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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 29 Januari 2022

                          Nadal, Medvedev to meet in history-making Australian final

            (AP) — Rafael Nadal is with-  crowd,  and  then  demanded
            in one victory of a men’s re-  that  his  opponent  be  cau-
            cord 21st Grand Slam singles  tioned for receiving coaching
            title.                       from  his  father  —  in  Greek
                                         — from the stands.
            He’ll  have  to  beat  second-
            seedeed Daniil Medvedev in  Medvedev returned after Ts-
            the Australian Open final on  itsipas converted his third set
            Sunday to make history. And  point to level the match and
            Medvedev is chasing a piece  he again urged the umpire to
            of  history  of  his  own  after  give  the  French  Open  run-
            beating Stefanos Tsitispas 7-6  ner-up a code violation.
            (5), 4-6, 6-4, 6-1 in a heated
            semifinal on Friday. The U.S.  He  then  took  a  five-minute
            Open champion is aiming to  break,  took  control  late  in
            be the first man in the Open  the third set and then reeled
            era to win his second Grand  off  the  last  five  games  after
            Slam  title  at  the  next  major  Tsitsipas was eventually cau-
            tournament.                  tioned for coaching.

            Nadal  advanced  to  the  final  Nadal’s run to a 29th Grand  Last  month,  he  wasn’t  even  thing else,” Nadal said in his  of  the  so-called  Big  Three
            in Australia for the sixth time  Slam final has been compara-  sure he’d be able to return to  on-court  interview.  “I  have  who  had  a  chance  to  break
            with a 6-3, 6-2, 3-6, 6-3 win  tively serene.             the tour. But he won a tune-  been a little unlucky (here) in  the deadlock in Australia this
            in  a  mostly  lopsided  contest                          up tournament in Melbourne  my career with some injuries.  time.
            against  seventh-seeded  Mat-  After  the  last  point,  he  and  has  taken  six  straight  I played some amazing finals
            teo  Berrettini  in  the  first  of  stopped, beamed a wide grin  matches  at  the  first  Grand  with good chances.”  Federer  is  out  while  recov-
            the men’s semifinals.        and  then  punched  the  air  Slam event of the year.                                  ering  from  knee  surgery.
                                         three times.                                              He  lost  classic  five-set  fi-  Djokovic, who has won nine
            Medvedev  had  a  more  tem-                              One more and he’ll break the  nals  at  Melbourne  Park  to  of  his  Grand  Slam  titles  at
            pestuous and challenging run  Nadal arrived in Australia not  record  of  20  major  champi-  Djokovic in 2012 and Feder-  Melbourne Park, was deport-
            to  back-to-back  Australian  knowing how long he would  onships he shares with Roger  er in ’17. Nadal lost to Stan  ed  after  an  11-day  visa  saga
            Open finals. He had to deal  last after months off the tour  Federer and Novak Djokov-  Wawrinka in 2014 and against  on the eve of the tournament
            with  a  hostile  crowd  in  his  dealing with a serious foot in-  ic. Nadal would also become  Djokovic three years ago.  because  he  failed  to  meet
            second-round win over Nick  jury and then a bout of COV-  just the fourth man to win all                            Australia’s  strict  COVID-19
            Kyrgios, had to save a match  ID-19. He skipped Wimble-   four Grand Slam titles at least  “I  feel  very  lucky  that  I  vaccination requirements.
            point and rally from two sets  don after losing in the French  twice.                  won  once,”  he  said.  “I  nev-
            down to beat Felix Auger-Ali-  Open  semifinals  to  Novak                             er  thought  about  another  “To be able to be where I am
            assime  in  a  nearly  five-hour  Djokovic,  and  didn’t  play  at  Nadal’s win over Wimbledon  chance in 2022.”    today,  I  really  can’t  explain
            quarterfinal  win.  Then  he  all after August.           runner-up  Berrettini,  under                             in  words  how  important  is
            had to regain his composure                               a  closed  roof  at  Rod  Laver  Nadal   broke   Berrettini’s  for me in terms of energy, in
            after an angry outburst in the  “Every  day  has  been  an  is-  Arena, because of heavy rain,  opening service games in the  terms of personal satisfaction,
            second set of the semifinals.  sue in terms of problems on  was his 500th on hard courts  first two sets and, after drop-  in terms of being very thank-
                                         the foot. Doubts still here ...  at tour level.           ping  the  third  set  on  a  rare  ful,” Nadal said. “For me it’s
            The  Russian  yelled  at  chair  probably  for  the  rest  of  my                      service  lapse,  he  rallied  to  something completely unex-
            umpire  Jaume  Campistol  in  career,” Nadal said. “But for  But  he’s  only  won  the  Aus-  finish  off  the  match  in  just  pected.”
            the  changever  after  serving  me  it’s  amazing  ...  (to)  just  tralian  Open  once,  in  2009,  under three hours. That in it-
            a  double-fault  to  concede  a  compete  and  play  tennis  at  and adding a second was his  self was a relief after his long  He said he was taking a dif-
            late break, getting a code vio-  the  high  level  again,  facing  primary focus.      quarterfinal  win  over  Denis  ferent  approach  to  life  now,
            lation for a visible obscenity  the most important players of                          Shapovalov.                  but not at game time.
            when he made a gesture with  the world.”                  “For me, it’s all about the Aus-
            his  arm  to  the  pro-Tsitsipas                          tralian Open more than any-  Nadal was the only member

                           Robinson goal lifts US over El Salvador 1-0 in Cup qualifier

            (AP)  —  Antonee  Robin-                                                               bing his hamstring and then  five qualifiers left, one point
            son somersaulted a strug-    And when he broke through  “We’re  definitely  one  step  feigned a stiff-legged walk.  behind  Canada.  Mexico  has
            gling United States into a  the freeze in the air and the  closer,”  Robinson  said  after                          17, followed by Panama (14),
            strong  position  in  World  offense,  he  celebrated  with  his  52nd-minute  goal  lifted  “He  kind  of  scared  me  be-  Costa  Rica  (12),  Jamaica
            Cup  qualifying,  just  like  not a single handstand but a  the U.S. over El Salvador 1-0  cause I thought he pulled his  (seven), El Salvador (six) and
            he did in September.         double.                      on  Thursday  night  to  keep  hammy,” Tim Weah said.     Honduras  (three).  The  top
                                                                      the Americans on track for a                              three  nations  qualify  from
                                                                      World Cup return. “It wasn’t  No  worries.  Robinson  was  North  and  Central  America
                                                                      the prettiest game.”         mimicking  a  Kenyan  player  and  the  Caribbean,  and  the
                                                                                                   he  saw  while  playing  for  fourth-place  team  advances
                                                                      But his goal celebration on a  Everton’s  youth  team  as  a  to a playoff against the Ocea-
                                                                      29-degree night was a show-  teenager in Africa.          nia  champion,  likely  New
                                                                      piece worthy of a gymnast: a                              Zealand.
                                                                      forward flip into a backward  “My friend’s been on me for
                                                                      spring.                      weeks to do that celebration,  The  U.S.  is  at  Canada  on
                                                                                                   so I had to pull it out,” Rob-  Sunday and hosts Honduras
                                                                      “It’s  just  one  of  those  mus-  inson  said.  “Didn’t  tell  any-  on  Wednesday  at  St.  Paul,
                                                                      cle-memory things. I’ve been  one, so there were a few peo-  Minnesota.  Qualifying  ends
                                                                      doing it since I was a kid,” he  ple scared. It’s all part of the  in March with trips to Mex-
                                                                      said.                        fun of enjoying the game.”   ico and Costa Rica around a
                                                                                                                                matchup with Panama in Or-
                                                                      Robinson  followed  by  grab-  The U.S. has 18 points with  lando, Florida.
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