency led Aruba to
that Aruba has hosted the start the journey to reduce “Aruba is committed to
annual German-Caribbe- carbon emissions. keeping working to miti-
an Energy Conference”, gate climate change ef-
held on November 15, Aruba must focus on the fects. All changes hap-
2022. people during the energy pen from within, but only
transition and align with if all islands and nations
Prime Minister Evelyn Wev- the United Nations Sustain- stand united, we can win
er-Croes welcomed every- able Development Goals. this battle against climate
one and thanked the orga- For the energy sector, this change," the Prime Minister
nizers for choosing Aruba is also important. as energy said.q
once more as the host of plays a prominent role in
this conference.
During her speech, the States (SIDS) around the this reason alone, the best
Prime Minister explained world, climate change is option is to avoid the neg-
that renewable energy essential due to the pos- ative impact of climate
and energy efficiency are sible damages this can change in its totality.
essential themes for the cause. The Caribbean
Caribbean islands, includ- islands that depend on Aruba, just like any other of
ing Aruba. Globally these tourism are vulnerable to the SIDS islands, recognizes
subjects receive lots of at- climate change, as one that they depend on fossil
tention in the context of hurricane can cause more fuels, which price fluctu-
Climate change. For the damage to the yearly GDP ates and causes uncertain-
Small Island Development of an island like Aruba. For ties about the cost of living
MoU zero-emission
ORANJESTAD - The govern- the climate on our daily
ment of Aruba, through the lives and future. Nonethe-
Ministry of Economic Affairs less, we build it despite our
and the Ministry of Nature, struggles and vulnerabilities
has signed a Memoran- by establishing high ambi-
dum of Understanding call- tions and standards.
ing for 30% of all medium
and heavy commercial Aruba has demonstrated
vehicles in Aruba to be to be supportive of a col-
zero-emission by the year lective impact when deal-
2030. ing with modernizations
and adaptations of sus-
The Dutch Government tainable practices, which
and CALSTART lead this ini- prove fruitful for everyone
tiative with its Global Com- who adopts these in Aru-
mercial Vehicle Drive to ba. Aruba remains in the
Zero. The objective is to ac- leadership position in the
celerate the zero-emission region in different aspects
market, especially in the like tourism and sustainabil-
medium and heavy-duty ity.
commercial vehicles mar- With this MoU, the govern-
ket. These will be additional ment hopes to reach 100%
steps towards more sustain- zero-emission vehicles in
able practices in Aruba. Aruba by 2040.
As residents on a small and This MoU fortifies Aruba's
arid island, the community commitment to a more sus-
is aware of the impact of tainable future.q