Page 10 - HOH
P. 10
local Thursday 25 augusT 2022
Redirection of waste from Parkietenbos began this week
ORANJESTAD – The com- manner. Once the dump is
munity of Aruba was in- no longer receiving waste,
formed that starting on the that in turn gives us the op-
22nd of August, the dump portunity to turn the area
at Parkietenbos would not into a solar park”, he as-
receive tires as waste any- sured.
more. This week, minister of
Integrity, Nature, Transport Minister Arends said also
and Older Persons Affairs, that sometimes change is
Mr. Ursell Arends gave a met with resistance, but he
press conference in front emphasized that it is nec-
of Parkietenbos in order to essary that this often times
give more information on is the result of lack of infor-
the subject of responsible mation or fear of change
waste management. and insecurity. “What’s
more important is that this
In front of other stakehold- is a personal interest, as a
ers like Bureau City Inspec- minister I am bringing policy
tor, Serlimar, Ecotech and that includes change, and
Carentra VBA, minister Ar- I choose to use the force
ends explained that the of resistance as the force
plan to begin redirecting to go forward to do what’s
waste began this week, by best for our country.”
no longer burning tires in
open air. Arends said that it is no
longer an option to let
Six months ago the plat- the neighborhood which
form Trash2Cash was es- for decades was harmed
tablished to begin respon- continue being harmed.
sible waste management “It is no longer an option
based on the principle of a to continue destroying na-
circular economy, in order ture, and it is no longer an
to stop some waste from option to continue debili-
reaching Parkietenbos. tating our only economic
pillar, our tourism. It’s not
Tires at the dump are a an option to put our own
danger to the environment health and wellbeing as a
as well as the health of the priority, our only option as a
habitants of the neighbor- country is to use our force
hood. In order to come up and positive energy for
with a solution, local busi- change.”
nesses will process tires and
create an additional raw Representative of Serli-
material in the form of oil, mar, Jermaro Emerencia
which can be sold in the expressed that the waste
local market. This will result processing company put a
in less funds going abroad, sign at the dump to inform
which will recirculate in the the community regarding
local economy. tires, and that the way they
“The 22nd of August marks will receive this is by put-
the beginning to stop fires ting them in a container.
at the dump in Parkieten- Emercencia did not pro-
bos”, Arends said. vide more details, but said
He added that this will el- in the coming days they will
evate the value of the make an announcement
neighborhood of Parki- via social media.
etenbos and the commu-
nity around the dump. This Eduard Jimenez, opera-
will also be an opportunity tions manager of Ecotech
to inventory all possibilities Freezone, said that the
on Aruba to use various company is ready to re-
methods to process waste ceive the tires as they had
that are not just bringing announced last month. He
waste to the dump and said this month they made
burning it. preparations and orga-
nized to receive the tires,
“My vision is to close Parki- and that the support min-
etenbos, to redirect differ- ister Arends’ initiative for a
ent forms of waste to those more sustainable Aruba.q
who have the expertise
and infrastructure to pro-
cess this in a responsible