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A32    sports
                  Diasabra 29 Januari 2022

                       Broncos hire Packers OC Nathaniel Hackett as their new coach

                                                                      and enthusiasm to a franchise  merits,  however,  which  in-  of great energy” to meetings
                                                                      that has foundered ever since  cludes  his  work  with  quar-  that  can  be  tedious,  Rodg-
                                                                      winning  Super  Bowl  50  six  terback  Blake  Bortles  as  ers  said.  “Never  feels  that
                                                                      years ago.                   Jacksonville’s  offensive  co-  way with him in front of the
                                                                                                   ordinator  from  2016-18  be-  room.  ...  I  think  he’s  got  a
                                                                      Might  he  also  bring  No.  12  fore  he  went  to  Green  Bay  great mind.”
                                                                      with him from Green Bay?     and helped Matt LaFleur win
                                                                                                   a  record  39  regular-season  Rodgers and Hackett, who is
                                                                      Choosing Hackett sent spec-  games  in  his  first  three  sea-  the son of former college and
                                                                      ulation skyrocketing that the  sons as head coach.        NFL  coach  Paul  Hackett,
                                                                      Broncos  were  trying  to  lure                           connected quickly over their
                                                                      star  Green  Bay  quarterback  Hackett, who has never been  shared background in and af-
                                                                      Aaron  Rodgers  to  Denver,  a  head  coach,  has  become  finity for the West Coast of-
                                                                      perhaps  along  with  his  star  well  known  for  his  football  fense with its quick crossing
                                                                      receiver  Davante  Adams,  smarts,  his  energy  and  his  routes.
                                                                      who is set to hit free agency  enthusiasm.  Packers  wide
                                                                      in March.                    receiver  Marquez  Valdes-   “Obviously, I’m a little biased
                                                                                                   Scantling  tweeted:  “One  of  because  he  comes  from  the
                                                                      Rodgers, who turned 38 last  the absolute best human be-  old-school West Coast tree,”
                                                                      month in what could be his  ings  and  smartest  coaches  Rodgers  said.  “And  feeling
                                                                      fourth  MVP  season,  is  con-  around. Man this makes my  like  I  grew  up  in  the  West
                                                                      templating  his  future,  in-  heart happy seeing great peo-  Coast  offense,  as  well,  with
                                                                      cluding retirement, after the  ple get rewarded. I wish my  Mike  Sherman  and  Mike
                                                                      Packers’  early  exit  from  the  guy nothing but the absolute  McCarthy, I have a lot of af-
                                                                      playoffs  last  weekend.  Top-  best.”                    fection for some of those old
                                                                      seeded Green Bay was upset                                West  Coast  plays.  And  I  do
                                                                      at  home  13-10  by  the  San  Hackett also has a big fan in  have  a  dialogue  with  his  fa-
                                                                      Francisco 49ers.             Rodgers,  who  said  in  2020  ther, Paul, usually about spe-
                                                                                                   that  “there’s  nobody  in  the  cific West Coast concepts.
                                                                      The Packers want Rodgers to  building  that  brings  me
                                                                      return for an 18th season, say-  more  joy  or  is  more  fun  to  “Hack has been a really im-
                                                                      ing they had no plays for a re-  be  around  than  Nathaniel  portant  part  of  our  culture
                                                                      build. Rodgers, who skipped  Hackett,”  whom  he  called  change and a part of our suc-
            (AP) — Green Bay Pack-       was fired a day after the Bron-  all  of  last  year’s  offseason  “a close confidant and friend  cess  on  offense.  I  love  him.
            ers  offensive  coordina-    cos finished 7-10, their sixth  before reporting for training  besides a fantastic coach.”  Hope  he  doesn’t  go  any-
            tor  Nathaniel  Hackett  consecutive season out of the  camp  with  a  reworked  con-                               where — unless I do.”
            has  agreed  to  become  playoffs and fifth straight year  tract, said he’ll give the team  “I just really, really can’t ex-
            the  Denver Broncos’  new  they’ve failed to post a win-  an answer soon.              press enough how important  Hackett also interviewed for
            head coach.                  ning record.                                              he is to our team in so many  the  head  coaching  vacancies
                                                                      Hackett,  42,  emerged  as  the  ways. He’s incredible in front  in  Chicago,  Minnesota  and
            He replaces Vic Fangio, who  Hackett,  42,  brings  energy  front-runner  on  his  own  of the room. He brings a lot  Jacksonville this month.

                               Curry, Thompson shoot Warriors past Wolves, 124-115

            (AP)  —  Stephen  Curry  Thompson  added  23  points  special  on  every  possession  there we get going.”          dominated  the  last  time  the
            found  his  sweet  shooting  and  the  Golden  State  War-  and there’s where you get in                            Wolves visited Chase Center,
            stroke again after a rough  riors  beat  the  Minnesota  trouble  and  we  have  a  ten-  Karl-Anthony  Towns  had  scoring 35 points on 14-of-19
            stretch  and  Klay  Thomp-   Timberwolves  124-115  on  dency to do that from time to  31  points  and  12  rebounds  shooting in a 123-110 win on
            son  kept  the  pressure  on  Thursday night.             time.”                       for Minnesota, which trailed  Nov. 10.
            from  the  perimeter  and                                                              97-81  going  into  the  fourth
            with  drives  through  the  “With  Klay,  it’s  easy  to  play  Wiggins added 19 points, five  before  beginning  the  final  “Klay,  he  was  great  against
            paint,  healthy  again  at  with  him  because  he’s  ob-  rebounds,  four  assists  and  period  on  a  10-0  run  to  get  Dallas the other night and to-
            last.                        viously  an  amazing  scorer,  a  pair  of  blocked  shots  fac-  back in it. Anthony Edwards  night he was even better, so
                                         amazing  shooter,  commands  ing his former team again in  added 27 points, six rebounds  he’s  adapting  quickly  and  I
            First-time  All-Star  Andrew  a lot of attention out there,”  Golden  State’s  11th  straight  and six assists.     loved his drive and kicks, he
            Wiggins      complemented  Curry said. “The hardest part  home win against the Wolves                               made some excellent passes,”
            them both.                   is  just  trying  to  keep  things  —  still  relishing  in  his  All-  It was only a matter of time  Warriors  coach  Steve  Kerr
                                         simple  because  you  can  al-  Star  nod  from  earlier  in  the  for  Curry  to  get  hot  again,  said. “It’s fun to see Klay and
            Curry  scored  29  points,  ways  try  to  do  something  day.                         as  he  was  motivated  by  his  Steph  back  together  and  it’s
                                                                                                   recent  slump:  37  for  127  really fun to see Wiggs with
                                                                      Wiggins loves being part of it  from deep this month before  them,  I  think  he  comple-
                                                                      all.                         Thursday.                    ments them really well.”

                                                                      “It’s special. The NBA’s nev-  Curry shot 6 for 10 from long  The Warriors began the game
                                                                      er  seen  shooters  like  them,”  range — 10 of 20 overall —  with  consecutive  turnovers
                                                                      Wiggins  said  of  the  Splash  after going 3 for 23 on 3s his  and fell behind 8-0 in a hur-
                                                                      Brothers.  “Playing  alongside  previous two games. He also  ry  before  Otto  Porter  Jr.’s
                                                                      of  them,  it’s  fun.  You  never  contributed  eight  rebounds  3-pointer at the 10:10 mark.
                                                                      know  what’s  going  to  hap-  and six assists. The reigning
                                                                      pen,  you  don’t  know  what  scoring champion and career  D’Angelo Russell sustained a
                                                                      crazy  shots  they’re  going  to  3-point leader sat out a 119-  bruised left shin in the third
                                                                      make.  We  know  the  energy  99 loss at Minnesota on Jan.  quarter and didn’t return for
                                                                      they  bring  to  the  team  and  16.                      Minnesota,  which  had  won
                                                                      the energy they bring to the                              two in a row and four of five.
                                                                      building, the arena, everyone  Wiggins knocked down a key
                                                                      just feeds off them and from  3  with  5:56  remaining.  He
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