Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
local Tuesday 22 November 2022
Methodist Church Aruba Circuit holding silent auction and food fundraiser
ORANJESTAD – The Meth- worth 100 florins Presto electric griddle- $40
odist Church Aruba Cir- Shoebaloo- GC for 50 flo- beach bag from Casa del
cuit has been serving the rins Mar mini market- $50
Aruban community for Vip Gift & Souvenirs- assort-
over 60 years with differ- ed bracelets for all, great Lodging
ent programs, like Meals stocking stuffers Lagoona Studios- 3 night
on Wheels, Give Away and Lobster Bowtie- $30 stay for 2 people worth
other social needs and/or $450
assistance. This Saturday, Computer lessons
they will be having a Silent Worth 200 florins. For 10 ba- Office Supply, Bookstore
Auction and food fundrais- sic or advanced computer Seasons- 2 gift bags with
er, the proceeds of which or smartphone use classes supplies each worth 60 flo-
will aid in the continuation with wisdom Learning Edu rins
of all their programs. Consultancy by Jacqueline Dewit & Van Dorp- 3 gc
Woodley, owner each 50 florins
“We have all had to cope Friends of God bookstore- 2
with the results that the Electronics gc each worth 15 florins
pandemic of Covid-19 Sam’s -gc for 75 florins for $50 Marhaba Lebanese Aruba-
has brought”, Michael New Roku Express stick Paper Goods Eduardo’s Hideaway- GC GCfor 100 florins
Faulkner, who is coordinat- worth $30 All paper goods supplied for $50 Matthew’s Beachside Res-
ing the auction together Fishing Fly & Spin fishing by worth $300 El Gaucho- GC for dinner taurant - GC for $100
with Sue Faulkner, said. Captain Laurenz van Mook for 2 worth 150 florins O’niel’s Caribbean Kitch-
“Nevertheless, it didn’t 3 hrs with drinks for 2 worth Personal Care Ellioti’s Restaurante Italia- en- GC for 150 florins
close our hearts in serving. $300 Aruba Dental- GC for den- no- GC for $70 Papiamento- GC for $150
To continue serving, we are tal whitening worth 450 flo- Hung Paradise- GC for 30 Picnic- royal breakfast for
requesting your participa- Food rins florins 2 on beach with setup on
tion to help us do what we Cupcake garden GC for 6 Bon Salud Chiropractor- Ike’s Bistro- GC dinner for beach for 2 hrs. Worth $200
do best.” cupcakes in gift box worth 15 minutes in the message 2 on Thursdays for paella Pizza Bob’s- GC worth $30
-25 florins chair-$25 night including glass of san- Pizza Bob’s-GC worth $30
The Silent Auction and food Ruth’s Cakes- GC for $50 Bon Salud Chiropractor gria each -worth- $85 Ricardos- GC for breakfast
fundraiser will take place 10 johnny cakes filled with new patient intake ap- Ike’s Bistro- GC breakfast for 2- $37
on Saturday, November 26, cheese pointment-$167 for 2 worth $40 Taste My Aruba- GC for
from 4pm to 7:30pm at the 10 johhny cakes filled with Bon Salud Chiropractor Bal- Kalin’s Real Mexican Food- $100
John Wesley Auditorium, lo- cheese sem duo of cremes- $20 dinner for 2 worth $80 for Tatami Suishi Bar- GC for
cated in Bernhardstraat 29, 10 pastires filled with spin- Bon Salud Chiropractor- food only $70
San Nicolas. The proceeds ach Chira gel-$35 Kamini’s Kitchen- GC for West Deck- GCfor 125 flo-
of the fundraiser will al- 10 pastries filled with chick- Disenos Beauty Salon- GC 100 florins rinsq
low them to continue their en for $100 Lima Bistro- GCfor $100
work. Snack bag from Casa del Kok Optica- GC for 100 flo-
Mar mini market - $50 rins
Some of the items that will
be auctioned include au- Home Pest Control
tographed items by base- Curtain Call Window Fash- Primito Pest Control- GC for
ball star Xander Bogaerts, ions GC for 100 florins 185 florins
artwork, restaurant gift cer- Flora - 5 GC each worth 50
tificates, and a three-night florins Pets
stay at Lodging Lagoona Graco Pack n’Play, sheets Just 4 Pet- 2 GC each for
Studios. and towel- $150 a complete spa day price
Wood Dominoes donated worth more for larger ani-
The complete list of items is by la moderna mals- 125 florins each or
below. Crystal ashtray and vase more for bigger dog
Xander Bogaerts auto- Handmade needlepoint
graphed items jersey, T- about little boys- $25 Photography
shirts and balls. Sankey double burner Checkpoint the Photo Fac-
stainless steel- $25 tory- GC for 1 family studio
Artwork Handmade mom and photoshoot-worth 175 flo-
Plaza bookstore by Renier- daughter aprons- $37 rins
paintings 4 2 sets of 2 red sox pothold-
Steve Francees- beach ers-each set worth $12 Restaurants
painting 3 sets of flamingo pothold- Big Mama’s- GC 100 florins
ers- each set of 2 worth $12 Bistro de Suikertuin- GC
Clothing, shoes, accesso- Set of 4 deluxe porcelain worth 50 florins
ries dessert plates- $30 Bistro de Suikertuin- GC
Chely’s gifts & souvenirs in 8 pottery Christmas orna- worth 50 florins
aruba Beach Club- holiday ments- $10 Bits & Cheese- GC for $20
T’shirts, Aruba T’shirts, as- Home & Diner- etagere- Charlie’s Bar- 100 florins
sorted items $20 Cocoplum- GC for 70 florins
Fashion Angelo World -GC mini chopper by Premium- Cuba’s Cooking- GC for
for 200 florins $20 100 florins
Little Ones/ Baby’s Palace- set of 4 bowls, dessert Delimar- GC for $50
spend 100 florins get 25 flo- plates and saucers- $20 Driftwood- GC for special
rins off 3 men’s hankerchiefs- $10 menu for 2 worth $60
Palais Oriental- 2 GC each 3 men’s hankerchiefs- $10 Dutch Pancake House- GC