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                                                                                                           local Thursday 25 augusT 2022

             A Friendship that Started 50 Years ago in Beirut comes Full Circle in Aruba

            Clyde R. Harms Sr.

            Ruth  Harms  was  born  in  Aruba,  Kansas,  New  York  the  decades  to  this  date.  Margaret  and  husband  ther operated. The interest
            Aruba,  Margaret  Kelberer  and  Venezuela.  She  had  Ruth  became  like  another  George  Leiter  spent  two  in purchasing the property
            was born and raised in Bei-  attended  Près  Fleuris  in  sister in the Kelberer family  years  as  teachers  in  Trini-  turned into an oral offer to
            rut,  Lebanon.  They  met  at  Bluche  sur  Sierre,  Switzer-  and  often  went  to  spend  dad and Tobago and dur-  purchase. A few weeks lat-
            the  American  Community  land the last two years, but  time with the family in their  ing that period they visited  er  a  contract  of  Sale  and
            School  (ACS)  in  Beirut  in  decided to transfer to ACS.  vacation  bungalow  near  Ruth’s  parents  in  nearby  Purchase was signed.
            1972, 50 years ago. Marga-                                International  Falls  at  the  Aruba a couple of times.
            ret’s dad was an executive  Margaret and Ruth formed  border of Canada. On vari-                                    On  April  11,  2022  the  No-
            with  Arabian  American  Oil  a close friendship  and de-  ous  occasions  Margaret  When Ruth’s dad celebrat-      tarial  Deed  of  Sale  was
            Co  (Aramco)  in  Dhahran  cided they would together  also accompanied Ruth on  ed  his  90th  birthday,  Mar-      signed  and  Ruth  came  to
            and  Ruth’s  dad  was  the  attend Macalaster College  vacations in Aruba.             garet and George returned  Aruba to be present at this
            head of the Computer De-     in  Margaret’s  home  state                               to  Aruba  to  join  the  fun.  historic  moment.  Margaret
            partment  of  Esso  Libya  in  Minnesota.   During   their  In the intervening 50 years,  They also hinted they were  became  the  owner  of  the
            Tripoli.                     four  years  at  Macalester  Ruth and Margaret contin-    interested  in  purchasing  house  where  Ruth’s  god-
                                         both lived in Turk Hall where  ued  to  see  each  other  at  the property.  Four months  mother had lived for many
            Margaret  had  attended  their  friendship  blossomed.  least every other year and  later,  when  Annie,  Marga-    years and where Ruth’s fa-
            ACS since first grade. Ruth  Together  with  the  other  watched each other’s chil-    ret’s youngest sister was go-  ther  had  lived  since  1987.
            had  graduated  from  the  students  who  lived  on  the  dren grow. Margaret was a  ing  to  reach  50,  the  sisters  The  friendship  that  had
            Oil  Companies  (middle)  second  floor  they  called  bridesmaid  at  Ruth’s  wed-    arranged to celebrate the  started  half  a  century  be-
            School in Tripoli in 1970 and  themselves  the  Turckeys  ding in 1979 and Ruth was  big event in Aruba at Mila-    fore in Beirut had come full
            before  that,  had  attend-  and  formed  a  bond  of  present at Margaret’s wed-      gro’s  Garden  Apartments,  circle in Aruba.q
            ed  five  different  schools  in  friendship  that  has  lasted  ding.                 an  Airbnb  that  Ruth’s  fa-
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