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Thursday 25 augusT 2022
Urgent care aruba contributes to medical tourism by offering
preventive health packages
Oranjestad - since the we have since expanded
start of the pandemic, our services to become an
people have become added value in the health
more aware of the impor- care system on the island
tance and contribution to locals, island visitors, and
of the healthcare sector. the region.
People have also become These preventive health
more aware of their overall packages are easily ac-
health. cessible and available
throughout the year. For
Urgent Care Aruba, under an appointment con-
the guidance of Yagua tact+2975860448, What-
Health Group, offers pre- App+2975975549, info@
ventive health packages, or visit our
as a yearly program to pa- website www.urgentcare.
tients to keep their health in aw for more information.
check. We provide regular Bring local I.D. for local
urgent care services but rates.q
First positive Monkeypox case in aruba
Oranjestad – aruba has of Public Health conclud- from person to person when the infected person heid en Milieu - RIVM of the
its first confirmed case of ed that this infection took through direct contact with coughs or sneezes; Netherlands. (National Insti-
Monkeypox place in Aruba. There is the infected person. It can direct contact with the tute for Public Health and
also a suspicious case un- happen by: infectious rash, scabs, or the Environment).
The case concerns a resi- der investigation. body fluids of the blisters
dent with no recent travel Direct contact with respi- (skin to skin or touching The vaccines will be avail-
history. The Department Monkeypox virus spreads ratory secretions (droplets) infected clothes). If you able for the high-risk groups
notice blisters on different according to the instruc-
body parts, contact your tions and policy of the
family physician to get test- Netherlands. The health
ed and take the necessary providers and specialists
precautions. will call the risk group mem-
bers to receive the vaccine
Symptoms of Monkeypox if they so desire. DVG will
typically include: work with some organiza-
Fever; tions to jointly reach the
Headache; high-risk groups.
Muscle aches; For more information fol-
Swollen lymph nodes. low the DVG on Facebook
Vaccines Directie Volksgezondheid
DVG Aruba, or visit www.
DVG will soon receive a, call 5224200 or
limited number of Monkey send email to servicio@
pox vaccines from the Rijk- q
sinstituut voor Volksgezond-