Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220129
P. 30

A30    world news
                  Diasabra 29 Januari 2022

                       EU launches WTO action against China over Lithuania dispute

                                                                                                   Beijing of holding up goods,
                                                                                                   both  from  the  Baltic  nation  “This step is a clear message
                                                                                                   and from EU companies that  to China that the EU will not
                                                                                                   use  Lithuanian  components,  tolerate  politically  motivated
                                                                                                   at China’s borders.          actions  of  economic  coer-
                                                                                                                                cion,”  Foreign  Minister  Ga-
                                                                                                   “Let me be clear: these mea-  brielius Landsbergis said.
                                                                                                   sures are a threat to the integ-
                                                                                                   rity of the EU single market  The  European  Commission
                                                                                                   so  it  affects  the  entire  EU  manages  trade  on  behalf  of
                                                                                                   trade and EU supply chains,  the  27  EU  member  coun-
                                                                                                   and they have a negative ef-  tries.  It  says  it  has  built  up
                                                                                                   fect on EU industry,” Dom-   evidence  of  Chinese  restric-
                                                                                                   brovskis said.               tions. They include a refusal
                                                                                                                                to  clear  Lithuanian  goods
                                                                                                   Even  if  Lithuania  only  has  through  customs,  the  rejec-
                                                                                                   a  population  of  2.8  million,  tion  of  import  applications
                                                                                                   Dombrovkis  said  not  react-  from Lithuania, and pressur-
                                                                                                   ing to Beijing’s action could  ing European companies.
                                                                                                   affect the whole bloc of 450
                                                                                                   million people.              The  WTO  process,  though,
                                                                                                                                can take many months, if not
                                                                                                   “China  is  putting  pressure  years, before a final decision
            (AP)  —  The  European  that  the  Taiwanese  office  in  proach.                      on  international  companies  is reached.
            Union  and  China  on  Vilnius would bear the name                                     to abandon the use of Lithu-
            Thursday stepped up their  Taiwan  instead  of  Chinese  “We  also  advise  the  EU  to  anian  components  in  their  Thursday’s move is likely to
            diplomatic  dispute  as  the  Taipei, a term used by other  distinguish right from wrong,  production.  Otherwise,  they  further  dent  relations  that
            EU  took  a  spat  over  ex-  countries to avoid offending  remain vigilant against Lithu-  may face import restrictions,”  China  long  saw  as  favorable
            ports  problems  for  mem-   Beijing.                     ania’s attempts to hijack Chi-  said  Dombrovskis.  Because  to  counterbalance  the  eco-
            ber  state  Lithuania  to                                 na-EU  relations,  and  per-  of it, such an economic move  nomic  and  political  strife  it
            world  trade’s  governing  EU  Trade  Commissioner  suade  Lithuania,  like  other  against  one  member  state,  faced with the United States.
            body, and accused Beijing  Valdis  Dombrovskis  insisted  EU member states, to fulfill  made it a trade attack on all.  Last  year,  the  EU  joined
            of  seeking  to  undermine  the bloc was owed more re-    the political commitments it                              Washington,   Britain   and
            the 27-nation bloc’s single  spect and said Beijing should  made  as  establishing  diplo-  “The  EU  is  determined  to  Canada  in  imposing  sanc-
            market.                      stop coercing member states  matic relations with China,”  act as one and act fast against  tions  on  Chinese  officials
                                         with  heavy-handed  trade  Zhao said.                     measures in breach of WTO  over  accusations  they  are
            China  retorted  that  the  EU  tactics  like  blocking  imports                       rules,”  Dombrovskis  said.  linked to the abuse of ethnic
            should  “distinguish  right  based on political grounds.  “We urge Lithuania to imme-  The  powerful  Federation  minorities.  Beijing  retaliated
            from wrong.” It said Brussels                             diately  correct  its  mistake,”  of  German  Industries,  Ger-  by  announcing  it  would  pe-
            should get Lithuania to stick  “Our  relationship  requires  he added.                 many’s  main  industry  lob-  nalize four European legisla-
            to diplomatic relations based  mutual respect,” Dombrovs-                              by  group,  said  the  Chinese  tors, among others.
            on  the  “one-China”  princi-  kis said as he announced the  Beijing  expelled  the  Lithu-  measures  targeting  Lithu-
            ple at the expense of Taiwan,  EU action at the World Trade  anian  ambassador  and  with-  ania “also are causing signifi-  Those  countermeasures  in
            which Beijing considers part  Organization.               drew  its  own  ambassador.  cant uncertainty for German  effect  froze  the  approval  of
            of its territory with no right                            Last month, Lithuania closed  companies”  that  use  Lithu-  a  potentially  massive  invest-
            to diplomatic recognition.   However, China’s foreign af-  its  embassy  in  the  Chi-  anian components.           ment  deal  between  China
                                         fairs  spokesman  Zhao  Lijian  nese  capital.  Tensions  have                         and the EU which was ten-
            Lithuania  broke  with  dip-  insisted the EU should move  mounted, and Lithuania, to-  Lithuania was grateful for the  tatively  agreed  in  December
            lomatic  custom  by  agreeing  to  counter  its  member’s  ap-  gether  with  the  EU,  accuse  support.            2020.

                            Peru bans Repsol execs from leaving country after oil spill

            (AP) — A Peruvian judge  ecutors also opened an inves-    ing  there’s  a  “potential  risk”  with the authorities in the in-  people,  including  local  fish-
            on Friday banned Repsol’s  tigation for the crime of envi-  that  Repsol’s  Peru  director,  vestigation and also working  ermen, to clean the beaches.
            Peru  director  and  three  ronmental contamination.      Jaime Fernández-Cuesta, and  on the cleaning of the beach-  The company has also prom-
            other    executives   from                                three executives would leave  es affected.                ised to deliver food baskets to
            leaving the country for 18  Judge Romualdo Aguedo im-     the  country.  The  company                               affected families.
            months while the govern-     posed the ban after consider-  has said that it’s cooperating  Repsol hired more than 2,000
            ment  investigates  an  oil
            spill  at  a  refinery  run  by
            the Spain-based company.

            Peru  authorities  are  investi-
            gating  Repsol  following  the
            oil spill on Jan. 15, which was
            reported after surging waves
            caused  by  the  eruption  of
            an  underwater  volcano  near

            Peru  declared  last  week  an
            environmental    emergency
            after  announcing  that  21
            beaches  on  its  Pacific  coast
            were  contaminated  by  the
            spill  of  6,000  barrels.  Pros-
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