Page 10 - HOH SEPT 16 2020
P. 10

             Wednesday 16 september 2020

                                                                      Hilton Aruba donates more than 1000

                                                                      volunteer hours at the local Food Bank

                                                                                                                                Together they care for over
                                                                                                                                4,000  families,  providing
                                                                                                                                them with food assistance.
                                                                                                                                This  year,  FPNC  went  from
                                                                                                                                supporting  250  families  a
                                                                                                                                month, to an immense op-
                                                                                                                                eration.  They  solicit  bids,
                                                                                                                                get  purchases  approved,
                                                                                                                                buy  huge  quantities  of
                                                                                                                                everything  including  ba-
                                                                                                                                sic  staples,  dry  and  fresh
                                                                                                                                goods,  receive  the  mer-
                                                                                                                                chandise,  repack  it  with
                                                                                                                                great care and then distrib-
                                                                                                                                ute to grateful families.

                                                                                                                                The  work  is  overwhelming
                                                                                                                                and FPNC is always happy
                                                                      PALM  BEACH  —  Team  clothing  bank  and  a  furni-      to   welcome    volunteers
                                                                      Members  of  Hilton  Aruba  ture bank built-in, designed  from  local  businesses.  Hil-
                                                                      Caribbean Resort & Casino  to alleviate some needs of  ton’s  Blue  Energy  crew,
                                                                      are  answering  the  call  to  our community’s less fortu-  says  Gianaika,  came  in  at
                                                                      volunteer and donate more  nate members.                  a  critical  moment,  when
                                                                      than  1000  hours  of  time  at                           help was most needed.
                                                                      the  island’s  food  bank  for  “There  is  no  greater  joy
                                                                      the  whole  month  of  Sep-  than donating time to help  Options to donate:
                                                                      tember.                      those  in  need,  and  and  I  Donate  your  time  at  Club
                                                                                                   am  proud  of  how  enthu-   Kibrahacha.  Strong  arms
                                                                      Volunteer  hours  have  al-  siastically  our  Team  Mem-  needed  to  move  boxes
                                                                      ready  begun  at  the  is-   bers  have  embraced  this  and a sweet smile to greet
                                                                      land’s Food Bank, as Hilton  spirit of giving,” said Glenn  clients.    Make  a  monetary
                                                                      Aruba’s “Blue Energy Food  Farro, director of human re-   contribution:  Bank  Infor-
                                                                      Bank  Heroes”  have  spent  sources.                      mation  Aruba  Bank  1000;
                                                                      the  last  weeks  preparing                               Banco  di  Caribe  100  000
                                                                      care packages for families  Hilton Aruba’s “Blue Energy  500 001 800 01; Caribbean
                                                                      in need.                     Food  Bank  Heroes”  joined  Mercantile  Bank  60001000;
                                                                                                   hard-working  coordinator  RBC  Royal  Bank  77000  000
                                                                      The   not-for-profit   FPNC,  Gianaika  v/d  Biezen,  and  44195025. For aid, vistit the
                                                                      Fundacion  Pa  Nos  Comu-    her  dynamic  staffers  Lissa  website,  or
                                                                      nidad, has been operating  Harris,  Gabriel  Marchena,  call 588 0002 and 562 4205.
                                                                      on  the  island  since  2009.  Suehen  Pourier,  Nicolaas
                                                                      Following  Gandhi’s  view  Almarracin,  Jewel  Baker  Pictured  here,  Hilton  Aru-
                                                                      that  poverty  is  the  worst  and  Liandro  Loopstok,  at  ba’s  “Blue  Energy  Food
                                                                      form of violence, the food  their  headquarters  in  Club  Bank  Heroes”  in  action  at
                                                                      bank  was  created,  with  a  Kibrahacha.                 the food bank.q

              Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA):

              Pandemic Response Management Letter for

              protected areas in the Dutch Caribbean

              KRALENDIJK,  BONAIRE  —  to  recognize,  respond  to  to  respond  to  emergency
              The  Dutch  Caribbean  Na-  and protect their staff and  situations related to health
              ture  Alliance  (DCNA)  has  visitors to protected areas  emergencies.
              just  released  a  Pandemic  against current and poten-
              Response     Management  tial  pandemic  outbreaks.  2020 has been an interest-

              Letter  which  will  serve  as  The  Management  Letter  ing  year,  with  the  world
              a  blueprint  for  the  Dutch  outlines  suggested  proto-  facing   unprecedented  and the global pandemic  ID-19 disease it causes.
              Caribbean    Park    Man-   cols  for  social  distancing,  challenges  between  the  caused  by  the  Novel  Co-
              agement      Organizations  sanitation  and  other  ways  affects of climate change  rona  Virus  and  the  COV-        Continued on Page 9
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