Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20220129
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A28     u.s. news
                  Diasabra 29 Januari 2022

                               Bridge collapses, drops city bus into Pittsburgh ravine

                                                                                                   it happened.”                passenger were not hurt, ac-
                                                                                                                                cording to Brandolph.
                                                                                                   Sam  Wasserman,  a  spokes-
                                                                                                   person for Pittsburgh Mayor  The bus had started its route
                                                                                                   Ed Gainey, said a few hours  in downtown Pittsburgh and
                                                                                                   after the collapse that officials  was headed to the suburban
                                                                                                   were evaluating the scene and  community of Braddock.
                                                                                                   an  urban  search-and-rescue
                                                                                                   team  was  still  combing  the  “Judging by the time of day,
                                                                                                   area  for  any  other  possible  had  this  bus  been  traveling
                                                                                                   victims.                     inbound, toward downtown,
                                                                                                                                there likely would have been
                                                                                                   He said most of the 10 peo-  more people on the bus and
                                                                                                   ple  who  were  evaluated  for  obviously could have been a
                                                                                                   injuries were first responders  much, much more dire situa-
                                                                                                   checked for exhaustion or be-  tion,” Brandolph said.
                                                                                                   cause of the cold and snowy
                                                                                                   weather.  Three  people  were  The  bus  had  seven  or  eight
                                                                                                   taken  to  hospitals  and  none  cameras and any footage they
                                                                                                   had  critical  injuries,  Wasser-  captured of the collapse will
                                                                                                   man said.                    be part of the investigation.

                                                                                                   The  scene  was  reminiscent  Neighbors  said  a  gas  com-
                                                                                                   of the aftermath of an earth-  pany  worker  went  door-to-
                                                                                                   quake, with a large crack on  door to get them to evacuate
            (AP)  —  A  50-year-old  also flew drones to make sure  the  structure,  the  deck  hit-  the end of the bridge where  from  the  immediate  vicinity
            bridge  collapsed  in  Pitts-  no  one  was  under  any  col-  ting  the  ground,”  said  Ken  the  bus  landed.  There  was  before  the  gas  was  success-
            burgh  early  Friday,  re-   lapsed  sections.  Five  other  Doyno, a resident who lives  also  a  car  upside  down  in  fully shut off.
            quiring rescuers to rappel  vehicles  were  also  on  the  four  houses  away.  “I  mean,  front of the bus.
            nearly 150 feet (46 meters)  bridge at the time. The cause  the  whole  house  rattled  at                          “Apart  from  just  this  abid-
            and  form  a  human  chain  was  being  investigated  and  that point.”                A  two-part,  elongated  Port  ing noise, we could begin to
            to  reach  occupants  of  a  crews  were  searching  under                             Authority   of   Allegheny  smell  gas  and  that  was  the
            bus  that  had  plummeted  the debris for additional vic-  Ruptured gas lines along the  County bus was on the bridge  truly frightening thing, then
            with the span into a park  tims.                          bridge produced the leak and  when  it  collapsed,  with  two  with that smell we both said,
            ravine.                                                   the supply of gas was shut off  passengers  aboard  in  addi-  let’s  get  dressed  and  get  out
                                         City officials said the Forbes  within a half-hour, city offi-  tion to the driver, said Adam  of  here,”  said  Lyn  Krynski,
            The collapse came hours be-  Avenue  Bridge  over  Fern  cials said.                   Brandolph, spokesperson for  whose  home  is  nearest  the
            fore President Joe Biden was  Hollow Creek in Frick Park,                              the  transit  agency.  All  three  bridge.
            to visit the city to promote his  came down at 6:39 a.m. Wit-  A  spokesperson  for  the  Na-  were taken off safely.
            $1 trillion infrastructure law,  nesses  said  the  loud  noise  tional  Transportation  Safety                     “It  sounded  like  a  weather
            which  has  earmarked  about  from  the  collapse  was  fol-  Board,  an  independent  gov-  About  two  hours  after  the  phenomenon more than any-
            $1.6 billion for Pennsylvania  lowed by a hissing sound and  ernment  agency  that  inves-  collapse, Brandolph said, one  thing,” said Douglas Gwilym,
            bridge maintenance.          the smell of natural gas.    tigates  transportation  prob-  of the passengers was on an-  who was shoveling about an
                                                                      lems, said Friday the agency  other bus when the passenger  inch of snow when he heard
            There  were  minor  injuries  “The  first  sound  was  much  was sending a team of about  began  complaining  of  inju-  the noise. “It was all I had to
            from the collapse but no fa-  more  intense,  and  kind  of  a  10 people to investigate “not  ries and was taken to a hos-  compare  it  to  —  it  was  this
            talities, said authorities, who  rumbling, which I guess was  only what happened but why  pital.  The  driver  and  other  odd, whooshing sound.”

                              Prosecutors in Floyd killing probe use-of-force training

            (AP)  —  Minneapolis  po-    custody of the person that a  use  of  force,  including  the  situation.  The  manual  also  prosecutors  have  sought  to
            lice  officers  are  trained  neck  restraint  was  used,  she  duty to use the least amount  indicated  the  officers  were  show  jurors  that  responding
            that  they  have  a  duty  to  said.  And  they  must  call  for  of  force  necessary.  On  taught about use of force, de-  paramedics  were  not  given
            intervene  to  stop  unrea-  medical assistance and render  Thursday,  she  said  officers  fensive  tactics  and  the  U.S.  important  information,  and
            sonable  force,  the  com-   aid while EMS is on the way  must  stop  once  the  person  Constitution.              that Floyd should have been
            mander  of  the  depart-     “to make sure that we do ev-  is  no  longer  resisting,  then                         given  medical  attention  im-
            ment’s  training  division  erything we can to save a per-  render any necessary medical  Whether  the  officers  de-  mediately.
            testified Friday at the trial  son’s life.”               aid they’re trained to provide  prived Floyd of medical aid is
            of  three  former  officers                               until  medical  personnel  ar-  a key element of the case, and
            charged  with  violating  Federal  prosecutors  say  for-  rive, and that Thao, with the
            George Floyd’s civil rights  mer  Officers  J.  Alexander  department  since  2012,  was
            when he was killed under  Kueng,  Thomas  Lane  and  also certified in CPR.
            the knee of fellow Officer  Tou Thao failed to act to save
            Derek Chauvin.               Floyd’s life on May 25, 2020,  Lane and Kueng were sworn
                                         as Chauvin knelt on the Black  in  as  officers  on  Dec.  10,
            Inspector  Katie  Blackwell  man’s neck for 9 1/2 minutes  2019, after completing train-
            said  officers  are  also  trained  while Floyd was handcuffed,  ing at the academy.
            on  neck  restraints  and  how  facedown and gasping for air.
            they  should  be  applied,  and  Kueng knelt on Floyd’s back,  Blackwell  said  Lane  and
            that  they  must  provide  fol-  Lane held his legs and Thao  Kueng would have received a
            low-up  care  because  there  kept bystanders back.       250-page manual at the acad-
            could  be  health  issues  in-                            emy  that  told  them  officers
            volved.                      Blackwell, on the stand for a  are  responsible  for  their  ac-
                                         second day, said Thao’s train-  tions and the actions of their
            Officers  also  must  tell  para-  ing record included refresher  partners,  as  well  as  action
            medics  or  others  who  take  courses in 2018 and 2019 on  they  decide  not  to  take  in  a
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